I didn't play Destiny the entire time Thorn was OP plus I never used it anyway bc I don't like it
Nice try tho
Aye aye captain.
I didn't play Destiny the entire time Thorn was OP plus I never used it anyway bc I don't like it
Nice try tho
infinite shadowshot is ruining IB :/
Your favorite raid group is looking for one more (on PS4) for a fresh King's Fall. If you like to have fun and aren't a bad person, hit me up!
PSN scarletham
Not quite all of GAF.
Also, recent Kotaku article discussing TTK, especially the raid, strikes etc.
It's titled: Not All Of Us Loved Destinys New Raid
Some interesting discussions.
Your favorite raid group is looking for one more (on PS4) for a fresh King's Fall. If you like to have fun and aren't a bad person, hit me up!
PSN scarletham
Need 1 more for the raid.
PSN: DarkGeno21
You got space in your party or are you rolling solo?Got 287 IB boots, cool
You got space in your party or are you rolling solo?
Seems more like people just dont like Pulse meta tbh
I welcome the new meta, still broken mostly due to shotgun range and OHK bodyshot snipers but Bungie dont give a shit.
First IB of "the new Destiny" and we're already mired by a shitty OP Titan super and a glitched infinite Hunter super.
I love playing Crucible and Iron Banner, so I hope to god that both of the above are nerfed to all shit, and quickly. In fact, both of these are definitely deserving of a hotfix - no waiting horrendous periods of time to just change them in a later patch.
Got 287 IB boots, cool
Any cheese strats for that TLW Jolly Holliday quest? PvP has encouraged me to get the Chaperone.
I'm so bad at hand cannons that I'm resorting to just quickly equipping TLW when I know my team has the match won. Grants me 3%.
No prob! I'll just work on gun vendor rep in the meantime.Full atm
PvP is a complete joke right now.
Need 1 for IB train.
Join on DirtyAquaticApe.
Fireteam is open.
Need 1 for IB train.
Join on DirtyAquaticApe.
Fireteam is open.
Iron Banner weekly bounties count towards crucible weekly bounty where you need 5 weekly bounties done.
I need to do the arc sword strike. Anyone want to help?
Helped some others with it earlier, but forgot to talk to Shaxx first. (DOH!)
PSN AdamKoy
Destiny |OT♦35| Infinite Hammer's Part 2: Shadowshot Edition
I'm not sure there was ever a time people didn't think it was a joke. The specifics of the joke have changed, but there's never been a consensus that it was balanced or fair or even fun by a lot of people.
Okay let me rephrase that.
PvP is the biggest joke it has ever been right now.
I would understand this complaint in Mayhem, but supers really aren't that common in IB. The best player I've encountered so far was a hunter. For like 5 games in a row whatever team he was on won (and he finished 5500+ every game) Finally the last game I was matched against him and we won,'it was 20000 to 19980 or something.
I run all 3 characters. My Warlock is my main, but even if I was using my Hunter (the other character currently up to IB/Raid spec) I wouldn't use this glitchy shit.At first you seemed like a Hunter, but you might be a Warlock.
You do realise that not having perfect stability is the reason why Messenger is a beast of a gun right?
The recoil is the entire reason why Headseeker works so well with Messenger because the pattern is extremely predictable i.e. it goes straight upwards....which means any burst you land on an enemy will most definitely end up going towards the head and as such is good as it will get bonus damage.
pvp is still the same, just new guns and new abilities to bitch about.