Meh. It's not HM Scrota bad but it's not good either. Basically the same as NM except for steep under-leveling at Oryx. Some small changes here and there but nothing interesting. Loot table is really bad. Better hope upon every lucky star you have to actually get your character leveled up.
Need 1 more for Normal Mode Kings Fall
Need 1 more for Normal Mode Kings Fall
really appreciate it mate
this is one awesome warlock![]()
A friend and I are putting together a fresh Hard Mode KF raid, starting now. We're going to go as far as we can manage, let's that sweet loot!
1. SilvardCT
2. elfokel
3. Godless_Pagan
4. coyquettish
Starting fresh NORMAL mode King's Fall. Ain't nobody got time for hard mode (too tired).
PSN: EternalNewbie
Team Player Warlock MVP.
I'll go if you still need one. LL 299
Psn: Jesthatesyou
If you don't mind having a first timer, send me a friend request
PSN: Not-A-Stalker
I'll go if you still need one. LL 299
Psn: Jesthatesyou
If you don't mind having a first timer, send me a friend request
PSN: Not-A-Stalker
So what has GAFs general impressions of HM been today? What level seems about right to get into it? I'm 304 currently and debating whether I should just stick to normal for a few more weeks and see what light level I can manage to hit.
So the Destiny endgame is about grinding for incremental increases in your light level and the closer you get to max level the more unlikely it becomes that you will get a better piece of gear that you need.
Got 319 boots but need 320 boots? Lol not gonna happen.
Hard to believe that one year in Bungie cannot get this right. With the introduction of 3oC, Destiny is slowly embracing the fact that it is a loot-based game, although the pool of weapons and armor is fairly limited. The raid, on the other hand, is light years behind.
EternalNewbie and I are still looking for some more
You can do HM raid till the sisters if you're 305 at minimum.
For oryx, you need to be 310 and above.
Look on the bright side: At least you won't lament having no weapon parts to upgrade the loot drops you didn't get.
Just sent him a friend request!
The sad part is there is no way to progressively, consistently get beyond 300 light without the raid. Legendaries and blues max out at 300 light, nightfall if rng is on your side you might get lucky for 310 legendaries, meaning that for people who dont raid theyll be stuck at a low light level unless rng is kind to them.
The only way to progress is literally rng. Before atleast you could work towards a vendor item to get you up. I feel bad for the peeps who cant raid frequently.
Lol...catching up on the thread. Too good.
So the Destiny endgame is about grinding for incremental increases in your light level and the closer you get to max level the more unlikely it becomes that you will get a better piece of gear that you need.
Got 319 boots but need 320 boots? Lol not gonna happen.
Is anyone up for the exotic sword strike? Trying to get my solar sword
The sad part is there is no way to progressively, consistently get beyond 300 light without the raid. Legendaries and blues max out at 300 light, nightfall if rng is on your side you might get lucky for 310 legendaries, meaning that for people who dont raid theyll be stuck at a low light level unless rng is kind to them.
The only way to progress is literally rng. Before atleast you could work towards a vendor item to get you up. I feel bad for the peeps who cant raid frequently.
You interested in maybe joining us later? Macello or Colonel may not make it.
Vaal would you join us in a 90 min?
Our current group:
1. LT
2. T-44
3. PrivatewHudson
4. Zombiemortar
5. Colonel?
6. Macello?
A friend and I are putting together a fresh Hard Mode KF raid, starting now. We're going to go as far as we can manage, let's that sweet loot!
1. SilvardCT
2. elfokel
3. Godless_Pagan
4. coyquettish
Just confirming w/ you boys for our HM date in a couple hours:
1. LT
2. T-44
3. Hudson
4. Spyder_ur
5. Macello
6. Colonel
Let me know if you're still in
I don't really feel like I'm progressing after raiding. Sure, my Light Level goes up (for now) but that's just a number. It's not exciting. I'm not having more fun in the game with each Light increase.
This is not fun.
You guys still down?
Need one more?
If there is an opening let me me know
Edit nvm
Hard to believe that one year in Bungie cannot get this right. With the introduction of 3oC, Destiny is slowly embracing the fact that it is a loot-based game, although the pool of weapons and armor is fairly limited. The raid, on the other hand, is light years behind.
We still need 2 more for HM KF, starting now!
The sad part is there is no way to progressively, consistently get beyond 300 light without the raid. Legendaries and blues max out at 300 light, nightfall if rng is on your side you might get lucky for 310 legendaries, meaning that for people who dont raid theyll be stuck at a low light level unless rng is kind to them.
The only way to progress is literally rng. Before atleast you could work towards a vendor item to get you up. I feel bad for the peeps who cant raid frequently.
This is the other issue. Its rng on top of rng. For golg, its rng on top of rngon top of rng.
For example, you kill golgoroth. First open one of two doors, one of the doors has 3 cups. Picked the right door? Pick 1 of 3 cups. Now pick a random number between 1-10 if heads. Congrats, you may or may not have a higher level chest than before.
As put, you have to win the lottery to get the drop that you need. Today I got 310 normal boots and 310 hard mode gloves. Its hilarious. The new light level system is a joke. You can do the raid, get a drop from every boss, and not progress despite that.