#1 Reason for running HM.

Need to do oryx normal...Anyone doing normal raid?
The problem with making extremely powerful and all desired guns is that those become the de facto weapons of the game and there's no reason to use anything else. This is/was especially a problem when those select weapons were actually incredibly plentiful and very common, relative to the ecosystem now.
I'd rather have 10 different weapons that I use all once a week rather than 1 weapon I use all week.
Yes, I get the point of them existing as the ultimate "chase", but I prefer what we have now.
who is we?
I didn't know zoba was the official spokesperson for the community
Uh, ya, that's why I said I dont understand.Zoba has a view and has stated such, both here and in a thread over on the gaming side. People share these views in the same way others who don't share yours. Does that confuse you?
I want the shader for my Titan#1 Reason for running HM.
Looking good! Thanks for the run Sentinal#1 Reason for running HM.
The discussion is on the table, but people are so fixated with the me as an individual and not the game itself. I'm just someone who analyzes the situation at a fundamental level and attempts to articulate it. I'd never be daft to claim that I am always right, but everything I say is usually backed up by people with far more knowledge than myself.
Looking good! Thanks for the run Sentinal
Need 3 for another hard run to from the beginning up til killing the sisters. Will only take an hour, 90 minutes max - just like the last two times we ran it
1 me
2 jinjo
3 bitofadrizzle
Add Mr-Stephen on PSN
Um, dissenters? False prophet? So you're saying he's a real prophet? Hmm.I honestly feel like dissenters spend much more time trying to paint you as a false prophet, than to have an actual discussion. I'm not sure why you even take the time anymore.
The problem with making extremely powerful and all desired guns is that those become the de facto weapons of the game and there's no reason to use anything else. This is/was especially a problem when those select weapons were actually incredibly plentiful and very common, relative to the ecosystem now.
I'd rather have 10 different weapons that I use all once a week rather than 1 weapon I use all week.
Yes, I get the point of them existing as the ultimate "chase", but I prefer what we have now.
Uh, ya, that's why I said I dont understand.
I just prefer to be happy with this game I love and don't agree with all of the negativity.
I'm overall just disappointed with KF HM. Felt like I was just doing NM for most of it up till Oryx.
I want the shader for my Titan
Um, dissenters? False prophet? So you're saying he's a real prophet? Hmm.
I just flat out disagree with most of his rants, and he does a lot of ranting. No offense to zoba. I'm sure he's a cool enough dude. I just prefer to be happy with this game I love and don't agree with all of the negativity.
No need to be a sarcastic jerk.
This thread sucks these last 24 hours.
No need to be a sarcastic jerk.Oh okay no problem. People have these things called opinions, they might not align with yours, but that's fine. When it comes to subjectivity, there is no right or wrong and that's why we have these things called discussions.
No need to be a sarcastic jerk.
This thread sucks these last 24 hours.
Why not have 10 different weapons to chase and pick what you want to use from that pool?
I'll just throw in my 2 motes.
The end game in The Taken King is missing three crucial things from year one - challenge, gear chase, and payoff.
[Gear Chase: We used to share checkpoints for weapon drops - that's how coveted weapons from Year One were. Take away their elements and they are still coveted because their base stats were really fucking good - absolutely too good, but that's why the content was replayed as much as it was. Vault of Glass in itself is fun, but it's not 12 months worth of replayability fun without the weapons that were part of it and the stories of obtaining them. Almost every weapon was worth getting from that Raid.
We are running the most difficult content over and over because we want the best guns in the game.
No need to be a sarcastic jerk.
This thread sucks these last 24 hours.
Luke Smith is a poopy face![]()
I'm close to getting my touch of Malice. I think I'm at about 37 calcified fragments.
Is there any way to find out what ones I'm missing for a specific character rather than account wide?
Nah that was his dog, remember? Poor diarrhea dog.
Unfortunately not by character. You're kind of stuck with going over the list manually. Did you get the ones in the Regicide mission? I think there are 4 in that alone.
The problem with making extremely powerful and all desired guns is that those become the de facto weapons of the game and there's no reason to use anything else. This is/was especially a problem when those select weapons were actually incredibly plentiful and very common, relative to the ecosystem now.
I'd rather have 10 different weapons that I use all once a week rather than 1 weapon I use all week.
Yes, I get the point of them existing as the ultimate "chase", but I prefer what we have now.
Yeah, I went through a guide for all the patrol ones and the regicide mission. There are a couple of strikes that have them that I know I've gotten but I'm not sure about this character. Also the raid ones. Again I've definitely gotten them but with who?? Some CoO also.Nah that was his dog, remember? Poor diarrhea dog.
Unfortunately not by character. You're kind of stuck with going over the list manually. Did you get the ones in the Regicide mission? I think there are 4 in that alone.
People will always gravitate towards the best like Hung Jury. It's sad that one our best legendaries is a vendor item.
All arguments aside, the "live" team need to pull a rabbit out of there arse as the content just isn't there anymore add to that the clusterfuck that is Crucible and the games giving me less and less reasons to login everyday
He did poop in a sock at some point thoughAnything is possible.
until they split pvp and pve perks i think there will not be any diversity in builds. There is such a dirth of interesting perks. I mean i was blown away when i saw the immobius perk because its actually half descent compared to what they normally trot out.
We need more class specific perks that synergise with abilitles. and they need to be on legendaries as they make up 80% of the load out.
The main issue with destiny was always the perks (or lack of) and it isnt massively different now. I made a post 2 months after vanilla release highlighting these issues.
Basic ideas such as Titan gloves that reflect damage back to nearby enemies (can build a proper tanky titan with force barrier exotics) .
Hunter helm that allows him to mesmerise enemies and make them fight for him for X seconds.
Just talking out aloud. but you kinda get my drift.
We kinda sorta almost have that now but the real answer is that that's hard to do. It's kind of a cop-out answer but honestly making 10 uniquely different shootbang weapons that are also all (roughly) equally competent and strong sounds like a fucking nightmare. edit: And I realize 10 is just an arbitrary number I initially picked but I would hope my point stands fine even then..
People will always gravitate towards the best like Hung Jury. It's sad that one our best legendaries is a vendor item.
Um.probably late to the party. But 307 titanNeed 3 for another hard run to from the beginning up til killing the sisters. Will only take an hour, 90 minutes max - just like the last two times we ran it
1 me
2 jinjo
3 bitofadrizzle
Add Mr-Stephen on PSN
Need 3 for another hard run to from the beginning up til killing the sisters. Will only take an hour, 90 minutes max - just like the last two times we ran it
1 me
2 jinjo
3 bitofadrizzle
Add Mr-Stephen on PSN
Need 3 for another hard run to from the beginning up til killing the sisters. Will only take an hour, 90 minutes max - just like the last two times we ran it
1 me
2 jinjo
3 bitofadrizzle
Add Mr-Stephen on PSN
Need 3 for another hard run to from the beginning up til killing the sisters. Will only take an hour, 90 minutes max - just like the last two times we ran it
1 me
2 jinjo
3 bitofadrizzle
Add Mr-Stephen on PSN
Any well-rested Guardians want to tackle HM Oryx? Realistically people should be at least 309, preferably 310+. I've got the CP and a 311 Warlock if people are serious about taking him down.