Correction, need another for Oryx kill. psn = gutterboy44
Orion took the spot. We'll have a spot after Golgoroth so you could join then.
My malok came with quickdraw IS, ranged lens rlr5 and red dot ORS. Other than shortgaze, I have no idea about anything about sights.
I think I'm going to feed my 310 hawmoon to it. Now I got my go to trials weapon.
Azoth stuff is the best. Titan looks like Big daddy. Hunter looks good except too sporty. We're in war, not cross country.
Tomorrow at 8 PM eastern. Team SEXY hard mode raid. I except lots of deaths because some haven't ever played a Mario bros game.
anyone want to do Omni farm? sorry I couldn't do it later, stuff came up!![]()
Sorry Slammin and pixxxelz. Thunderstorm and internet went down.
I'm down! PSN: AaronologyI wanna do nightfall twice more, anyone able to help me out?
I wanna do nightfall twice more, anyone able to help me out?
Cool I'm ready
Best spot for strange coins? Poe28 small chest?
Did anyone else get upset that the entire iron banner rewards had a bug in it? I just read the update a little bit ago and forgot to comment on that. Pretty crazy.
A whole week of IB and 4 characters on rank 4-5 and the rewards were messed up. I should get a free blacksmith shader for that haha
Thanks for the run! Awesome job leading us. Nice work to my fellow raiders as well, glad the nearly 6 hours that we all hung in there paid off. Also thanks for putting up with me not having a mic!King's Fall Newbie Raid #1 complete! A great run, with a crazy finish. Everyone did awesome.
All in all, took a very similar amount of time to the first ever VoG run. I pinpointed some areas along the way that I can improve my guidance for next time. and in hindsight thought of some silly things I forgot to mention that could've made things easier. Thanks everyone for bearing with me with my cold as well as feeling the process out for the first time.
Oryx was rather generous to me in rewarding the endeavor. A 310 Monte Carlo (Monte Carlo #17, but my first 310 primary outside of ToM), a 307 Doom of Chelchis, and my first Elilum's Frenzy from shards. Finally can start doing some luxury infusions.![]()
A really fun night and a fitting send-off for Destiny to take a backseat in my gaming diet for a while. Though I will be doing Newbie NF round 2 next Saturday afternoon, a spooooooky Halloween raiiiiid!
I have no idea who I'm hard mode raiding with tomorrow (I don't think I've played with any of them) but I expect a Flawless raid. If we wipe more than twice in 1 encounter I'm out. Kappa
But in reality, I'm excited for the unknown mechanics and rewards. Especially since I didn't get to raid normal KF on day 1.![]()
Anyone for a NF? Want to try and get 1 cloak
PSN Felyx
Heh, I just did two and got nothing. How many times are you gonna run it? I could help for one or two more
Might do 2, probably nothing more then that.
Need 1 for Omnigul farming.
I can help as well. I've got both the cloaks I want now but I've sort of grown fond of running that strike. PSN: AaronologyMight do 2, probably nothing more then that.
That's what I'm talking about. Beautiful. Just gotta get Breezy up there then one more little light for Nami and we'll all be 309...
Ji66a's hunter could have been 310 yesterday....until I stole his loot drop XD
Hmm never noticed the boss in today's daily has the exact same helmet as the hunter's Skyburners Annex helmet.
Any one want to do a fresh raid?
My friend hasn't done one and I've just got the touch of malice and would like to get my light level up for the hard raid.
Anyone keen?
Psn: the_id
So does the cannon-bro in the shield brother's strike. The helmet's flavor text makes me imagine a guardian ripping the helmet off a dead Skyburner ultra.
Sweet.I'm down later on (time is 0930 in the morning here). PSN: hundere
Fresh normal kings fall raid
1. The_id
2. Thejustone
3. Hundree
4. hypoetical
Anyone keen? My friend feels left out from not doing the raid
Thanks.sure I can join. just added myself to the list. PS4 right?
sure I can join. just added myself to the list. PS4 right?