Why wont these cloaks drop for me? Everybody I play with gets them but I dont. :/
Why wont these cloaks drop for me? Everybody I play with gets them but I dont. :/
As of right now I am the only one who can hit Orry the hardest and even then I am underleveled as well. I love a challenge.
So it is agreed there is very little reasons for you to waste your time on Oryx if you are pre 310 light?
I like how they roll. Byob?
Sounds classy. Did it have a cute clip art Oryx?
So consensus is do normal first right? That's what it seems like with the run I was on. I had already done NOrmal and I got.
312 fusion
315machine gun
314 legs
315 mark
Didn't kill Oryx
Others that didn't do normal got double normal drops.
That seems messed up.
So consensus is do normal first right? That's what it seems like with the run I was on. I had already done NOrmal and I got.
312 fusion
315machine gun
314 legs
315 mark
Didn't kill Oryx
Others that didn't do normal got double normal drops.
That seems messed up.
As of right now I am the only one who can hit Orry the hardest and even then I am underleveled as well. I love a challenge.
I'm in the same boat.
Gonna try again tonight.
Need one more for hard mode King's Fall.
Normal mode experience and at least 305 please.
PSN: sunvsthemoon
Huge shout out to Jigga, Unstable, Afro, Drizzay, and Breezy for the two runs. Sorry about going silent during most of Oryx in the second run. Both controller and mic were dying. Only had a single charger close to me and I chose to charge my DS4 over the mic.
Damn, kadey got called out!didn't expect this from you kadey...seriously...i'm fucking crazy to be up at 5am for the raid and you just start without me giving my spot to someone else...
Team quit. I saw 1 cloak drop. Not for me.
Need 2 for nightfall farming.
I'm up for it.Team quit. I saw 1 cloak drop. Not for me.
Need 2 for nightfall farming.
didn't expect this from you kadey...seriously...i'm fucking crazy to be up at 5am for the raid and you just start without me giving my spot to someone else...
Team quit. I saw 1 cloak drop. Not for me.
Need 2 for nightfall farming.
Where were you when everybody got together? And based on what you said in PSN you already ran it with a group. Made it really clear Mupod was a spotter. And I was waiting in orbit for nearly an hour. Mupod actually hesitated to join us but you supposedly weren't around.
Sorry, had to answer my work call. I'm still up for more farming.
Psn: raizel76
I'm up for it.
interested if going for the void cloak
Sure, join on me.
Accepted your FR. Lets do this.
You can pick the cloak that drops? how?
There was a moment where Oryx didn't staggered for me and the message saying everyone has detonated their bombs never popped up for. Yet somehow we got all four bombs. I left mine as soon as I saw Afro leaving his.So watching Oryx' stream, there was a moment where Oryx literally just froze in place, the blight orbs glitched out and didn't work, that's pretty funny.
No. Elemental primaries are being left behind. They had the distinct and undesirable property of limiting a broad weapon sandbox to a few weapons.
You're free to disagree, but I strongly prefer the breadth of arsenal options, the potential of finding a better Legendary than you have to being stuck because of a damage color.
Additionally, no Legendary weapons with damage colors has the property of making secondaries and heavies more important because of their damage color.
The last one you kill is the one that drops, if one is going to drop.
There was a moment where Oryx didn't staggered for me and the message saying everyone has detonated their bombs never popped up for. Yet somehow we got all four bombs. I left mine as soon as I saw Afro leaving his.
Who wants to try the hard mode raid with me? I'm 304 ATM and don't think I'll get far but keen to try.
And I'm a super-SCRUB.
PSN: the_id
1. The_id
Sure why not, i'm up for dieing, I'll send ya a message on psn. I'm 300 and username is SensuiTomo
in orbit. waiting for a party invite, would have joined in any case but i was looking at the psn messages - there was no reply from anyone except save.
so what if i ran it before, that doesn't imply i won't run again....
could have just asked in psn message if i was NOT running it...would have given my spot to mupod or igor if someone had asked....but you just went ahead ignoring....
you said 8pm est and i was on at that time...how the heck was i not around?