I think it will be surprisingly smooth, but challenging! Would be disappointed to see the breakdowns like HM CE
I mean technical wise. It didn't load for me for a minute.
I think it will be surprisingly smooth, but challenging! Would be disappointed to see the breakdowns like HM CE
I think it will be surprisingly smooth, but challenging! Would be disappointed to see the breakdowns like HM CE
Happy Hard Mode hunting everyone! I'll probably sneak in to see some reactions but I wouldn't mind some spoilers for any new fun surprises.
We're giving it a go tonight and I'm hopeful of a run up to at least Oryx.
So is everyone panic infusing their 310 exotics to get everything as close to 310 as possible? I'm debating it but is going from 305 to 306 or 306 to 307 even going to matter?
Xurgated exotics
I wasn't a member when HM Crota released. I was lurking in the thread at the time. It was soul crushing.
I will be trying my luck for a 310 chest from Xur... if I infuse it in my chest it should bring me at 307-308.
So I'm guessing Xûr can just sell anything in the database at any given time. Part of me thinks Bungie set Dire Skull on purpose though, and by extension will set every non-blue print exotic piece.
With this new info, every single Xûr day can bring something new (or time gated, lol). The real weird part is that once you buy Dire Skull it doesn't unlock in the BP. Maybe it will in a patch, but for now, lock it and use Glass Needles to get a good roll.
All in all we before today we were missing 27 exotic armor pieces in year 2 that are in the database.
What time is HM released? And what would be a good stream to watch?
Is there a better gun in this game than Tlaloc? Finding it unreal in the crucible.
I wasn't a member when HM Crota released. I was lurking in the thread at the time. It was soul crushing.
What time is HM released? And what would be a good stream to watch?
Probably couldn't go wrong with Goth's stream. Those clowns got world's first KF. Will be the most popular one as well.
I wasn't a member when HM Crota released. I was lurking in the thread at the time. It was soul crushing.
I'm jealous of all the excitement for the HM raid. I still haven't done the normal one. I'm too self conscious about my 294 light level.![]()
How often do you guys use the cheese spot on the Warsat strike? C'mon, y'all can tell me. I won't judge.
I'm jealous of all the excitement for the HM raid. I still haven't done the normal one. I'm too self conscious about my 294 light level.![]()
I'm jealous of all the excitement for the HM raid. I still haven't done the normal one. I'm too self conscious about my 294 light level.![]()
I have to support GAF and watch Unstable!
How often do you guys use the cheese spot on the Warsat strike? C'mon, y'all can tell me. I won't judge.
We struggled for 3-4 hours on Crota that night, but came back the next day and produced one of my all time favorite gifts courtesy of EroticSishi. We struggled and struggled and when we finally had Crota enraged our sword bearer died. Then comes our titan to save the day out of literally nowhere while everyone else was dying on the glass ledge from thralls. It was a frustrating opening day to HM but the result was so exhilirating, I was on a high for a couple days. I'm sure Xplicit and Sushi remember this one.
Edit: we were so naive running titan bubble all the way up on the edge and not having the hunter blink strike, sigh
We struggled for 3-4 hours on Crota that night, but came back the next day and produced one of my all time favorite gifts courtesy of EroticSishi. We struggled and struggled and when we finally had Crota enraged our sword bearer died. Then comes our titan to save the day out of literally nowhere while everyone else was dying on the glass ledge from thralls. It was a frustrating opening day to HM but the result was so exhilirating, I was on a high for a couple days. I'm sure Xplicit and Sushi remember this one.
Edit: we were so naive running titan bubble all the way up on the edge and not having the hunter blink strike, sigh
Ready to rock this tonight?
I can run my Titan at 306 and hope for a 310 armor to infuse to get me to 307 or I can run my Hunter at 305 and/or infuse my 310 Titan helm to get my hunter to 306. I'm not positive the extra level is going to help and may just wait to see if we are in a jam before dumping resources.
What class you bringing?
When is HM raid up?
How lojg left for HM 2 hours?
I'm jealous of all the excitement for the HM raid. I still haven't done the normal one. I'm too self conscious about my 294 light level.![]()
How lojg left for HM 2 hours?
Ta, time zones throw me..Yeah just over 2hrs
Yeah just over 2hrs
Ta, time zones throw me..
That's a fine level to do the normal mode. Don't beat yourself.
On that note, this weekend I'm running a newbie KF raid. It's with all IRL friends so I'm thinking it'll be a taste of what it's like.. we'll see how it goes.
If all goes well I can see it becoming a thing so that I can help people out here on GAF.
Done it twice, usually on the taken version as I hate the captains that throw the blinding power.
Only done it in heroic version and never the lvl36 standard.
Just on NFs and the SS quest.
Talk to me. Do you use it pre super and then switch? Or do you use it all the time? What subclass do you use with it? Also, what perks? Range? Stability?
We struggled for 3-4 hours on Crota that night, but came back the next day and produced one of my all time favorite gifts courtesy of EroticSushi. We struggled and struggled and when we finally had Crota enraged our sword bearer died. Then comes our titan to save the day out of literally nowhere while everyone else was dying on the glass ledge from thralls. It was a frustrating opening day to HM but the result was so exhilirating, I was on a high for a couple days. I'm sure Xplicit and Sushi remember this one. If you actually watch closely the Titan that saves the day gets killed by the boomers as he's making the final swing, it was epic.
Edit: we were so naive running titan bubble all the way up on the edge and not having the hunter blink strike, sigh
The high of beating HM crota was like no other. Fantastic feeling.
So cool.We struggled for 3-4 hours on Crota that night, but came back the next day and produced one of my all time favorite gifts courtesy of EroticSushi. We struggled and struggled and when we finally had Crota enraged our sword bearer died. Then comes our titan to save the day out of literally nowhere while everyone else was dying on the glass ledge from thralls. It was a frustrating opening day to HM but the result was so exhilirating, I was on a high for a couple days. I'm sure Xplicit and Sushi remember this one. If you actually watch closely the Titan that saves the day gets killed by the boomers as he's making the final swing, it was epic.
Edit: we were so naive running titan bubble all the way up on the edge and not having the hunter blink strike, sigh
This cant possibly be worse than Hard mode crota can it?