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Destiny |OT35| Time to Explain At Last

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People talking like KF HM doesn't drop 310 - 320 gear.

Yeah it's crazy pills in here today, not even sure why I'm here right now. I'm pretty sure there was a 2 page argument earlier about the definition of the word rival. Friday and people just looking to pick arguments while bored at work.


Good to have you back, Ocean, and thanks for the long write ups, great reads.

It's been interesting taking in all the differing opinions about TTK's new systems and endgame structure. For everyone who finds it improved, someone thinks it's awful and we need to go back to the HoW island. I think a big part of it comes down to how and what people play in Destiny, but I do think there's an underlying set of different expectations about the new leveling systems.

This is probably the biggest point of contention I've seen so far:

1. I hate stunted vertical power climbs. The best thing about HoW-era Destiny was the fact that all your progress was horizontal after the first week. It took a day or 2 to be max level, and everything after that was purely optimization of your loadouts. Every single legendary in the game had the potential to be relevant. Whether it was an Int/Dis Gauntlet you liked from VoG for the Special Weapon loader perk, or that lucky old LDR you had, or maybe a great drop...an Etheric Light (of which we had piles and piles) would instantly bring it up to speed.

I have a ton of stuff I'd like to try now. But bringing that new sniper I got to the Raid would mean sacrificing 2-3 special weapons at 300+. I have to cannibalize my inventory for the sake of a few new things. It's frustrating.

Even worse, reaching max level isn't even an aspirational thing anymore. Even with #forever29, people sought to reach 30. Because it was close. It was doable. The game hinted it was imminent (just need that one pair of boots!). Now, reaching max level depends on having 10 individual pieces with low drop rates from a once a week activity drop at max level. And given the fact they can drop anywhere between 310 and 320, there's only a 9% chance that chest piece you got will actually serve to push you to 320. And even then, chances are overwhelmingly stacked against you if you hope it'll have good perks on top of the good Light.

Do you see what I'm saying? Once people reached 305ish, they kind of gave up on teaching 310 because of how damn unlikely it was. Hell the total number of 310s before HM (like the total number of 320s before the imminent 330 power creep) was probably the smallest subset in the community. And if your game is designed for reaching max light to be practically impossible, encounters are designed in one of two ways:

A) max light is irrelevant
I was smiling as I read this section, because you (and lots of others) hate is what I think of as one of the best changes to Destiny with TTK.

For the first time in Destiny, we can be over-leveled for peak endgame activities. Pre HM KF, the theoretical max light was 310, but the highest level enemies in any activity was 300. The new loot system aligns engram and weapon drops to cluster around our current light level, sometimes lower but often higher to nudge us forever upward. The progress slows near 300, but it's designed so we don't require a max light level gear to run max light level activities on an even playing field. Fyre described this as a "crumple zone" for the RNG systems and I think that description is apt.

My goal is to hit 300 light, not 310, because that's how I think the system was designed. It's not communicated though, and we're all hardwired to want the bigger number. I had a fascinating exchange with someone on the Gaming forum a week or two ago about this when on this same subject. When I explained that you don't need 310 light in KF, just 300, to be a parity, the response was, well yea. But 310 is bigger! It was like that scene from Spinal Tap where there's a debate about the benefit of speakers that go to 11.

At any rate, because my goal is to hit 300 light, I'm a happy camper as I inch toward it because I do so in lots of different ways. Which brings us to the next topic, which I'll start with something you also said above:

Whether it was an Int/Dis Gauntlet you liked from VoG for the Special Weapon loader perk, or that lucky old LDR you had, or maybe a great drop...an Etheric Light (of which we had piles and piles) would instantly bring it up to speed.
This is interesting and revealing of how people play Destiny differently, and highlights issues with HoW vs. TTK because this is so not a true statement for me, and I played the living hell out of the House of Wolves. I began TTK with two spare Etheric Light in my vault, and there were only there because I stopped infusing gear and set Destiny aside for a few weeks pre-TTK.

