Does anyone want to Omni farm? I need weapon parts and want to have a chance for Maloks.
I will in a bit, need to pop out for an hour first thoughDoes anyone want to Omni farm? I need weapon parts and want to have a chance for Maloks.
Still looking? I haven't done it this week my psn is chiquili59Anyone looking for nightfall ps4?
Soss and I are looking for one more right now, if you're interested?Does anyone want to Omni farm? I need weapon parts and want to have a chance for Maloks.
Does anyone want to Omni farm? I need weapon parts and want to have a chance for Maloks.
Time will give you the answerHow do I get NTTE? I've found all 4 ghost. Turned them in at FWC, all I got was a mote of light. I'm confused.
According to Driz it's a god roll. I know nothing about perks. I just shoot and kill things.
Still looking? Psn ThaennonAnyone looking for nightfall ps4?
What makes Omingul so great for farming weapon parts?
Oh I misread. Mostly farming her for that pulse rifle. I see
People can check all potential Grasp of Malok perk rolls here if they want:
-Counter Balance is the #1 most important TTK pulse rifle perk imo, outside of high stability. Headseeker is the only other option here but CB is way more important.
-Braced Frame is best for middle tree, no question. Big stability boost and mag size isn't that crucial. Don't want to sacrifice range with Hand Laid. Besides you also have Perfect Balance if you want options.
-Final perk slot depends on playstyle preference. Some might prefer Glass Half Full but 3rd Eye is excellent. It gives you Knucklehead Radar exotic helmet for free. Besides I'm a compulsive reloader so I never liked GHF much.
In case you're wondering, the odds of rolling all three of those perks on a Grasp drop are 1 in 792. Not to mention the odds of just getting a Grasp drop. I can't even...
Oh, so any hopes for Xur tomorrow? Last minute gearing..maybe...maybe he'll sell something neat for Hard mode.
Exotic helmet engram.
If you include perfect balance the odds are 1 in 3960.
I'm ready.
Here's where I really wish we had a better grasp of aim assist and whatnot.-Braced Frame is best for middle tree, no question. Big stability boost and mag size isn't that crucial. Don't want to sacrifice range with Hand Laid. Besides you also have Perfect Balance if you want options.
I got my first primary exotic engram
What is it boys?
280 Last Word?
Good news is it has to be at least 290 or 310 if you're lucky (and above 300 Light). If you're gonna do HM KF this weekend and you're not in a rush to decrypt might want to save it until we confirm whether or not people start decrypting higher light exotics once they're over 310 light.
Damn, I am copying your Warlock. :|307 to 309 in one night. Hype has intensified.
307 to 309 in one night. Hype has intensified.
307 to 309 in one night. Hype has intensified.
Raid drops have not been kind.
I managed to infuse my raid sniper with firefly from ~302 to 308, but that's it for the past few clears. I haven't received an infusable primary in quite a few raids despite having more than 20 shards every time. Tempted to get my second Touch of Malice just to have a primary closer to 310 for hard mode. Not sure if a few % points will be worth it though.
Damn, I am copying your Warlock. :|
Is that some Substance 330 you're wearing?
That's one good lookin Warlock![]()
Lol what's Substance 330? Also, thanks!
Haha yeah I don't know what sights she got on that roll but it won't matter that much with those other perks. I'd like to farm one (with any perks) just to get a feel for it but I know it'll turn into perpetual disappointment.
And yeah Xur should sell an armor engram, most likely helmet, which will be good for last minute Hard mode infusion fuel. Honestly there's no reason for anyone with a decent strange coin stash to not have a 310 helmet going into HM KF.
Currently farming Echo Chamber on repeat for a good roll on Imago Loop. Anyone is welcome to join.
PSN: wild_whiskey
I'll joinCurrently farming Echo Chamber on repeat for a good roll on Imago Loop. Anyone is welcome to join.
PSN: wild_whiskey
Whoops I meant Substance 321
I'll show myself out
I'll join! PSN Felyx
5 mins, finishing up a run and party is full
I'm in dire need of primaries > 290 now. I need Nirwins Mercy higher than 285 but no fodders.
307 to 309 in one night. Hype has intensified.
Here's where I really wish we had a better grasp of aim assist and whatnot.
On paper (gif) Hand Laid does an amazing job tightening up PR grouping. It's one of the few very obvious perks when you test it against a wall at distance. However, I'm not sure how valid that tight grouping is when CB/BR can use the AA fudge factor to count it's larger grouping as all headshots..
Best bet is to farm 3 of coins and feed whatever you want exotic primaries