- Iron Banner: This isn't specific to TTK, but IB appears to have actually gotten worse from previous events. I don't play this at all because I hate pvp grinding, but from reading comments here (and everywhere else online), this appears to be a major letdown. From poor loot chances, to lag, to grinding... Should probably "go back in the oven for a while," yesss?
Actually, this was the easiest and less stressful IB yet and I've done them all. The new bounty system ensured that if you did the three dailies and then at least 2 of the weeklies by Sunday you would be Rank 5. The lag wasn't an issue at all. The drops felt sparse but the vendor gear was as good or better than it has ever been so overall I give it a thumbs up.
- Moldering Shards: Good idea, poor execution. I like the idea of being able to acquire a consumable to get "extra" rewards from the raid. Problem is, most of the time you don't get extra rewards. Antiquated runes are a terrible drop and exchanging 20 shards for 2 is something I can't believe made it in the actual game. Goes without saying, but definitely shouldn't have called these "shards" either. Just another excuse for us to complain about getting only "shards" from the raid.
Totally agree. Moldering shards as a mechanic could have been ok but we've been screaming since the very first raid about only getting shards as a drop and then they go and put more shards in the new raid? Someone, somewhere thought it would be funny. But I don't.
- Raid Drops: Armor only dropping from Golgoroth, relying on RNG to get a specific piece of gear you need then relying on RNG again that it is at a light level you need to progress is not fun. Getting 19 fusion rifles before 1 sniper is not fun. Running 10 complete raids without a ghost drop is not fun (though NF helps this some now considering it can drop 300+ ghosts). People misquote Luke all the time with the whole "smart loot" comment, but the game really doesn't seem to lean towards helping you progress by dropping things you need consistently at all. Seems like the opposite actually...
Yeah, seems like armor pieces should be spread out more. Or have a chance to drop from any boss. Either would be fine, really.
- Gunsmith Weapon Testing: Good idea, poor execution. I like the idea of being able to test weapons I wouldn't use otherwise and being able to access new legendary weapons for the price of glimmer. However going and shooting 10 enemies with this terrible white gun, or getting headshots with that terrible white gun is awfully boring and is something I feel like I have to do, rather than get to do. I've ordered maybe 3 guns total from the gunsmith since TTK launched. I have no room for them, most are weak, and they drop at 280 (or 290? can't remember).
Disagree. I enjoy the gunplay so much that I enjoy these test weapons and I enjoy the unique legendaries you can order and the ones you receive from faction rank ups. Also nifty are the unique class and exotic quests that Banshee gives. I actually really like what Bungie did with it.
- Weapon Parts and Strange Coins Nerfs: Just stop it.
No argument here. The weapon part change still baffles me.
- Infusion System: I personally don't like this system at all, though I know some of you do. I don't like how it encourages players to hang onto tons of 290+ gear in their vaults for no other purpose than to use at "some point" down the road on a new piece of gear they may get that they want to bring up. It still encourages players to use their highest light level gear over something they would prefer otherwise. I see tons of people wanting these flayer mantle cloaks, yet they still use their raid class items because they're 20-30 light higher and they may not be able to bring those cloaks up to that level anytime soon.
For the most part, I like the infusion system. Especially since it means I don't have to wear or wield any of the hideous raid gear. I can just infuse that stuff into the legendaries that I actually like.