In our 3 runs we just did, I got a few decent drops, including a 320 rocket launcher. However, the vast majority of drops I received from hard mode this week were literally NOTHING:
- Totems 1 = NOTHING
- Totems 2 = NOTHING
- Totems 3 = NOTHING
- Warpriest 1 - NOTHING
- Warpriest 2 - NOTHING
- Daughters 1 - NOTHING
- Daughters 2 - NOTHING
It is pretty unacceptable that "NOTHING" is a possible hard mode loot drop. Every hard mode drop should at least guarantee one hard mode item. That's not even asking much, since even if you get a drop, you have to get through 3 layers of RNG to get the item you really want/need!
Bungie pls...
Yeah, that's a fucking shame. The whole investment team at Bungie need a stern talking to.
All you need is a minimum of 4 other higher level weapons and 40 weapon parts to get it there Trance!
Bungie can kiss my ghost lol. Infusion needs to be reworked.