With House of Wolves, the progression path narrowed dramatically for a non-PvP player like me, and it ran primarily through the Prison of Elders. Aside from the random (and frustratingly rare) Nightfall drop, I could only progress to 34 through a throttled number of challenge modes each week, for Etheric Light drops. I never did get all of my gear to 34 - not even all my favorite gear. The HoW era was one of perpetual frustration for me as I got my gear up to speed over the course of months.

Last night, I improved four pieces of gear on my level 293 Hunter through engrams dropped in the daily story mission and running patrols of all things. I can progress to higher light by running story missions, patrols, the strike playlist, Nightfalls, the heroic strikes, the daily crucible game (which I do play now) and of course, the Raid (where we can finally earn XP, do bounties, and get engram drops).

To me, this is a near-miraculous improvement over House of Wolves because suddenly all of Destiny is relevant to me when I'm high level. This is what I wanted through all of year 1. (Patrols are fun now, and the patrols on the Dreadnaught are a big part of my endgame activities - lots of XP, relevant engram drops, glimmer and the weekly events on the ship).

To me, the endgame has expanded dramatically to include literally every activity in the game. (I'm not in the peak of Trials and HM KF gear.) This is what I wanted from TTK and I'm so glad Bungie pulled it off. I'm playing much more variety now and still progressing than I ever did in year 1.

At any rate, I won't go point by point as those were the two biggest areas where I disagree with TTK. I totally understand your perspective, just wanted to offer my thoughts on those subjects since they're very things I really enjoy about TTK.

Welcome back!
People talking like KF HM doesn't drop 310 - 320 gear.

It does. But a possible KF HM drop roll is also "nothing." Based on the limited sampling of streams in ToO so far. It seems everyone got guaranteed drops of armor and a weapon once. Just to reiterate, not saying that is an easy achievement, just strait loot table rules. guarnteed drops v roll for possible drop or nothing. I don't know why the loot table wouldn't be like that in HF HM.

Both sides get to enjoy the bullshit 310-320 RNG aspect. Yeay!


Bannerfall is indeed a shit map for trials.

Really? Have't played yet but it seems OK and like it might be the best map in terms of TTK maps.

Yeah it's crazy pills in here today, not even sure why I'm here right now. I'm pretty sure there was a 2 page argument earlier about the definition of the word rival. Friday and people just looking to pick arguments while bored at work.

Haha yes, that was a bit silly. A lot of circular logic and lack of perspective in some of this stuff.

Deku Tree

So going 9-0 in Trials can get you one RNG power 310-320 item at the LH. All other legendary drops are 300-310. And you get a chance at a 310 exotic. And once your above 300 your competitive in Trials and skill is more important. Right?

KF HM raid gives you one 310-320 guaranteed at Oryx, plus it gives you five other chances at 310-320 power items.

PvE only players have nothing to complain about.


So is a Striker or Defender viable on Bannerfall or would I be greatly encouraged to run Sunbreaker?

I imagine if I stick to the inside areas between spawns a Striker can be powerful with their mobility and Lightning grenades.


I'm just not a fan of the new maps because they have such lengthy lines of sight and with the dumb sniper AA, it just makes everything annoying.

Give me smaller, enclosed maps. Help with the sniper issue.


Oh, it will happen, anytime you have a loot driven game you will have this. People will pay. It just won't be AS frequent as before. Trials designer was mad salty people were going to the Lighthouse.

This is so not true and it's honestly disappointing to see this sentiment settling in here.


You people are getting way too caught up on the numeric value of the gear, and not focusing on the fact that Trials drops a scout w/ full auto & my bae Outlaw. That shits on everything except the Heavy Machine Gun in King's Fall.


