Can anyone help for a few min to beat one of the Taken missions? The ads are too much to solo.
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Can anyone help for a few min to beat one of the Taken missions? The ads are too much to solo.
I still don't think the Zhalo is all that.
I mean, it's cool to have an elemental primary, but the gun itself doesn't shine to me.
and this other quest for the Fatal Vision ship.
I'm sorry folks but arc exotic sword is the Warlock of exotic swords.
What? How was the guy a victim?
I'm sorry folks but arc exotic sword is the Warlock of exotic swords.
You can't ban me! Who will make all those Red Bull gifs for you?
Yep. I'll be streaming on YouTube.
Unstable will be streaming on Twitch.
I'm gonna check the Tower as soon as HM is available to see if there are any new missions like say the rest of Old Hunger quest and this other quest for the Fatal Vision ship.
See you need me.Well that is true.
Alright, I have decided against my best instincts to wake up at 3Am for the Raid again, though it may be a bit late to form a team. So for HM raid starting at launch:
1. Sentinalprimus
Zoom stuff is obvious from the descriptions; recoil direction is not and I don't really know if/how it's referenced in the text. I really really wish Bungie would make all these stats visible so that we could make more informed load out choices. Hide it on another tab to not overwhelm people or something.
Was there a stealth nerf on titan seems like my energy isn't replenishing as fast.
Just got a couple of engrams from 5 3oC's, should I wait until I'm 311+ before I encrypt them?
(Warlock defense force incoming)
The truth comes out.I'm sorry folks but arc exotic sword is the Warlock of exotic swords.
I'm LTTP (as usual) with this reply but what makes Zhalo special for me is when lightning starts arc'ing between several different enemies who are standing close and then you get that double kill and all the ammo comes back and your super bar jumps. It's a really cool positive feedback loop that I don't believe any other auto rifle has ever quite captured before.
And I'm not even really an auto rifle guy! But the Zhalo has a lot of personality and it is oh so useful when you have a bunch of trash mobs to deal with.
Is there a reason for that or are the swords just personal preference? Your ridiculous opinion is invalid regardless though. Arc sword is best sword (mainly because it's the one I have).I'm sorry folks but arc exotic sword is the Warlock of exotic swords.
Why wouldn't you just use a 310 dupe exotic to infuse with?2nd nightfall - solar mantle get
RNG pls
that concludes all 3 mantles.
also 310 zhallo.....exotic shard meh
I'm sorry folks but arc exotic sword is the Warlock of exotic swords.
(Warlock defense force incoming)
He's not. But it seemed somewhat analogous. If I found something game-breaking like that you guys are the first people I'd tell. If it made Bungie have to disable certain content temporarily I wouldn't feel responsible for that.
If he never had said anything it probably wouldn't have been an issue. It is a very unnatural thing to go into menu mid super. I'm glad it was found so it could he fixed but I'd rather it be fixed without having been exploited throughout the crucible first. What is even more disappointing is that their temporary fix was to disable quiver which could have been done as soon as the issue was found.
Things I want to spend Legendary Marks on.
- Weapon Parts
- Faction Rep
- Strange Coins
Things I do not want to spend Legendary Marks on.
- A ridiculously low Mark cap
Something I thought about earlier is what weapons we are still missing from our new foundries. Where are:
Hand Cannon
Fusion rifle
Machine Gun
Auto Rifle
Pulse Rifle
Rocket Launcher
Machine Gun
Scout Rifle
Fusion Rifle
Rocket Launcher
Machine Gun
Anybody seen one of these variants in the wild? Especially the lack of machine guns by the new foundries seems an odd exclusion. I wonder if Bungie has some of these for a later update or if they were never around to begin with.
I'm sorry folks but arc exotic sword is the Warlock of exotic swords.
Deku Ranks the Destiny Classes:
(meh) Hunter <<<<< Titan (ok) <<<<<< Warlock (best)
Deku Ranks the Destiny Classes:
(meh) Hunter <<<<< Titan (ok) <<<<<< Warlock (best)
1. Bolt-Caster
2. Dark-Drinker
3. Raze-Lighter
I certainly shouldn't frame it that he alone is responsible. Bungie is responsible for all of it. He is responsible only so far as a "but-for" relationship would allow him to be. I understand your sentiment, the phrase victim blaming just made me think you're opinion was more extreme than it is![]()
Solar Sword = best for DPS yellow bars
Void Sword = best for several close together enemies
Arc Sword = best for PvP and far away enemies
I like them all.
Post the weekly already DEEJ
I'm sorry folks but arc exotic sword is the Warlock of exotic swords.
According to Jon Weisnewski this is information that they did want to include, however there were a couple of issues that prevented it from going into the full game.
1: It breaks the fourth wall. Stats like Range, Reload, Impact, and such can all be worked into the lore of the game as being real. Stats like aim assist, weapon swap time, and information that is more 'nitty gritty' feels somewhat out of place.
2: There's a finite amount of space in the weapon menus. You have the name of the gun, the type of gun, an icon for the gun, lore text, the perks, the attack and element. It's jam packed already.
Again, this is according to the Gameplay Designer.
Is this a good thing or bad thing?
Exactly! It's not a good or bad thing. It just is.
Wow, very interesting, thanks for the info!
I mean I completely disagree with both of their points but I can understand why they made them. It's a different relationship to the game than the one I take. Personally the strong aim assist in this game is so obvious that listing it in the menus is far from 4th wall breaking. I'm reminded every time my reticle goes flying off center whenever an enemy runs past the one I'm trying to shoot.
The menu space thing reminds me of the Grimoire cards. To me, having more game-related info in the game is great but there might be technical limitations I don't realize in addition to the design choices they're making. I can get all the same info on external websites but it'd be more fun in-game. Just tuck it away like a Mass Effect Codex, for crazy obsessives only.
I'm down .. Ipitythafool32