Putting together a list of things I think TTK did well and poorly since we're far enough out from launch. Help me fill in the blanks if you would. Anything you all would like to add?
Things TTK Did Well:
- Questification: Don't think this needs much explanation, though this isn't really a "TTK" thing as much as it is a QOL thing.
- UI in General: Things are easier to find, track and are more visually appealing on the UI side of things. Turning in bounties from anywhere is great as is tracking progress on bounties from your d-pad, viewing mission modifiers, and reading up on quests from your quest page. Again, more of a QOL thing but close enough to TTK launch that I'll count it.
- Non-Elemental Primaries: For most, this is a painful one to swallow, but I am on board. Completely opens the sandbox up and doesn't make it seem like I HAVE to use one of "those" guns simply because they have a burn and I'd be foolish not to. I use guns now that I wouldn't have given a second glance at in yr 1 Destiny.
- Story/Character Development: I'm usually not one who cares too much about the story in games either way, but even to me, this is a massive improvement over vanilla + yr 1 DLC.
- Making Patrol Relevant Again (at least in the Dreadnaught): Adding things like the scent chest, calcified fragments, skyburners beacons, court of oryx, wormsinger runes + keys, etc all help to make patrol relevant for much longer than the other planets did previously.
- Hidden Exotics: Again, some will disagree here, but I love the fact that stuff like Black Spindle, Sleeper Simulant and the No Time To Explain rifle are in the game and that at TTK's launch, we had no idea how to acquire these (or that BS even existed at all). I don't like the time-gating stuff as described in the below section, but all of these hidden guns/missions/etc make everything you pass by worth a second glance and I'm always checking here and Reddit in the AM to see if anything new has been discovered.
- The Raid and Strikes: I love the more mechanical approach they are taking with strikes and the raid. No one person can carry a team like they used to be able to do (even though the NM raid has now been 2-manned). Strike encounters featuring raid-lite mechanics is awesome and bosses don't feel like massive bullet sponges. The King's Fall raid is a massive, gorgeous encounter, start to finish. I love the design, mechanics, platforming (though I know some hate it) and mystery of the raid. Like VoG, it feels like nothing else in the game and tempts everyone to try and reveal its secrets that remain hidden. Looking forward to seeing what hard mode reveals.
- Loot: Loot rains from the skies now which always feels like you're getting rewarded for your efforts, even small efforts. Bosses dropping engrams is a great touch as well and I'm glad exotic engrams are actually things that exist outside Xur's inventory, though I wish they had a chance to drop without using 3 of Coins.
- The Taken (minus those Captain shadeball spammers): Though some might say this was a "cheap way" to create a new enemy class, I've enjoyed fighting the Taken for the most part. Learning new mechanics from familiar foes has been fun and they do feel like a completely new race to me. Challenging definitely, but not cheap (again, except for those Captains).
Things TTK Did Poorly:
- Time-Gating Steps in Quests (and other poor quest steps): Waiting a week because "reasons" is a terrible quest step. Donating materials to a vendor because "reasons" is a terrible quest step. Farming patrols for hours for a warsat event or for a rare material to drop from a mat node are terrible quest steps. I could go on but you get the idea.
- Daily Missions for Exotics: Locking exotics behind random dailies that are only available while that daily is up is a bad idea. Pretty self-explanatory. Once that daily has launched once, the quest should remain active for that mission no matter when you run it.
- Legendary Marks: cap too low, everything requires marks, no guaranteed marks beyond dailies in a given day if all weekly activities are completed
- Iron Banner: This isn't specific to TTK, but IB appears to have actually gotten worse from previous events. I don't play this at all because I hate pvp grinding, but from reading comments here (and everywhere else online), this appears to be a major letdown. From poor loot chances, to lag, to grinding... Should probably "go back in the oven for a while," yesss?
- Nightfalls: Loot has been improved (or so I'm told), but rep and xp buffs still gone. As Ghal mentioned, getting these done at the first of the reset week used to be something I looked forward to. I don't anymore even with the so-called improved drops.
- Moldering Shards: Good idea, poor execution. I like the idea of being able to acquire a consumable to get "extra" rewards from the raid. Problem is, most of the time you don't get extra rewards. Antiquated runes are a terrible drop and exchanging 20 shards for 2 is something I can't believe made it in the actual game. Goes without saying, but definitely shouldn't have called these "shards" either. Just another excuse for us to complain about getting only "shards" from the raid.
- Raid Drops: Armor only dropping from Golgoroth, relying on RNG to get a specific piece of gear you need then relying on RNG again that it is at a light level you need to progress is not fun. Getting 19 fusion rifles before 1 sniper is not fun. Running 10 complete raids without a ghost drop is not fun (though NF helps this some now considering it can drop 300+ ghosts). People misquote Luke all the time with the whole "smart loot" comment, but the game really doesn't seem to lean towards helping you progress by dropping things you need consistently at all. Seems like the opposite actually...
