I don't expect them to be ultimate and obvious choice for every situation, but them being choice to nothing isn't great approach either. Y2 warlock exotics all just pure tosh that you laugh at, then you equip legendary gear into every slot. Some legacy they brought over is still nice, e.g. 2nd free fusion grenade if you for some reason still play sunsinger. Weapons are now all about situational use [SS, NTTE, ToM, Spindle, Telesto] which is great because in right situations those weapons do shine bright, but even then there is waste of exotic slot weapons plenty which is saddening. Boolean Gemini, First Curse, Hereafter etc. I don't see deserving exotic stamp, they are either okay or shit rolled legendaries with yellow background.
guys where is the best place to farm vex minotaurs kills??
Yikes, late 2016? wow...thats not going to be good.
I will bet my PS4 and all my Destiny character info that we will have at least one more raid before Destiny 2. It would be asinine for there to not be another raid if not two.
guys where is the best place to farm vex minotaurs kills??
Yikes, late 2016? wow...thats not going to be good.
2500 Glimmer for 3-5 Legendary Marks.Okay, what's the point of the gunsmith orders?
You just get a bunch of 280 weapons, which are pretty worthless, or am I missing something?
Why would I continue to test prototypes if I can already place orders?
There will most likely be a new raid (or raid-equivalent like Prison of Elders) around January.
I imagine we'll see large additions to Prison of Elders, too. Along with Vault of Glass Redux Super Edition.
There will most likely be a new raid (or raid-equivalent like Prison of Elders) around January.
I imagine we'll see large additions to Prison of Elders, too. Along with Vault of Glass Redux Super Edition.
Any kind dude with an atheon CP?
Or want to run a fresh vog? Should be a super quick run.
I will bet my PS4 and all my Destiny character info that we will have at least one more raid before Destiny 2. It would be asinine for there to not be another raid if not two.
I have the CP if you'd like to pick it up. Logging ion now. psn captscience
I honestly have no idea and can't even ball park a guess as to what they're doing with Destiny 2. There isn't enough time to do a large ground up overhaul. I don't see them just putting out a Destiny+ sort of thing either but they'll definitely try to reincorporate scrapped ideas and whatever tangible content they had prior to last year. We'll see Europa and Chicago but what the structure will be and how similar it is to what we have now? I feel like they'll try to at least broaden outwards way more and most importantly ditch last gen because it has been holding them back severely.
The grind of this process led Bungie to approach Activision with another proposition that would alter the ambitious release schedule theyd previously agreed to: They had released two DLC packs, The Dark Below and House of Wolves, and they had released one expansion, the codenamed Comet that was properly titled The Taken King. What if, instead of releasing two more DLC packs after The Taken King, they tried something new? What if they sold cosmetic items in the Tower? And then put out a dripfeed of free content to keep people playing in the months before Destiny 2or whatever they wind up calling itin the fall of 2016?
There was a bet that was, Hey if we did microtransactions, I bet you we could generate enough revenue to make up for the loss of DLCs, said a source. Instead of it going Destiny, DLC1, DLC2, Comet, DLC1, DLC2, theyre actually just gonna go [big] release and then incremental release. So itll just be Destiny, Comet, Destiny, Comet every year. Its basically just switching the game to an annual model.
Anyone doing Kings Fall with a spot free?
If you can get enough people, sure.I need to do a run as well, did you want to try and start a group?
Yikes, late 2016? wow...thats not going to be good.
Them making a whole bunch of exotics that still try to fit the shooter mold will always result in a bunch of exotics that just don't feel different. Y1 exotics still had the same issues. Like, who even used Plan C, Invective, Universal Remote, Pocket Infinity (post super nerfs)? Shooter guns will always be shooter guns no matter how you try to spin them, so you'll always have unimpressive ones.
(sees Deku in the tower)
Deku runs away - sad face
Hi Deku!!
If you can get enough people, sure.
so guys is that the quest up if you turned in the cult ghost yesterday ?
You should keep the rune if you fail.Was rocking tier 1 and tier 2 runes with 2 randoms in the Court of Oryx. Pretty fun, fast rounds, lots of loot dropping. I used one of my tier 3 runes, for the first time.
