If there are spots still open, my wife and I are looking to get in on our first raid. I'm 298 at my highest and I think she's around 295? My PSN is Xeyark and hers is Nexcay. We'd definitely be able to do Friday evening or Saturday.
Edit: Eek! My first top post... This is all I got as far as cool gifs...
Awesome! That about fills up the entire roster at the moment, even with an alternate or two. I'll try and get a big group message together and we can figure out a time to start. To all those that have said they want to come, Light Level is going to be the biggest determining factor. A higher success rate going in is going to make people much less stressed and up for having fun!
I also accept bribes.
Oh, and I absolutely want to look at a guide for the Fragments in the Raid. Definitely don't want to miss those.