This x 100! Fuck grinding for stuff like materials etc. Waiting... hell, that's something i can do without catching a sweat. I absolutely love the time gating vs. the other options like crap grinds. Some people wont have the weapon day one and they'll have to deal with disappointment just like in RL. Personally these "exotic days" are something fun, time-sensitive and a rush to complete.
I'm sure i'll miss out on one and be bummed for a minute... but they're just "exotics" and not some game-changing weapon/armor/etc. It would be a different story if Bungie was time-gating some hard mode raid necessary armor or something like that.
I think the point being made is that there is a middle ground. Instead of time gates or a grind-fest, Bungie can simply make it challenging to get a weapon. For example, Black Spindle, without the requirement that the story mission be a daily.