- Gunsmith Weapon Testing: Good idea, poor execution. I like the idea of being able to test weapons I wouldn't use otherwise and being able to access new legendary weapons for the price of glimmer. However going and shooting 10 enemies with this terrible white gun, or getting headshots with that terrible white gun is awfully boring and is something I feel like I have to do, rather than get to do. I've ordered maybe 3 guns total from the gunsmith since TTK launched. I have no room for them, most are weak, and they drop at 280 (or 290? can't remember).
- Continuing to Not Separate PvE/PvP for Gear Balancing: This is not really a "TTK" thing but is still something TTK doesn't do. Imo, the game would benefit greatly from PvE balancing of gear separately from PvP. This has been said time and time again and in some cases they've listened (boosting shotgun damage to "minions of the darkness" so it has no effect on PvP), but overall things are nerfed or buffed across the board which doesn't make any sense. On that note, seems like most things get nerfed to a point where no one wants to touch them anymore pretty frequently.
- Content Delivery: While we did get some new missions, a new patrol area, new gear, strikes and a raid, it was still incredibly easy to burn through this stuff very quickly and get burned out on it. On paper, the content seems like a lot, but imo, it really isn't (especially for us Xboners). There are a billion quests to complete which gives you a lot to do, but not a lot of new places to do them in. The game needs new planets desperately imo.
- Weapon Parts and Strange Coins Nerfs: Just stop it.
- Infusion System: I personally don't like this system at all, though I know some of you do. I don't like how it encourages players to hang onto tons of 290+ gear in their vaults for no other purpose than to use at "some point" down the road on a new piece of gear they may get that they want to bring up. It still encourages players to use their highest light level gear over something they would prefer otherwise. I see tons of people wanting these flayer mantle cloaks, yet they still use their raid class items because they're 20-30 light higher and they may not be able to bring those cloaks up to that level anytime soon.
- Punishing Exotic Quests: The Chaperone. As someone who does not enjoy Destiny's PvP at all, I never thought I would even attempt this quest when I first saw it. Then when I actually saw people discussing how punishing it actually was for them, I was sure I would never try it. I eventually came around and gave it a go and finished the quest in 4 games. It was the most intense 4 games (outside of Trials) I can remember playing in Destiny's PvP and really made acquiring that gun feel like a trophy. I absolutely loved that the game pushed me outside my comfort zone to do something pretty difficult by most people's standards to get this gun. Having said that, there are some people out there that will likely never ever get this gun due to that PvP step. Same with the NTTE requiring an Atheon kill (like Ghal mentioned previously). For us, this step is a joke (we ran an entire VoG yesterday in like 35 minutes), but I'm sure there are tons of guardians who have never even stepped foot into any raid. Sadly, they'll never have a chance to experience these exotics. I think that's ok for raid gear, but sucks for exotics to be lumped in here as well for them.
- Making Old Content Completely Irrelevant: This one I understand 100%. They want you buying and playing new content. But one of the main complaints I always see is "why bother doing this or getting that when they'll just make it irrelevant in ___ time." I believe they'll revisit some of the year 1 content at some point in the future, but I hate that there is so much great year 1 gear and content that we've had to delete/forget about simply because it's year 1 gear and content. I agree, using the same weapon for 10 years is a horrible idea and people should move on to other things just like we should move on to new missions/strikes/raids, but I still would like to be able to carry some things forward of my choosing and occasionally revisit the old stuff from time to time. The new missions requiring visits to old raids are fantastic in this regard however.
- Character Leveling: No doubt, the 1-40 grind is much, much improved, however that's where it ends for me. I like the fact that one random drop can improve your overall light level, but damage dealt is still determined by that weapon's light level you are using to damage the enemy. It seems easier to progress since you're not just waiting for that one item to drop (nod boots from VoG), BUT once you did get those boots, you were done. Now you can get 20 pair of boots in a row and not get to where you want to be. They've attempted to push the whole "you don't need to be above ____ level" narrative, but players are still going to want to achieve that cap, and as you'll see on lfg sites, people still require it even if it makes no difference at all. You won't convince them that being 285 for normal King's Fall is "just fine." They're going to want to hit that 100% optimization level regardless, so creating a system that makes it MUCH more difficult than before to get there leaves players feeling less satisfied imo. I enjoyed hitting rank 30 and being "done" with progression and just steamrolling stuff in PvE. Then I could chase gear with specific perks I wanted versus stuff that will make me have less of a handicap against enemies in certain activities. Now it feels like the chase will never end which some people will accept and deal with, and others will feel like they're just too far behind the curve and will never catch up to their friends and will just move on to other things. Seeing this happen in our regular groups right now.
- MTX - Not a whole lot to say here, but I love the idea that people can buy stuff that doesn't matter in-game to fund new content delivery down the line. It remains to be seen how well this actually works and how often we get content delivered and how substantial it will be compared to the yr 1 model though.
That's all I've got for now.