Can I get it from you please? KeanBurke
Sure, do you want to kill him as well?
Join me in orbit. Once i load in let me switch and grab the checkpoint on my alt.
no mic atm
Can I get it from you please? KeanBurke
Yup, on the final round Akai_XIIIstill need someone?
psn - hshadow49
DGAF. . I need some X1 usernames so I can play halo with you guys
DGAF. . I need some X1 usernames so I can play halo with you guys
I almost want that to be the actual conversation that took place. XD
Also, my Xbox One Elite controller is coming next week, looking forward to see if it gives me an edge in Crucible.
[pic snip]
Seems like it because the The Worst Curse is the most mediocre exotic Bungie has ever made.
I think even Greg's Promise is better.
Don't worry. They will buff it like the Thorn and the reign of HCs will return.
Haha wow what a great picture. Did you take that?
Call me pedantic but I think the Mythoclast would have been more appropriate for posing as a Hobby, although the Sleeper looks awesome.
Seems like it because the The Worst Curse is the most mediocre exotic Bungie has ever made.
I think even Greg's Promise is better.
Don't worry. They will buff it like the Thorn and the reign of HCs will return.
I really like the handling of the gun, sadly it has too long a TTK in PvP, and the reload is killer in PvE. If it has something to offset these, such as more range or a 2SK it would be a strong hawkmoon alternative
Oh shit that would make me furious.Try getting 3/4 way through Halo 1 on Legendary, taking a break, coming back to no saves. It's soul crushing.
I think i accepted youIm going to add you right now good sir.
Anybody interested in a quick KF run? If there is any interest I'll get a list started.
Will there be a DGAF Halo 5 clan? Ima wait and see if the game is good before I commit to purchasing, but if I do I would love to play with everyone.
I'm at the boss if you would like to join. Psn is greyblade.
2 new exotic handcannons is overkill anyway. They're shit in TTK. I was playing with the gunsmith HC for rep and i swear it missed shots from point blank range.
Apparently there wasn't room for an exotic machine gun. Or rocket launcher.
YesSure, do you want to kill him as well?
Join me in orbit. Once i load in let me switch and grab the checkpoint on my alt.
no mic atm
Anybody interested in a quick KF run? If there is any interest I'll get a list started.
I didn't get a request or the menu is too clunky, not sure where to look.
Trance Addix
Collateral Cat
Geist IX
Oh shit that would make me furious.
I think i accepted you![]()
Will there be a DGAF Halo 5 clan? Ima wait and see if the game is good before I commit to purchasing, but if I do I would love to play with everyone.
Too afraid of making Gjallarhorn 2.0.
1. Bolt-Caster
2. Dark-Drinker
3. Raze-Lighter
I'll join if something takes off.
PSN : MikeGaum1984
Update on the all newbie "We're all gonna die!" Kings Fall Normal Raid on Friday/Saturday: I'm still waiting on some responses of times, but it's looking like Friday at 9:30pm EST gets everyone in. It's a late start, but we can figure out a continue time for Saturday.
Here is what the current roster is looking like. The 6th spot is open at the moment, with DaveInc. grabbing it if he makes the light requirement.
1. Owensboro (PSN: OwensboroEsq) (Light: 297-299) (Titan)
2. DarKshodaN (PSN: Darkshodan84) (Light: 300+) (Any?)
3. Pandora 012 (PSN: Pandora012) (Light: 297) (Hunter?)
4. PSN: Xeyark (Light: ~295) (Hunter)
5. PSN: Nexcay (Light: ~295) (Hunter)
~a. DaveInc (PSN: ___) (Light: 278. Needs ~290) (Titan)
~b. tarzanpuyol (PSN: picklesandrobots) (Light: 294) (Warlock) (Saturday definitely, Friday possible)
~c. Emouse (PSN: ___)(GMT [+4 hours]) (Friday night a problem due to time)
~d. Moose_Wrangler- (PSN: Moose_Wrangler-) (Light: 276. Needs ~290) (Titan)
~e. Balboa
If anyone else wants in on a newbie raid let me know! We're close to starting up a second group! It would be awesome to get everyone in that wanted to go. Obviously, I won't take charge or any responsibility of group 2![]()
Exotic machine gun:
Thesis Explained (The King asked him to explain, but the Jester interfered)
- Slow firing, high impact
- 200 bullets per clip
- exotic perk: Every 25 bullets fired the gun changes elements
What do you guys think?
Looking to run a quick KF raid. Need 4 more. Anyone interested?
Could be cool as a general Nightfall weapon when you're just too lazy to switch to another element. Where did you find this info and where do we find this weapon?
Exotic machine gun:
Thesis Explained (The King asked him to explain, but the Jester interfered)
- Slow firing, high impact
- 200 bullets per clip
- exotic perk: This guns element adapts to your subclass.
What do you guys think?
I just make things up lol. How do you like the flavor text? I usually suck at that.
/whistles innocentlyLol don't be like me. I farmed up a second Touch of Malice just so I could infuse my raid pulse from 308 to 310. To be fair I only had to track down 5 fragments and it was actually a lot of fun to solo those three missions. Solo'ing the ToM Fear's Embrace was a blast honestly.
Lars: Last week, it was clear to us that you were frustrated by the Iron Banner reward drops, and rightly so! It turns out that, when we started digging into the issue, we uncovered a nasty bug that affected how Legendary drops happen throughout the Crucible, including Iron Banner.
I've seen a lot of speculation online about the mechanics for Hard Mode. Will Oryx choose a random player to be Torn Between Dimensions? Does Golgoroth blind the taunters? Did we replace every combatant with Taken Captains?
This makes me laugh too much to even be mad about it:
This makes me laugh too much to even be mad about it:
Xion385Looking to run a quick KF raid. Need 4 more. Anyone interested?