306 Ghost.
295 Crucible Sniper.
300 Chest Piece .
295 Crucible Sniper.
300 Chest Piece .
And it dropped from the boss itself or was from the reward screen? It's supposed to only be from the latter.
Just post around here. Make a list of 6 and mention which raid you want to run. If the thread is moving too fast and you don't get many responses then feel free to keep posting. Sometimes it takes a little perseverance.
Basically everyone is over-leveled for VoG these days, don't have to worry about that. Anyone that's high 280's-290+ Light can jump into normal King's Fall. Lots of people are doing Atheon today just for the exotic weapon, so today would be your best chance to find a VoG group. Starting Friday requirements will be much steeper for Hard King's Fall (310+ Light) but I assume people will still be running normal.
lol I got exactly the same thing. Hopefully someone else in your group didn't get a 310 ghost just to salt the wound![]()
Falifax, A_Javier.. Go away with your hammers! You just killed me a dozen times in Mayhem.
NF, anyone?
Anyone know why second ghost on 'Paradox' is not showing up where it should be?
We had been getting one shotted by Golden Guns though, we were wondering if they stealth patched Sunbreakers.
Anyone know why second ghost on 'Paradox' is not showing up where it should be?
Help me kill Atheon!
Probably because you wiped. If you wipe you gotta start collecting the ghosts all over.
So what was the Kotaku guy hoping would be interesting about his article? Most people here already knew most of that stuff, besides the Rasputin Exo thing and the issues with the engine.
It dropped from the boss itself, I thought it was weird. I got a 290 crest of alpha lupi from the reward screen.
Maybe the flayers are just broken that way? Since they don't count as ultras to begin with, maybe the nerf only affects Ultras?
If you restart, you have to still go and collect the first. You have to get all the ghosts in one run.I haven't died once since start of mission. I initially collected the first ghost on a previous run and wiped. I then restarted from orbit and haven't died yet.
I haven't died once since start of mission. I initially collected the first ghost on a previous run and wiped. I then restarted from orbit and haven't died yet.
You have to collect all the ghosts in one run. The second doesn't appear if you didn't collect the first, etc. If you wipe then you have to start over.
I just killed the huge minotaur that spawns at the citadel after taken corruption but didn't advance the quest? Help
A 310 hereafter from second NF. Now we're talking.
Anyone wanna do the daily to get the ghosts?
That roll was almost perfection. It was so close, but no stability perk messes with my OCD. I'd also like a better scope like red dot OAS. The one I have dropped with the bad juju sight, and a couple other meh ones. I'll hit you up if I have some time to burn before tonight's Raid.You're still gonna farm it after that drop? Sounds about as good as could be reasonably expected. What would be the #1 God roll drop besides hand laid?
I might be up for a little Omni farming tonight if you need people. Not raiding until Friday so there's honestly nothing else to do this week. Already got the Nirwen's and a great roll Lymudia but Grasp sounds interesting. No Time seems like a legit PvP exotic although the exotic perk isn't as good as Red Death or Juju and the stability/range stats won't be as good as a God-roll legendary.
If I could get a 310 from the NF, it'll be better than any Ghost I've ever gotten in the Raid after all dem clears: 1 - 300 GhostHOW DID THEY MAKE NF DROPS EVEN WORSE? GHOST SHELLS??? REALLY?
I was busy with IB this week so I only got it done last night after getting to rank 5 on all characters. I really, REALLY dislike the accuracy nerf to handcannons.Just realised that the first curse will be available for some of us tomorrow..That means all exotic weapons in kiosk unlocked.![]()
Alright, time to take off. Will you crazy people be on OT36 by the time I land?
Good luck with the nightfall rewards and hope everyone gets the new NTTE exotic.
Hey can you die after you grab the first ghost? As long as you dont wipe aka a darkness zone, it will still count right?
the Undying Mind strike in the Hunger Pangs questline says it has matchmaking. is this an error or is nobody actually searching for it?
Well, a 310 Vestmants Voidfangs, a 310 Alpha Lupi, and some 290+ boots from nightfall this week.
Yep, I need it, sending you a FR.Anyone doing Blood in the Garden? Mars, No Time To Explain.
Let me switch to my Titan and I'll help out. After that, I'm backing out to do daily and calling it a day.I got 3 guys with me at CP. help?
Let me switch to my Titan and I'll help out. After that, I'm backing out to do daily and calling it a day.
Need 1 for 1X Nightfall. PSN: sephi22
I am in PSN CthulhuSars
I was busy with IB this week so I only got it done last night after getting to rank 5 on all characters. I really, REALLY dislike the accuracy nerf to handcannons.
Edit: Have a good flight!
Safe travels Rufus! Let us know if you get your PS4 hooked up for some Heroic raiding this weekend.