I think the new Trials is awesome. IB is for us casual folks. Let the pros duke it out at 8-0 vs 8-0, some of the matches in unstable's stream have been awesome to watch. It was cool that TripleWRECK ran into his own clan at 8-0 vs 8-0 and lost. I'm fine with just grinding out the silver and gold packages for some gear while playing it for fun, could care less about the lighthouse.
Haha yes, that was a bit silly. A lot of circular logic and lack of perspective in some of this stuff.

It's all just bullshit fake loot at the end of the day, but Destiny brings out the passion. HM launched a week ago and today we have ToO. These are the two main endgame avenues for people who want to chase 320. It is all still pretty fresh and trying to figure out the finer points and issues with that pursuit for those interested, is important. Personally, it is something that can sway me from probably playing Destiny a few times a week, to easily never touching it again until Destiny 2. Feeling like there is an end game worth your time is a big factor in player retention.

I think the new Trials is awesome. IB is for us casual folks. Let the pros duke it out at 8-0 vs 8-0, some of the matches in unstable's stream have been awesome to watch. It was cool that TripleWRECK ran into his own clan at 8-0 vs 8-0 and lost. I'm fine with just grinding out the silver and gold packages for some gear while playing it for fun, could care less about the lighthouse.

Same boat. If I can just get like one package form playing a bit. That is fine. I always consider PvP supplemental. The IB changes were really pvp casual friendly as it actually allowed me to walk away with a nice weapon without obsessing over it all week. I just played a bit on the weekend and hit rank 5.


You people are getting way too caught up on the numeric value of the gear, and not focusing on the fact that Trials drops a scout w/ full auto & my bae Outlaw. That shits on everything except the Heavy Machine Gun in King's Fall.

That might replace my Treads with Crowd Control Field Scout and Outlaw
I think the new Trials is awesome. IB is for us casual folks. Let the pros duke it out at 8-0 vs 8-0, some of the matches in unstable's stream have been awesome to watch. It was cool that TripleWRECK ran into his own clan at 8-0 vs 8-0 and lost. I'm fine with just grinding out the silver and gold packages for some gear while playing it for fun, could care less about the lighthouse.

Do we have any confirmation on what the Silver packages have? Because Drizz & Unstable were saying they only got blue engrams.

Check out the Trials Ghost shell:

Also, Drizz & Unstable are talking about their controllers dying. Is that what's happening to my DS4 when I keep dropping out of sprint? Like I'll start sprinting then immediately stop, start and then 2 seconds later, I'm out of it again. This wasn' an issue pre TTK, but I have put a bunch of hours into the game since then.


It's hard to get excited about a full auto scout with a Hori controller and outlaw because scouts have a huge clip and reload fast already.
Anyone ever find timezone sweet spots with ToO? Less pros, more scrubs? I know in regular crucible and even IB, early mornings on EST were always the easiest.


Super fun watching Unstable and Drizz dominating, but no chance I´m gonna spend a minute playing myself.

Iron Banner is where it´s at for average PvP players like me.


So one question, the rewards given by winning a match are worthwhile? I mean, I was carried by Drizz on HoW, I don't think I'll revisit the lighthouse again.


Oh man that's frustrating.

Most streamers didn't know they had to buy boons off of the passage before starting. They almost won that down a man too, but some of these matches are giving them legit sweats. They came down from 0-4 around 5 wins last card I think. They seem to be rolling now though.

Do we have any confirmation on what the Silver packages have? Because Drizz & Unstable were saying they only got blue engrams.

Not much but people are claiming they've gotten exotics out of them...it'll all shake out soon. Lots of reports on reddit of them being 310+ too.
Do we have any confirmation on what the Silver packages have? Because Drizz & Unstable were saying they only got blue engrams.

Check out the Trials Ghost shell:

Also, Drizz & Unstable are talking about their controllers dying. Is that what's happening to my DS4 when I keep dropping out of sprint? Like I'll start sprinting then immediately stop, start and then 2 seconds later, I'm out of it again. This wasn' an issue pre TTK, but I have put a bunch of hours into the game since then.

Oh my god that shell

So adorable
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