I wonder if we can do this, assuming 1 person Main completed 310 quest:
-1 person starts Fear's Embrace. Friend joins on Alt that needs it. Starter leaves to come back with alt. Finish.
-Both talk to Eris at tower for blighted world's quest
-1 person starts kings of decay mission from main, repeat friend joining and main switching to alt.
-repeat previous step with Entroy's Pinnacle
-Both talk to Eris in tower
-Repeat steps with summoners circle mission
-do raid, get 310 artifact!
-1 person starts Fear's Embrace. Friend joins on Alt that needs it. Starter leaves to come back with alt. Finish.
-Both talk to Eris at tower for blighted world's quest
-1 person starts kings of decay mission from main, repeat friend joining and main switching to alt.
-repeat previous step with Entroy's Pinnacle
-Both talk to Eris in tower
-Repeat steps with summoners circle mission
-do raid, get 310 artifact!