Nightfall rewards:
304 Fusion rifle + 3 strange coins & 297 Void Flayer Mantle
290 Empyrean Bellicose
310 Questing Beast & 285 Arc Flayer Mantle
I'm okay with this? The 304 Fusion rifle and 310 Questing Beast (Vanguard AR) rolled garbage perks but that's good infusion material at least. The Empryrean Bellicose was a virtual duplicate of one I already had so that was sharded. I already had a Void Flayer Mantle and this one rolled literally
identical to the one I already had; exact same light level, stat rolls and everything, it's kind of crazy. So that got infused. I didn't have the Arc Flayer Mantle so that's rad though.
So basically one decent and one great infusion item, and one of the Mantles I didn't have. Feels more in line with what I'd want out of a NF. Honestly would have gladly traded any of these for all of these 300+ ghosts everyone seems to be getting but doesn't want, you guys are killing me with that shit.
Edit: Also sorry I had to leave Crash, I love playing with you guys but it's late and I'm tired and sick, don't think I could make it through a Raid right this moment