I watched Josh and VE3TRO and Co. raid last night on XBone. And here was his first raid on Xbox, and he got
300?! chest
302 (I think)?! scout
We've all ranted about how the loot totally bites. But there's my kid, all fresh faced and actually kinda hyped to run it, (I know I fall on the "ready to quit" side of the fence more lately) and RNG gives him the bird.
When we're all at this simultaneously low point in the Sine wave, I see more "Why?" questions which I like. Maybe if I/we help people more and grind less it will be "fun" again.
Helped a guy last night take down the Champions as he was like 243. That was cool.
Hoping to bang out a HM tonight and then maybe Destiny will be a game I play with friends but not the only game I play/second job.