Breakfast at Noon
Is anyone on HM Oryx now and need 1 i wanna try the strat.
Only 309, because ya know.. rng
Only 309, because ya know.. rng I can help out quickly.
p.s What is the way to skip The Taken War quest to get the quest for the 310 Artifact?
Maybe Bungie could have came up with a meaningful mechanic instead of something that could be negated completely simply by standing on a higher platform...
Nah they will make the deathsingers drop a aura when they die so no one can use the pillars.just have Tomb Ships fly by every 60 seconds.
How the heck did those that got Titan emblems already get 15 storm fist kills with trex arms?!
Edit: tips would be appreciated.
I still need to do this as it is holding me back on my alts.
Yes. It lessens the need for higher levels, but asks for more team coordination.
Just want to say that I'm glad I have this game and this community to distract me and let me focus on something other than the pain in my heart right now. <3 you guys.
Just want to say that I'm glad I have this game and this community to distract me and let me focus on something other than the pain in my heart right now. <3 you guys.
Need 2 more for a fresh hard mode King's Fall. Doing an alt run through the Daughters.
Please have normal experience and 305+ light.
PSN: sunvsthemoon
something happen? community has been good to me as well. two funerals in one year sucks. i've been somewhat dickish because of it, lol
Yeah I guess you're right.Coordination is less not more. You don't have to coordinate Ogre or LE Knight DPS since you have the Aura for the Ogres and you can ignore the Knights. Syncing the blight detonations is same as always, it's just initiated by Ogre killing instead of Doxology stagger.
Nothing needs "fixed." Players found a different way to approach the encounter. If a group doesn't like that method, don't use it. Plenty of stategies popped up yesterday, or became more popular. As of right now, waiting to kill ogres will remain the best choice for new groups and lower light levels because it isn't as punishing. Once everyone becomes more comfortable, other strategies can open back up based on group preference.
Again, not everything needs to be proclaimed as "cheese," nothing here needs "fixed," and don't worry about how other people play the game. Get your group together and play the way you want to.
Up for it. Tigerheli
Need 2 more for a fresh hard mode King's Fall. Doing an alt run through the Daughters.
Please have normal experience and 305+ light.
PSN: sunvsthemoon
Grandfather passed away. Typing that is bringing the tears back again.
Red Death is the GOAT for the first parts of the raid, health regen aside it hits like a truck and is much better than Suros and Zhallo
Nothing needs "fixed." Players found a different way to approach the encounter. If a group doesn't like that method, don't use it. Plenty of stategies popped up yesterday, or became more popular. As of right now, waiting to kill ogres will remain the best choice for new groups and lower light levels because it isn't as punishing. Once everyone becomes more comfortable, other strategies can open back up based on group preference.
Again, not everything needs to be proclaimed as "cheese," nothing here needs "fixed," and don't worry about how other people play the game. Get your group together and play the way you want to.
I dont think anyone is seriously calling it cheese. Its just us assuming thats what Bungie will call it 😈
If we're being real here, if they decide to do anything, they will put soft kill barriers on those platforms.I dont think anyone is seriously calling it cheese. Its just us assuming thats what Bungie will call it 😈
I dont think anyone is seriously calling it cheese. Its just us assuming thats what Bungie will call it ��
Red Death is the GOAT for the first parts of the raid, health regen aside it hits like a truck and is much better than Suros and Zhallo
Yeah, exactly. The conversation is about how Bungie might approach it. Pretty sure everyone has said they hope it stays the same. Not sure where this "fixed" idea came from.
Might give it a try. I like using Zhalo on totems and Hung Jury is king on Warpriest/Golg
If we're being real here, if they decide to do anything, they will put soft kill barriers on those platforms.
Turn Backfrom creativity and exploration
Those things are the worst.
Turn Backfrom creativity and exploration
Those things are the worst.
Turn Backfrom creativity and exploration
Those things are the worst.
The HM mechanic for Oryx should have been the relic runner having to jump on multiple passing Tomb ships on his way to the relic. That would have been cool.
The HM mechanic for Oryx should have been the relic runner having to dodge passing Tomb ships on his way to the relic. That would have been cool.
Hopefully Bungie has learned to stop tinkering when the player base devises an optimal strategy that doesn't align with their initial vision. I'm cautiously optimistic. I'm just a bit tired of prevailing reaction of a portion of the destiny community (not necessarily GAF) whenever something like this comes up. It's always "Get in before Bungie patches it!" or "I did it when it was hard, so Bungie better patch it so everyone has to!"Yeah, exactly. The conversation is about how Bungie might approach it. Pretty sure everyone has said they hope it stays the same. Not sure where this "fixed" idea came from.
All they needed was to add a random person to be torn like in the daughters. Encounter would've automatically been the equivalent of 20 light levels harder lolThe HM mechanic for Oryx should have been the relic runner having to dodge passing Tomb ships on his way to the relic. That would have been cool.
I would join this :3I saw your numbers and was about to say
6) Drizzay
5) Colonel
4) you
3) you
2) you and
1) you
Wait, what?![]()
That would be cool too, but
1) that Tomb ship kills you upon contact, so it'd be inconsistent.
2) what purpose would the platforms serve?
I don't think they'll dare touch it, mainly due to lack of content and the RNG needed to be a high enough level to do it legit within a reasonable amount of time. Can you imagine the uproar if they made the only relevant end game stuff that much harder
I'll be around tonight, happy to help w some kills. Talked to Stabie earlier today about doing another one since him and Jigga still need some loot he said.
Once people are familiar with new strat it will be easy. I thought original strat was easy but didn't work out that way all the time.
All they needed was to add a random person to be torn like in the daughters. Encounter would've automatically been 20 light levels harder lol
From the thread consensus it sounds like my precious Atheon's Epilogue is on death's door ;_;
I'll run the strat again tonight with Colonel and see how it feels. My gut reaction from this morning was that it seemed too easy to live. But perhaps it's too beautiful to die...