You start the Skirmish match with 2 players.
Sector 666.
The second player is AFK.
Take an early lead when a third joins.
All match it's close as hell.
You are teabagged relentlessly for some reason.
Only player with a positive K/D on the team.
The match is almost over.
You rush to get more kills than your teammates do deaths.
You spot the entire enemy team huddled together.
Toss a grenade and they scatter.
Sneak at them through the container because you know they won't be watching that.
They spin around looking for you as you relentlessly shotgun/melee all 3.
Rush out to find them spawning in a corner.
Pop OPHammer for final two kills.
Good game.
Are engrams determined when they drop?
Most people are encouraged to be over 300+ when decrypting exotic engrams. Should we wait to be 310+ until decrypting engrams again? I have two or three exotic engrams in my back pocket.
Sector 666.
The second player is AFK.
Take an early lead when a third joins.
All match it's close as hell.
You are teabagged relentlessly for some reason.
Only player with a positive K/D on the team.
The match is almost over.
You rush to get more kills than your teammates do deaths.
You spot the entire enemy team huddled together.
Toss a grenade and they scatter.
Sneak at them through the container because you know they won't be watching that.
They spin around looking for you as you relentlessly shotgun/melee all 3.
Rush out to find them spawning in a corner.
Pop OPHammer for final two kills.
Good game.
I can sub for Saturday if you are not well by then :]a bit thank you![]()
I'm really hoping my voice is back to normal by the KF newbie raid tomorrow. I need to talk a lot :S
This raid filled up by the end of the day Tuesday without me ever announcing it was happening, lol
Are engrams determined when they drop?
Most people are encouraged to be over 300+ when decrypting exotic engrams. Should we wait to be 310+ until decrypting engrams again? I have two or three exotic engrams in my back pocket.