Thanks man. I think you're on my friends listI am in too.
Psn thenal84
Yup. I really like it when the armor and weapons look like repurposed stuff you picked up along the way.
Need one more for ToC Strike farming. Get Exotic 310 infusion fodder that last Light Level or two before King's Fall HM launches!
sure I can join. just added myself to the list. PS4 right?
Are you saying there is a koala faced enemy we haven't found yet? That may explain the azoth bend warlock helmet...
What's your psn?
Any one want to do a fresh raid?
My friend hasn't done one and I've just got the touch of malice and would like to get my light level up for the hard raid.
Anyone keen?
Psn: the_id
I remember mention of ttk being sorta like lesbian space bears and koalas are sorta like bears... So yes Koalas confirmed.
Sent you an inviteI can join with my Titan. PSN is Ty_84
I see your full now.
Total newbie to destiny.
Lvl 10.
Going through OG story stuff.
Anyone running low lvls wanna team up let me know.
Still not 100% on all this games systems
So I encountered the bow down emote, and I'm curious how people got it?
But where are the lesbians, future dlc?
Thanks for the KF run.
Warpriest drops:
Oryx, after taking 20 moldering shards:
That arduous run, especially daughters. All in all I got a 300 chest piece and at 310 sniper rifle as my only gear on the whole run. I infused the rifle into my 1000 Yard Stare to get it up to 306, as its stats and perks were better across the board. The 300 armor is actually better than my current so I'll hang onto it, though I prefer the perks on the armor I have.
I got more and better loot from my first raid run, without all the shards on hand, but this did nudge me up a couple light levels. Gonna go back to working on my Titan for a while, though. Tension was running a bit high at the end there.
Happy to run anything you need help with, I'm Ghaleon_EB on PSN (tomorrow, crashing tonight).
So I encountered the bow down emote, and I'm curious how people got it?
Let's start guessing!Everyone ready for the weekly disxurppointment?
I personally would of kept the raid sniper if it had hot swap as it is amazing in PVP for aim assist on headshots.
I have a 300 one and will probably take it up to 310. Spear wrecks in PVE though.
Everyone ready for the weekly disxurppointment?
I don't play PvP, and really like my 1000 Yard Stare, and since they were both void I kept that one. I suppose I could have passed it on to my Titan, but I'm trying to get my Hunter to 300.
If i was not at work i would be all over thisWe have one more to spot for a fresh raid. Anyone wanna join?
The other half never understands, unless they are a gamer.Morning gaf. Have to say, reading here and seeing other people raid drops i feel actually quite lucky. Most of my group skipped the raid this tuesday as we would not benefit much in any way. My titan is 309, lock 308, hunter i could get to 308 as well but will wait to see what i will get from hm raid. No point in wasting marks now.
This is what it came to, booked the evening off from work just to be able to raid. Wife said that this is beyond ridiculous...Lets leave it at that.
I remember mention of ttk being sorta like lesbian space bears and koalas are sorta like bears... So yes Koalas confirmed.
I don't have to buy a 3oC pack for a while.
Well, all 3 nightfalls cleared and getting a heavy weapon > 296 still eludes me.
Left side is so close!
Do you remember that feeling back in vanilla Destiny when legendary engrams turned into rare garbage? I have that same feeling now when my 300+ light character decrypts exotic engrams into 290 trash.
Nice, got the Titan Mark from Undying Mind. I've been wanting that, but I mean who's crazy enough to farm Undying Mind for it.
Guys, does doing heroic strikes increase drop rate of strike-specific gear? Has this ever been tested/confirmed?
People have found that the Flayer Mantles have seemingly been dropping alot more doing the Nightfall version of the strike.
So maybe?
People have found that the Flayer Mantles have seemingly been dropping alot more doing the Nightfall version of the strike.
So maybe?
Yeah, that's where I'm at now. It seems like NF does increase the drop rate quite a bit, but what about just regular heroic?
Yeah, that's where I'm at now. It seems like NF does increase the drop rate quite a bit, but what about just regular heroic?
Can't decide if it's worth it to join in/jump out of heroics until I find Echo Chamber to farm for Imago Loop, or just do the lvl 36 strike version much more quickly.
It might also have to do with the fact you get a Vanguard Streak if you keep doing the Dust Palace Nightfall for some reason.
We have one more to spot for a fresh raid. Anyone wanna join?