I feel like I was happiest playing Destiny when House of Wolves was out.
Not that PoE was great or anything, but I had so many good weapons available. I had all kinds of stuff with different elemental damage.
I had my arc, void, solar shotgun....my arc, solar, void primaries, etc.
I had builds for any kind of activity.
When it first launched, you could see right in front of you how you could reach max power. Play some activities, earn the cores for armor, reach 34. Bam, done. Then, just work on fine tuning your ideal setups.
Now, everything feels like RNG on top of RNG. Grinding away hoping for better light in gear. Grinding away for better perks, hoping for decent raid drops with the bonuses you want, or the light level you need to advance.
Theres so much grinding for the perks you want and the light you need that you really don't have options when it comes to fine tuning your loadouts for certain situations. You sort of just take what the game gives you and deal with it.
idk, it feels very vanilla destiny ish right now. Throw in quests that make you wait for no reason and it just feels blah.
And this is without even talking about the horrific state the crucible is in right now.
I was having a blast with my friends during HoW. Now, not so much.