>void is link's whirlwind move
>doesn't describe solar as shoryuken
Solar uppercut can take out the yellow Knights in 2 hits in HM. so fucking good.
>void is link's whirlwind move
>doesn't describe solar as shoryuken
May I join?
Solar uppercut can take out the yellow Knights in 2 hits in HM. so fucking good.
I have the Oryx CP on 1 char and Daughters on another. Looking for a group to finish or a fresh group for my titan.
yo my bad Jakfu, my team scrubbed it up just now. Those were the worse runs I've had since HM came out. Me and Brooklyn, and a different team took down Oryx twice last night easily.
Need 1 for Oryx, One of our member decided to drop and joined another group without saying anything.
If it's nm I'm down.
Psn LuckyDoobage
need one more for fresh hm raid anyone????
isn't this the same mistake they did with Deathsingers in CE? there were no chances for exotic drops at all until they patched it.
The exotic chance was originally from the first chest, in one of the side doors of the Abyss. I still remember TDB launch day with so many excited, ignorant Guardians posting "I got the new exotic Rocket Launcher!!! Dragons Breath OP!!!!"
There was no loot whatsoever from DSingers like you said. And anyone could easily grab that first chest solo by wiping until it appeared in the first door. So Bungie took that exact chest drop (2 Radiant mats, potential class item, potential exotic weapon) and dumped it at DS. Gave that chest a new drop of 2 Rad mats; you could actually loot it twice the week they changed it but DS would give nothing.
I need 2 for Oryx now.
One last question, if I want to buy the "most value" Collector's Edition for Destiny Taken King, is digital the only option? I can't find it physical anywhere...
Right on the money. KF design is so random, like they designed separate encounters and stitched them together to form a raid. It has no flow to it, no consistency.
Also for page top reward you get to help me kill oryx 3x before the weekly reset. Should have time tomorrow (in the next 12 hours) till reset to get it done. Thanks in advance![]()
Me too! All three of my characters are at the Oryx checkpoint, I'd really like to knock it out a few times before reset.
You doing the new strat? I'm at 309 right now. If so I'll join. PSN Agent_Singh.
Sorry mate, doing Oryx
I've killed the warpreist on normal nine times and two on hard and I've never gotten a single normal item from him. I am thankful for the two hard drops he's given me. On that note, in eleven clears I've gotten twelve ghosts total.Can confirm. In our second run on Friday, my hunter got squat from warpriest
Yeah I know, that's all I need. Just wondered if you were going to try the new start, as at 309 I might struggle doing it the conventional way.
Do this.every time I do something other than refresh this thread for 5 minutes I come back and another group has started and filled up. I think I should just play SFV for the rest of the day instead.
Need 6 for raid, at Oryx, Hard mode
Yeah I know, that's all I need. Just wondered if you were going to try the new start, as at 309 I might struggle doing it the conventional way.
This is hard mode
I'll be around tonight, happy to help w some kills. Talked to Stabie earlier today about doing another one since him and Jigga still need some loot he said.
Once people are familiar with new strat it will be easy. I thought original strat was easy but didn't work out that way all the time.
I'll be around tonight, happy to help w some kills. Talked to Stabie earlier today about doing another one since him and Jigga still need some loot he said.
Once people are familiar with new strat it will be easy. I thought original strat was easy but didn't work out that way all the time.
Need 4 preferably at 310+ light. Experience would be nice currently at Oryx on hm. Doing the new strag.
1. Me (309 )
2. Agent_Singh (309)
I've done oryx a few times-- I'm at 299 tho...
I'm down if it's doable at my lvl- no offense taken if not lol
I've done oryx a few times-- I'm at 299 tho...
I'm down if it's doable at my lvl- no offense taken if not lol
I can join as well. I have a 311 warlock and I beat oryx twice. I want to try the new strategy. Psn KeanBurkeYou guys want to join me? I got 3 already. I beat oryx last night so we can go over the method and what have us the most problems. Same psn as gaf.
I want to make a bet but there's nothing GHorn-esque to put up as a meaningful wager. I'll try this instead:
If Bungie doesn't patch something related to the new Oryx strat, I'll dismantle my Atheon's Epilogue.
...don't laugh. It was my very first raid drop. Trust me, it has a lot of sentimental value.
Still have room?
PSN: mostwantedzero
i still have all old raid drops. not sure why.
I want to make a bet but there's nothing GHorn-esque to put up as a meaningful wager. I'll try this instead:
If Bungie doesn't patch something related to the new Oryx strat, I'll dismantle my Atheon's Epilogue.
...don't laugh. It was my very first raid drop. Trust me, it has a lot of sentimental value.
I want to make a bet but there's nothing GHorn-esque to put up as a meaningful wager. I'll try this instead:
If Bungie doesn't patch something related to the new Oryx strat, I'll dismantle my Atheon's Epilogue.
...don't laugh. It was my very first raid drop. Trust me, it has a lot of sentimental value.