Is 3oC broken or something? Just used 22 and no engram drops...
Is 3oC broken or something? Just used 22 and no engram drops...
I keep saying it but all the game needs is an absurdly huge list of PvP/PvE perks. I don't think the weapons necessarily need to be super powerfuly but at least both unique *AND* competent.
That was the problem with Dreg's Promise and friends, they were unique and cool but why bother using them when they're just not very strong weapons.
It's fucking hell of a challenge, though, which is what I think most people forget. There's only so much you can do with shooty shooty bang bang before you everything starts feeling the same.
Destiny is such a divisive game.
Any well-rested Guardians want to tackle HM Oryx? Realistically people should be at least 309, preferably 310+. I've got the CP and a 311 Warlock if people are serious about taking him down.
Hey Trance, my son is home this weekend (rare) and he has never even done normal mode KF. His rep is pretty tight with Xplicitone and Navy Bean VE3TRO and Seth - any chance any of you Xbros would take a break from HM and grab him for some NM shenanigans?
Against All Odds-bros stand strong!
Nm kf anyone. Start a group if anyone is interested
Nm kf anyone. Start a group if anyone is interested
What level of difficulty - for any Bungie Halo players - did you play Halo on?
Sorry I can't help at the moment but if you're a warlock try this. Worked for meAny kind souls that would be willing to help me with the scent of the worm chest.. I need that fragment to get my Touch of Malice.
What level of difficulty - for any Bungie Halo players - did you play Halo on?
I'm in psn TechMemphis
PSN: Hundere
The problem with making extremely powerful and all desired guns is that those become the de facto weapons of the game and there's no reason to use anything else. This is/was especially a problem when those select weapons were actually incredibly plentiful and very common, relative to the ecosystem now.
I'd rather have 10 different weapons that I use all once a week rather than 1 weapon I use all week.
Yes, I get the point of them existing as the ultimate "chase", but I prefer what we have now.
The community really splits up whenever a HM raid is released. Give it a few weeks everything will be back to normal
The community really splits up whenever a HM raid is released. Give it a few weeks everything will be back to normal
The community really splits up whenever a HM raid is released. Give it a few weeks everything will be back to normal
The community really splits up whenever a HM raid is released. Give it a few weeks everything will be back to normal
Um, dissenters? False prophet? So you're saying he's a real prophet? Hmm.
I just flat out disagree with most of his rants, and he does a lot of ranting. No offense to zoba. I'm sure he's a cool enough dude. I just prefer to be happy with this game I love and don't agree with all of the negativity.
I'd be interested in trying it. I've made it up to Oryx yesterday, but my fireteam just couldn't cut it (we were 305-308 at the time). I'm currently LL309 on my Warlock.
The community really splits up whenever a HM raid is released. Give it a few weeks everything will be back to normal
Added to the list. Ill sent out invites once we're fullI didn't get the accept had to reap my ps+ real quick
I dont know druv, the complaint isnt centered on difficulty this time. Its more of
Whats the point
Nm kf anyone. Start a group if anyone is interested
You still got a spot open? 309 Warlock. PSN JafkuNm kf anyone. Start a group if anyone is interested
I picked up Destiny again after a bit and managed to get two of my characters up to about 295. Getting 295+ seems a little painful and very 'grindy'. It seems like most people raiding are 305+ at this point, so I'm kinda struggling as to how you get above 295.
I've enjoyed the taken king main storyline so far, but from what I can see, it looks like getting from 295+ pretty much requires raiding. I participated in Iron Banner with 1 character to L5, but hardly got any drops (other than the guns) and they were all < 290.
My old raiding group is a little splintered now, but I played a couple of the raid enounters (not from the beginning, sadly), but also got nothing really good so far. I'm sure multiple raid runs start to finish would cure that, but I'm surprised that there's such a narrow funnel at this point in the game - in the past, Bungie has allowed multiple activity types to let you get to the top tier in the game, unless I'm missing something.
HM King's Fall - Tonight 10pm CET - 8pm GMT
1. jayforone - 306 Titan - First run
2. Mindlog - Second Run
3. wanderjahr - 309 warlock
Need four guardians to get to Oryx and depending on drops see if he is feasible.
Laid back run for fun.
Please quote me and add urself to the list and send me a FR if u r not yet on my list.
Going to see The Martian now and I'll be reposting during the day to get a fun group together.
Just in case you don't know, there is no real reason to get to 300 or higher.
with 295 you can do any normal content in the game easily,including the normal mode raid.
300+ is only required for the hard mode raid.
So don't feel forced to go higher if you don't want to raid!
I'll go again, Rob.
You still got a spot open? 309 Warlock. PSN Jafku
HM King's Fall at Oryx CP:
1. F0X-AIV3E
Be at least 310 LL, as will make encounter more bearable for all ppl.
So I've been keeping out of this thread until I run my first hard mode tomorrow... But I did want to see if anyone found the three new fragments in hard mode. Any word on those last three?
Also, without spoiling things... How's the general response to HM? Just increased damage and bullet sponges?
So I've been keeping out of this thread until I run my first hard mode tomorrow... But I did want to see if anyone found the three new fragments in hard mode. Any word on those last three?
Also, without spoiling things... How's the general response to HM? Just increased damage and bullet sponges?