Based Fig and Colonel luck.
Looking for 4 to do a fresh KF raid. Should be an under 2 hour experience.
PSN: Rarbusto
edit: we'll join you Verano if you have room for 2
Use a horn Magik.
Still need more?
Destiny 2 is expected for Fall 2016 right? E3 would be way too late.
I'll come. Just need to move some stuff around.Depends if Verano needs us or not, but you'd make 3 if no.
Some Ptr fellow wants in, so that's 4...need two more I guess
Playing Rocket League right now. Send me an invite if you get enough.Depends if Verano needs us or not, but you'd make 3 if no.
I'll come. Just need to move some stuff around.
Playing Rocket League right now. Send me an invite if you get enough.
Destiny 2 is expected for Fall 2016 right? E3 would be way too late.
When was Taken King first really shown off?
When was Taken King first really shown off?
(1) If you really wanted to flesh out the idea you should check out the Machine Gun database (http://db.planetdestiny.com/items/weapons/heavy/machinegun?desc=1&sort=impact) so you can quanity the stats. Exactly which RoF-Impact tier do you mean?
Keep in mind that the highest impact archetype (59 RoF, 61 Impact) of Jolder's Hammer and Against All Odds has been totally phased out in TTK. It only exists on two Rare MGs which can't be infused and most people would never bother using. The 66-53 tier of Ruin Wake is the new top dog. Do you want part of this gun's exotic appeal to be the return of the 59-61 tier? Or should that archetype stay gone? How do you balance for stability, range etc? Which barrels should be available?
(2) A 200 mag is gonna be a tough sell for obvious PvP balancing issues, although you could presumably limit how much ammo dropped from Crucible heavy. The biggest issue is that high Impact MGs are primarily balanced via slow RoF and small magazine size. Jolder's and Against had 26 (Field Scout no longer boosts it), the PoE MG Wolve's Bane had 23. Next tier down has been all over the place, Trials MG with 31 to BTRD with 46.
Something like 200 is probably too much of an outlier even for an exotic. Would a heavy synth actually fill it up? That would be a pretty extreme amount of damage per synth relative to any other MG.
(3) I mean... people hate relatively tame PvP exotic quest requirements like Thorn void kills and even 7 Imprecation precision kills in one game. Trials is already so sweaty, people would riot if an OP MG was locked behind a flawless passage. Personally I'm totally fine if some exotics are prohibitively hard to get and not everyone can have everything.
But it doesn't seem like Bungie is willing to go there which is understandable. Maybe a compromise where either a flawless passage or ~25 total Trials wins would complete the step. Skilled players could expedite the process and get the gun first but average players could still grind it out eventually.
Anyway, some food for thought. You have a great idea and it's fun to consider the challenges their designers face when developing new exotics. How to make something with a unique function, a unique feel and appearance without overpowering the game's balance or underwhelming players. They've played it too safe since Dark Below but the swords, the Spindle and the Sleeper are steps in the right direction.
Still need one more for KF, should be a nice quick one!
I used it less than a week ago so I don't think it was patched unless it was very recent. I've had issues like that happen before though. Personally I set my date back one day although I doubt that matters. If you aren't seeing resource nodes in a zone, be sure to pick up a few material chests in side rooms/caves or wherever. In my experience that would trigger the nodes to start spawning.
I farmed relic iron in Buried City but there weren't any nodes initially until I grabbed 2-3 chests. Then I noticed a couple relic iron nodes, grabbed them, did a loop through the area and saw two more. I was able to zone in/out at the Hollows and all 4 nodes were still there. I made a circle loop for those same 4 nodes on every pass which made it really easy.
Let me know if you still don't get any to spawn, it's always possible they've stealth nerfed exploits like that (like they did a while back with checkpoint sharing over the weekly reset).
Final Countdown Boyz
To everyone: hit me up if you want to do anything. Gonna use these 3oCs and watch fullmetal alchemist.
PSN Afrodeeziyak
Can count me in, in about fifteen minutes if you can wait.
Most start at 290 but experienced groups could get you through at 286.WhAt level is for the raid? I'm 286 and have never done it. 290?
Thanks for the run! Super smooth, and ToMs for all!Ok I'm going to help ozone first!
Sounds good. Yea this is the one
Finally got touch of malice!
And then we found out it takes Hadium Flakes and nearly died again haha.
Fully levelled up now (had to borrow from my 50 Hadium Flakes fund for my 2 alts' swords). Hopefully it'll be useful for hard mode tomorrow or damn
I'll be up for a few NF runs if you need a third.
Psn: raizel76
I do.I still need to do the NF. Anyone need to do it?
Need one for KF we're five manning for now but will be at totems soon, psn rarbusto
Need one for KF we're five manning for now but will be at totems soon, psn rarbusto
I do.
PSN: coyquettish
Finally got touch of malice!
And then we found out it takes Hadium Flakes and nearly died again haha.
Fully levelled up now (had to borrow from my 50 Hadium Flakes fund for my 2 alts' swords). Hopefully it'll be useful for hard mode tomorrow or damn
Just got the grasp with counterbalance, braced frame, and third eye.
Sure, Redfury03Anyone for nightfall?
what's the recommended light level for hard mode KF?
Just got the grasp with counterbalance, braced frame, and third eye.