What was your team comp like? Light level wise, I mean.
I can do it in 40 mins if Bitsurugi doesn't want to join.
If bits isn't interested, I'm up for it. Haven't done HM on my warlock yet.
Has anoyone been randomly killed teleporting out of the Darkness Dimension?
Never saw it happen during NM, but in HM we kept losing one or even two players at a time after killing the Shade by Misadventuring or being Killed by the Architects while teleporting out.
2 hunters, 3 titans, 1 warlock.
Lowest hunter 308, was relic runner, everyone else was 310 i believe. All had high impact snipers on ogres helped.
I'm sorry but I expect people to play well in an environment that demands near perfect execution. It's why I hate raiding with randoms in standard MMOs. Standard MMO raiding is 1000x more intense and demanding and most of the time it's actually really easy as long as everyone is doing exactly what they need to be doing. Git gud is exactly what I expect from people.
I would also guess that the percentage of wipes from a bug or "physics" is actually way way way way less then people actually lead you to think.
Lastly, I'm not going to be open and welcoming to people who play poorly in a game mode that requires you to do exactly the opposite.
How hard are the Nightfall strikes? Just reading the list of modifiers makes me nervous, heh.
I am not speaking strictly in Destiny's terms. 99% of the time in standard MMO raiding, if you die, it's your fault because you fucked up or made a mistake. How to fix that? Stop making mistakes.
What an elitist viewpoint. You're supposed to have fun with Destiny, stop taking it so seriously.
What an elitist viewpoint. You're supposed to have fun with Destiny, stop taking it so seriously.
Please. Ive been a guild and raid leader in WoW. Dont try to educate me with standard mmo raiding. Your elitist attitude is part of the problem. "Git gud" isnt constructive nor helpful. Ive seen Oryx glitch out, Ive seen people die due to physics or stupid reasons elsewhere. Saying "git gud" aint shit. The person saying that aint shit either, probably wants an easy carry because they cant lead.
What an elitist viewpoint. You're supposed to have fun with Destiny, stop taking it so seriously.
I wish there were Taken Captains during one of the fights.![]()
If you're talking about Warpriest, that doesn't count. He could still be killed in two phases.We sorta half kinda got it (maybe like 1/10 of Taken Captain levels).
Zocano is spot on tbh. 99.9% of the time when I die, it's because I am doing something wrong. Whether it be not clearing adds, not watching timers, not paying attention to wall boners, jumping carelessly, not calling out ect. I would rather someone yell at me if I kept doing something wrong because it would drill it into my head and enable me to improve and really grasp what I was doing wrong.
You take it as if I just say "git gud" and sit there and wait for the person figure out what they're doing wrong. If you've raided with me, you'll know I fucking yell out everything any time someone is fucking up, myself included.
But when someone is fucking up continuously and consistently, I'm not afraid to acknowledge when someone just fucking sucks at what they need to be doing and are unable to learn and get better.
I want to play with people who are on their game and are willing to learn when they fuck up.
I have never once denied my elitism and I embrace it. Trying to use it as an insult against me is hilarious to me. If I'm playing in a team-based environment that requires intense coordination, I expect people to all be there to execute perfectly.
There will always be learning moments in complex encounters. It comes with the territory. My issue is when we are clearly far past that point and people are still fucking up due to inattentiveness or what have you.
wow at these last few pages....lol kappa
also amazing post zoba totally agree...
bungle hire zoba
Raiding isn't hard, but treating it like boot camp is self-important and overly serious. Calm down and get over yourself.
The game is about communication both in AND out of the fight.
Some people will know what is happening but might not feel comfortable with stepping forward and saying it. Especially not if they might be "singled out".
So you let everyone give their view and they won't feel alone and unable to speak up.
"Stop taking it seriously" is such a weird cop out for me. No matter what you are doing, if it requires intense focus and coordination, and other people are relying on you, you damn well better be taking it seriously.
And no, raiding isn't hard, which is why I get irate when people aren't good at it.
"Stop taking it seriously" is such a weird cop out for me. No matter what you are doing, if it requires intense focus and coordination, and other people are relying on you, you damn well better be taking it seriously.
And no, raiding isn't hard, which is why I get irate when people aren't good at it.
If you've raided with me, you'd know I sort of just take that position even if someone is already trying to be that. I'm a hard ass but I'll work with people to mold them into perfection.
Also I get around that last bit by singling everyone out as often as possible.
And no, raiding isn't hard for me, which is why I get irate when people aren't good at it.
Jeez, playing a videogame is meant to be FUN. FUN. I don't play Destiny to be shouted at when I mess something up.
Playing with you sounds like the worst.
Is there a new HM quest?
Did anyone find more fragments?
It is still a game remember, and it is skill based. Not everyone you play with is as good as you I guess.
Sure, and I get enjoyment out of executing a team coordinated game perfectly. That's my fun.
"Stop taking it seriously" is such a weird cop out for me. No matter what you are doing, if it requires intense focus and coordination, and other people are relying on you, you damn well better be taking it seriously.
Jeez, playing a videogame is meant to be FUN. FUN. I don't play Destiny to be shouted at when I mess something up.
Playing with you sounds like the worst.
True, but its not like you're reviewing applications for a raid group. Some people often are with total randoms, using LFG, reddit...etc.Which shouldn't matter in this game cause you pick your own raid groups anyways. That seems to be a common pro for the lack of matchmaking, no?
You can do that without overreacting and shouting at people too. Not everything has to be a flawless run.
Oh god Im on /v/ all of a suddenFun is just a buzzword when you can't actually think of any real seasons as to why the game is good.
No see he has to shout at people because raiding is the easiest thing ever.
Fun is just a buzzword when you can't actually think of any real seasons as to why the game is good.
Fun is just a buzzword when you can't actually think of any real seasons as to why the game is good.
No see he has to shout at people because raiding is the easiest thing ever.
You know what needs to be the first thing that is done by the "group leader" when things don't work?
You ask "So guys, what is going wrong?"
And then you let everyone talk and tell you their POV.
We had a group at NM Oryx and we wiped 4 times in a row seemingly out of nowhere.
Then I asked and we went from person to person and one of them said "My Ogre always dies super late so I can't make it to the middle in time and die."
There was the problem, we told the roamers to properly help him and low and behold, next turn Oryx died.
The game is about communication both in AND out of the fight.
Some people will know what is happening but might not feel comfortable with stepping forward and saying it. Especially not if they might be "singled out".
So you let everyone give their view and they won't feel alone and unable to speak up.
For everyone? Or because it's easy for you, so everyone else should be able to do it just as easily.A lot of what we do in the raids is actually pretty easy.
totally agree on giving us builds to chase for. There needs to be so much more variety and synergies between items.
There should also be set bonuses with synergies as well.
A lot of what we do in the raids is actually pretty easy.