I now the perks are semi random(?) But are any of the FWC weapons worth grabbing? I'm cool with all of the weapon types so that's not a concern.
The Villainy is a awesome.
I now the perks are semi random(?) But are any of the FWC weapons worth grabbing? I'm cool with all of the weapon types so that's not a concern.
Looking for more for fresh Hard Mode raid!
Our first time in, we'll plan to look up whatever we don't know as a group.
Asking for 306+, mic required. Copy and paste the list with your username, we'll leave when we fill up!
1. crophonso
2. tastypwnwhich
3.Justlnsayne (lower case L)
4. j2theizzay
5. Afrodeeziyak
Ok cool. Ready when you guys are. Daughters HM CP x2.
1. Science
2. Macello
3. Wheel
Thanks for sending in the cavalry. I thought I was doing pretty well, managing the adds and taking out one of the Psions. Then you guys show up and kill the other two in 30 seconds. :lol
My reward left something to be desired. And no, I had not run it yet. :
Thanks for sending in the cavalry. I thought I was doing pretty well, managing the adds and taking out one of the Psions. Then you guys show up and kill the other two in 30 seconds. :lol
My reward left something to be desired. And no, I had not run it yet. :
Thanks for sending in the cavalry. I thought I was doing pretty well, managing the adds and taking out one of the Psions. Then you guys show up and kill the other two in 30 seconds. :lol
My reward left something to be desired. And no, I had not run it yet. :\
Ok, so my Hunter is 40 now. Yay.
I need to start getting all my gear from Rare to Legendary. Is there like a good guide of quests and strikes and whatever to do to help get all my gear up to snuff? I dont wanna just get Legendary Marks all day everyday, haha.
Need 2 for hard raid, starting at totems. Message Trakan on PSN.
Count me in!
PSN Afrodeeziyak. Titan @ level 303 so a fresh HM run would do me wonders.
Thanks for sending in the cavalry. I thought I was doing pretty well, managing the adds and taking out one of the Psions. Then you guys show up and kill the other two in 30 seconds. :lol
My reward left something to be desired. And no, I had not run it yet. :\
You should double check. You might've ran it already and forgot.
Vangaurd Stikes and once you reach higher light, Vanguard Heroic playlist would be ideal. Also, don't forget CoO.
Need one for HM Golgoroth.
Think my 303 Titan can join in?
Can't believe we can't get one more, after all day people looking for groups lol.
Thanks for the info! I was hoping it would be more exciting than strike playlists, haha. Whats CoO?
Woah i didnt know the raid sniper could drop as a mini black spindle. Got the perk perfectionist that refunds the magazine if all shots are precision. Shots, not kills.
Woah i didnt know the raid sniper could drop as a mini black spindle. Got the perk perfectionist that refunds the magazine if all shots are precision. Shots, not kills.
Psn is RickyRobertson if you're still needing one
Court of Oryx, located at the Dreadnought
Psn is RickyRobertson if you're still needing one
Nah, I got one with perfectionist from normal.What? oh, maybe is the hard raid variant.
Woah i didnt know the raid sniper could drop as a mini black spindle. Got the perk perfectionist that refunds the magazine if all shots are precision. Shots, not kills.
At the map before I ran it, the "Unknown rewards" was listed, indicating I had not done it, so I thought I was in the clear. I suppose it's possible but I don't recall doing it.
I did get a 286 Void Flayer Mantle as a boss drop, so I was happy with that, at least.
Edit: checking I have a Dust Palace run on Tuesday - I think I did actually run it, I just forgot. D'oh.
Double check because that perk is for kills.
my HM raid sniper has Hot Swap for last perk. such a shitty perk.
Just messed around with gear.
My Warlock is 310 with optimal gear.
My Hunter is...311.
I feel disgusted. I feel sick.
Ok, so my Hunter is 40 now. Yay.
I need to start getting all my gear from Rare to Legendary. Is there like a good guide of quests and strikes and whatever to do to help get all my gear up to snuff? I dont wanna just get Legendary Marks all day everyday, haha.
Its the best pvp perk, I wish I had it
my HM raid sniper has Hot Swap for last perk. such a shitty perk.
I think that it might take more than 5-6 runs to get everyone in sync. We just beat oryx again and we had 2 310s, 3 309s, and zocano was 307 I think. It was still challenging though.
My HM sniper went immediately into my 1000 yard stare.
yup, instead my Black Spindle cause my 1000 yard stare is already at 310
Spindle got the first infusion. Now it's 317. :drool:
I wouldn't mind giving it a go if you have a spot.
God damn!, you got some good drops. For killing Oryx on hard, all I got was boots.
Sorry for the delayed response. You still interested? Looking to start at Oryx (new strat) in about 45 min to an hour).
We'd obviously love to have at least one person whose done it before.
1. LT
2. T-44
3. SeanR(PSN?)