Breakfast at Noon
Just go4 back from work, misses was screwing with me, no shopping...Thats more hard mode than the raid.
Oh, it's ON!
Just go4 back from work, misses was screwing with me, no shopping...Thats more hard mode than the raid.
Several will be going up.Any hard mode streams going up?
It's been months, fig! I'm getting old dammit!
Yeah, it was him. Speaking of the wafer, haven't seen him around in a long while.
Sidenote, Nami you are still looking forward to The Division right? Do you know the other DGAF members who were thinking of getting the game for sure and should be in the beta this December?
What's weird is that it's the hard mode release that makes me not want to play. The thought of a raised level just makes me all... "oh, hey, when's fallout coming out again?"
Sidenote, Nami you are still looking forward to The Division right? Do you know the other DGAF members who were thinking of getting the game for sure and should be in the beta this December?
allow us to buy higher legendary gear and use more marks as a payoff.
150 marks = 290 gear.
200 marks = 300 gear.
Several will be going up.
From my group, Unstable, Afro, and I will be streaming. My stream won't go up for another 45-50 minutes. I'll be streaming on YouTube since a fellow gaffer has Twitch blocked at his job.
I'll try out the beta but I will most likely skip the game till it's cheaper since Dark Souls 3 and Uncharted 4 will be coming out the same month and I am a huge fan of both series.Sidenote, Nami you are still looking forward to The Division right? Do you know the other DGAF members who were thinking of getting the game for sure and should be in the beta this December?
Sidenote, Nami you are still looking forward to The Division right? Do you know the other DGAF members who were thinking of getting the game for sure and should be in the beta this December?
It's been months, fig! I'm getting old dammit!
Yeah, it was him. Speaking of the wafer, haven't seen him around in a long while.
Halo 2 coop bugged out so bad, we had different play-sessions with different things happening and we both had to kill the boss alone (even when we cooped) and both watch the cut-scene independently for it to trigger a victory and send us on to the next mission.
Desync the game.
Quite funny actually, random restarts and checkpoints for no reason. Real hardmode right there.
Wasn't that Nilla?I remember him trying to do it again when I raided with him.
I can not believe it's still not fixedHalo 2 coop bugged out so bad, we had different play-sessions with different things happening and we both had to kill the boss alone (even when we cooped) and both watch the cut-scene independently for it to trigger a victory and send us on to the next mission.
Desync the game.
Quite funny actually, random restarts and checkpoints for no reason. Real hardmode right there.
Several will be going up.
From my group, Unstable, Afro, and I will be streaming. My stream won't go up for another 45-50 minutes. I'll be streaming on YouTube since a fellow gaffer has Twitch blocked at his job.
One hour until judgment is cast upon our souls, are you ready DGAF?
Anyone want to; Kill Atheon, or do the Arc or Solar sword quest?
I'm already doing the raid thing of being on an hour before. This reminds me of back in the day when I was a raid leader in WoW, you'd get on about an hour before, confirm everyone who was coming, make sure you had enough flasks/pots/food to go around, do a little preheat chat...
...Those were the days.
I heard you were born on the best day ever. Happy Bday!
Oh nice 2 birthdays today. Happy Bday Rawr!
clack clack clack clack
Happy birthday guys!
I'm still a bit disappointed I didn't have a hunter at the time of HM Crota and had to depend on the kindness of others for clears. I really enjoyed running sword but doing HM on a Warlock was never a consistent enough option.
Shit, we have the same birthday? That cant be good!
Happy birthday bro.
It's rawr's bday too? Happy b-day checkpointsaurus!
3 DGAF bdays on one day...same day as HM KF launch...nice![]()
Happy Birthday Rawr! Didn't realize it was yours too when I said something to Lnkn earlier.
I'm not too excited right now for the launch of the HM KF. My demeanor really won't let me be excited for anything right now though. :/ I still am looking forward to my first attempt at it with my awesome raid crew. Still haven't taken either of my alts through the normal one though.
Happy Birthday RAWR!
Thanks :3 and happy birthday to you as well LnKn and mrmuscle as well. Hope it's a good day for you guys!Quite a few birthdays it appears. Happy bday to rawr, lnkn, and muscle! Go celebrate when you can.
I need to kill Atheon if you get a group together.
I literally just sent my group a message on PSN as a roll call to see if anyone was missing. I'd definitely get on an hour early if we didn't have to download a patch for the Raid, at least I assume there will be one. Might get people in party chat 15 minutes before the Raid goes live to discuss mechanics speculation.
I will 100% pick up the Division on PC.
Are you saying you have connections and are trying to get DGAF members into the beta?Cos I'm interested in the game![]()
*raises hand*
I'll try out the beta but I will most likely skip the game till it's cheaper since Dark Souls 3 and Uncharted 4 will be coming out the same month and I am a huge fan of both series.
Oh yeah. Can't wait for that one.
I'm in the bath thinking of cerny at the minute, but you got room for a 307 lock?Need two more for HM at release. About to hop in a party chart.
PSN Hoffelcopter or KronicDeath.
Need two more for HM at release. About to hop in a party chart.
PSN Hoffelcopter or KronicDeath.
I'm in the bath thinking of cerny at the minute, but you got room for a 307 lock?
Sidenote, Nami you are still looking forward to The Division right? Do you know the other DGAF members who were thinking of getting the game for sure and should be in the beta this December?
Thanks :3 and happy birthday to you as well LnKn and mrmuscle as well. Hope it's a good day for you guys!
Rawr Happy Birthday, I don't see you on much anymore but you always have a place in my fireteamand my heart.
Why not PS4 c'mon.
When I signed up for the beta Ubi gave me the choice to add 3 email address of "friends" so they can get a code later in December. I put my email addresses in so I will have a few codes to share by December and I'm sure other people in DGAF will as well![]()
Happy bday RAWR! Have a good day!
ill join. isnt it going live in only an hour from now though?
I'm in the bath thinking of cerny at the minute, but you got room for a 307 lock?
Edit: if ypu get offers of higher light levels though take them not going to hold you back![]()
Haha thanks and same goes to you :3 been busy so I am around sometimes. Def not as much as I used to be on.
Thanks :3 and happy birthday to you as well LnKn and mrmuscle as well. Hope it's a good day for you guys!
As long as you're 307 or more go ahead and add us and you're in. Hoffelcopter and KronicDeath.
Why not PS4 c'mon.
Hope I'm wrong but I expect the Division to disappoint.
The potential for an incredible game is there but I'm not banking on Ubisoft delivering a good mmo experience.
I do. KeanBurke psnAnyone here up for farming the Nightfall to get 'dem cloaks?
What was everyone's favorite first raid experience? Not how it settled out, or how the loot dropped, or how hard mode was. Again not best raid, but funnest first time through experience.