Sorry for the delayed response. You still interested? Looking to start at Oryx (new strat) in about 45 min to an hour).
We'd obviously love to have at least one person whose done it before.
1. LT
2. T-44
3. SeanR(PSN?)
Sorry for the delayed response. You still interested? Looking to start at Oryx (new strat) in about 45 min to an hour).
We'd obviously love to have at least one person whose done it before.
1. LT
2. T-44
3. SeanR(PSN?)
I got 3 and we've all done the alt strategy before, but we would like to start in 5-10 minutes. Want to join us?
I should be free by then (therealinthrall), and have done new strat before
Do you only have 1 character? Remember whenever you decrypt engrams, do one at a time. Check to make sure if the new item is a higher value. If so equip it to help increase the chances of decrypting better gear. I think the Vanguard "Neverending Battle" Quest will reward you with a 300 special weapon. The main aspect of the quests are 5 level 36 strikes, 5 heroic strikes and a nightfall. So you will get plenty of engrams from those.
Any of you guys doing Hard Oryx with new strat mind if I join?
Moving items in vault then I'll be there.Sure add me. Psn is same as gaf.
What light level is good for new strat? I only got to 310
Keanburke. I want to try this new strategySorry for the delayed response. You still interested? Looking to start at Oryx (new strat) in about 45 min to an hour).
We'd obviously love to have at least one person whose done it before.
1. LT
2. T-44
3. SeanR(PSN?)
What light level is good for new strat? I only got to 310
What light level is good for new strat? I only got to 310
I've seen some 307s do it. You'll be fine at 310.What light level is good for new strat? I only got to 310
Keanburke. I want to try this new strategy
Good enough. Add me if you want to join. Psn same as gaf
If six is available I'm in!Cool!
If six is available I'm in!
Ok I'll add you switching weapons around
Edit: actually already friends
I got 3 and we've all done the alt strategy before, but we would like to start in 5-10 minutes. Want to join us?
Do you guys still have room for me?
PSN: mostwantedzero
long time Destiny buddy deleted me without reason. ah well, that's okay. we shall never play together again. farewell.
Hells yeah! See you duders at the top of the hour. #teamfirsttry
Definitely. SeanR1221. Gotta be in bed by 11 though so let's get it done![]()
So what's the best and easiest way to get the flawless raider trophy now? That's the last trophy I need to get the platinum.
So what's the best and easiest way to get the flawless raider trophy now? That's the last trophy I need to get the platinum.
Anyone want to join for HM Golgo? We have 5, just need 1 more.
You'll always be on my friends list, Lik. I can't quit you.[/QUOTE]
Thanks brah
I would guess NM Crota. Its basically like a long strike at this point.
Anyone want to join for HM Golgo? We have 5, just need 1 more.
My friend solo nm Crota and got flawless.
Need a 6th for HM Oryx. We will be doing the new strat.
310+ if possible
PSN: DirtyAquaticApe
I'll jump in
Hunter FWC chest looks the best. Also FWC shaders compliment their armor really well too.Why the FUCK does all the armor from Future War Cult look so god damn cool. Except, for some reason, chest pieces. Wizard robes look bad
anyone doing the Hero Story Daily?