Seriously did they nerf 3oC cause ive not gotten one exotic in the past 20 coins![]()
How long do you wait before using one?
Seriously did they nerf 3oC cause ive not gotten one exotic in the past 20 coins![]()
OK so First Curse PvP thoughts based off of a couple games.
For you spec you should run smooth ballistics since the stability isn't important given the slow RoF and probably use Quickdraw.
The stats on this weapon are garbage everything is ridiculously low except for impact. Even with the exotic perk of ads active range is poor and you feel drop-off very soon. The ads perk does not seem to make you ad mobile as Mida or the dance machines, but this may be improved by using lightweight. Reloading is brutally slow and is worsened by a miniscule magazine of 8. It seems to have good AA so getting headshots isn't too bad.
I would not recommend this gun in PvP. The only thing it has going for it is that it forces you to slowdown and take accurate shots. The problem is that it simply has too high of a ttk. The ttk of the impact tier below it (Ace of Spades, Hawkmoon) will kill faster in any occasion against an opponent specced for armor, which is pretty much everyone in crucible. You definitely won't see anyone in trials without max armor. With max armor you lose your 2 shot kill potential and the weapon becomes far worse than any other class of hand cannon.
TL/DR: use Ace or Hawkmoon instead.
How long do you wait before using one?
Need 1 more for nightfall!
I'll go, are you on PSN?
Yep. What's your ID?
Yep. What's your ID?
Same as with the time-locked Sleeper Simulant quest. I haven't gotten that with any characters either.lame I loaded up destiny and the quest wasn't there so it must be a week man fuck this shit
Okay, what's the point of the gunsmith orders?
You just get a bunch of 280 weapons, which are pretty worthless, or am I missing something?
Why would I continue to test prototypes if I can already place orders?
Year 2 just isn't delivering when it comes to exotics and improvement isn't nowhere seen. Many Y2 exotics are very situational, some are your decent gear rolls with exotic stamp and rest are pure garbage tier. When you want exotic armor that has automatic reload upon ammo pick up as perk, because nothing else in offerings gets even close, something is wrong.
Fig, it's time to see the light like I have. Join us over at the Pulse Rifle club.ew it wasn't in PvP
I don't really envy the task of coming up with new exotic perks
I mean at some point everything's been covered yet
The rolls on the scout rifle, sniper and rocket don't seem too great IMO. I might wait with the scout rifle/rocket package for another time. Probably going to order the Lyudmila package for next week.
So its Imprecation day in Rumble today hahaha everyone had it.
This is the time to go and get those medals you had a hard time earning before LOL.
Bungie needs to stop with these Crucible quests as it makes PVP horrible for people who are not there to do a quest.
Any news on when next DLC is out? There is like only Hard raid and Trials left for me...
Tovarisc. I agree. The Year 2 exotics are just meh, whats the point with em really? hahah sad bungie, sad. Fix this shit and make exotics important again.
No more DLC.
Destiny 2 is coming out in late 2016.
This is also a thing that people who whine and complain don't seem to really consider very heavily. When a loot game is primarily a shooter, how many variations of "shoot good" can you come up with. They should really consider adding support functionality to weapons.
I don't think exotics should be end-all be-all weapons but rather exactly as you described. They should exist as specific situational weapons that function extremely well in specific instances. That was the problem with Gjallarhorn. There was no reason to ever use any other exotic in a PvE instance.
I almost wish that they restricted your loadout at the start of a mission.
right the very nature of a FPS makes it very limited about just what they can do with these exotics
i think nothing less than destiny 2 with a total clean slate wipe would be enough for people at this point
There will be DLC, we just won't be paying for it. There will be a new raid and new whatever coming before Destiny 2.
Nah people will still whine about their exotics not feeling 'exotic' enough compared to the overpowered ones from the first year.
Smaller stuff, a quest here and there - sure.
A raid? Don´t think so.
guys where is the best place to farm vex minotaurs kills??
I will bet my PS4 and all my Destiny character info that we will have at least one more raid before Destiny 2. It would be asinine for there to not be another raid if not two.
guys where is the best place to farm vex minotaurs kills??
No more DLC.
Destiny 2 is coming out in late 2016.