That was a waste of a rune. We couldn't make a dent in the boss.![]()
You have high hopes. Doubt the tiny live team can pump that out.
All bigger content will go into Destiny 2 guaranteed.
There is no reason for Bungie to leave anything even slightly substantial out of that game because it NEEDS to be HUGE so they can get the good PR and metacritics back.
We'll get some new exotic quests here and there and maybe a mission from time to time set in one of the usual areas with maybe an added room or two.
I really don´t think we should expect big things before Destiny 2 hits:
Void flayed mantle whoo. Thanks for the run Sentinel.
High hopes would be actual substantial content drops every month and a half. Redoing the Prison of Elders so it actually functions like a continuous horde mode. Raid legendary modes. True and fundamental PvP overhaul. New exotic weapons dropped every month. Potentially a raid every 3 months (+ hard modes). More unique nightfall, strike, crucible gear with specific perks that tailor very strictly to PvP or PvE.
Y'know, normal MMO updates.
I'm being reasonable with what we'd actually probably get though. If you notice, the times I'm suggesting are literally those that we have the prior year.
Nah. Naaaaaaaaaaaaah. They have to fill this year out with something and they've already stated that what I'm saying is exactly what they're doing. Using microtransactions to pay for the live team. The live team last year was a handful, the live team this year is *maybe* double that, I would guess. There will be more content out and a steadier pace.
We've had a patch every week since launch.
You say that and post that and then forget that we still got Dark Below and Prison of Elders. That is still content. Whether it was great or not is a different question but what I'm suggesting and the amount of content I'm suggesting we'll see is exactly in line with what we saw year 1.
It is beyond obvious we will see similar amounts of content this year. Especially when there live team is now actually getting funded and might actually be more than 5 people this time.
guys where is the best place to farm vex minotaurs kills??
Void flayed mantle whoo. Thanks for the run Sentinel.
High hopes would be actual substantial content drops every month and a half. Redoing the Prison of Elders so it actually functions like a continuous horde mode. Raid legendary modes. True and fundamental PvP overhaul. New exotic weapons dropped every month. Potentially a raid every 3 months (+ hard modes). More unique nightfall, strike, crucible gear with specific perks that tailor very strictly to PvP or PvE.
Y'know, normal MMO updates.
I'm being reasonable with what we'd actually probably get though. If you notice, the times I'm suggesting are literally those that we have the prior year.
Nah. Naaaaaaaaaaaaah. They have to fill this year out with something and they've already stated that what I'm saying is exactly what they're doing. Using microtransactions to pay for the live team. The live team last year was a handful, the live team this year is *maybe* double that, I would guess. There will be more content out and a steadier pace.
We've had a patch every week since launch.
You say that and post that and then forget that we still got Dark Below and Prison of Elders. That is still content. Whether it was great or not is a different question but what I'm suggesting and the amount of content I'm suggesting we'll see is exactly in line with what we saw year 1.
It is beyond obvious we will see similar amounts of content this year. Especially when there live team is now actually getting funded and might actually be more than 5 people this time.
As far as I am aware the "live team" is the team that makes patches and changes to the game. They don't actually make any content, like, at all.
They are the ones who literally keep the game running and fix it,not expand on it.
So that's why we, as you said, got a patch each week this time.
You have it mixed up. The plans changed with TTK. DLC 1&2 are specifically what we are not getting anymore. Read it again.
I really don´t think we should expect big things before Destiny 2 hits:
Oh, I do. Bungie found their footing over the course of year 1. I don't think they'll hold back until the big fall release with content, but we're just a month out from TTK. What they did in year 1 set a bar I think they'll clear. In a few months we'll probably have a better feel for how this year is going to go.
So I was right about NTTE quest being similar to SS's when I complained about a bunch of things over at Zoba's Destiny's Endgame thread several days ago.
It really sucks for all who got the ghost yesterday. I am not a fan of the way they are handling these two exotic quest lines.
But on the scale of DLC 1&2?
You really think so?
But on the scale of DLC 1&2?
You really think so?