HM KF gonna have Majors, Majors everywhere!
That would be a boring hard mode.
Like, I'm thinking about what Crotas end hard mode did. And it was usually just add an unreachable major that wasn't there before sniping at you or shooting shit at you.
I'm pretty sure someone posted the link to the artists page in this thread this morning. So once again Gaf > Internet > Gaf.
Gonna start Nightfall. Join up if you need it. psn: okayrene
Gonna start Nightfall. Join up if you need it. psn: okayrene
Dat faith in drops tho
Qui-Gon Jinn, Qui-Gon JinnLol I have no faith in KF drops but like Obi-Wan it's our only hope.
I find your lack of faith disturbing.Lol I have no faith in KF drops but like Obi-Wan it's our only hope.
Normal KF was recommended Light 290 then increased to 300 at Oryx (maybe Daughters? Not sure). Heroic KF is recommended Light 310 and we know it goes to 320. So my guess is the early parts will be 310 and then jump to 320 by the end like NM. Being 5 Light down is a ~14% damage penalty which will be noticeable but not a huge deal. Assuming you get lucky with a couple drops like you said then you should be totally fine until at least Oryx.
Normal KF was recommended Light 290 then increased to 300 at Oryx (maybe Daughters? Not sure). Heroic KF is recommended Light 310 and we know it goes to 320. So my guess is the early parts will be 310 and then jump to 320 by the end like NM. Being 5 Light down is a ~14% damage penalty which will be noticeable but not a huge deal. Assuming you get lucky with a couple drops like you said then you should be totally fine until at least Oryx.
I have not used it much yet but I managed to land 2 full damage headshots in a row (84 damage) across the map on exodus blue last night with the First Curse. After killing that dude the next headshot on another dude did 94. No idea wtf I'm supposed to do with the gun when enemies are close though. Damn thing kicks like a mule. A Doubt-00 with rifled barrel is a much more consistent HC.
Not really. You can make it work near the last push, but you will have deaths, and need people to run down to take empty totems.Is it possible to do the relay race section right before Warpriest with less than 6 people?
Starting up a fresh King's Fall run. Looking to start ASAP and quickly run through it.
1) me (phantom8324)
2) deafmedal
Anyone Doing KF tonight?
Y'all could join us...I'm down for KF if anyone else is.
I would love to go if you have space. 306 warlock. PSN: ll_spire_llStarting up a fresh King's Fall run. Looking to start ASAP and quickly run through it.
1) me (phantom8324)
2) deafmedal
Y'all could join us...![]()
Is it possible to do the relay race section right before Warpriest with less than 6 people?
Y'all could join us...![]()
>tfw you are the only one on your fireteam who wants to get a Solar Cloack and they all get it at the same time but you.
Anyone for a Void Flayer cloak farm? PSN same as gaf.
I just got back into Destiny again. I had originally bought the game with the two expansions deal at launch, and then after I beat the main game and spent 100 hours, I felt like I needed to chill. I didn't play when Dark Below and House of Wolves came out.
I'm glad I waited, because both of those expansions were kind of weaksauce. I went through Dark below in just a few hours (not including the Raid). If I had gobbled that up right away I'd be disappointed.
But now that Taken King is out, there's a lot more to look forward to. I've already been rewarded with some cool guns (Hard Light? Yes please). I Hope the Taken King story-wise is a bit better than the last two expansions. So far even just having the Taken Lieutenants invade areas is pretty cool, and ominous.
Anyway, I'm glad to be back in after a long break. Looking forward to diving in to Taken King stuff. I've been having fun with Rift as well, and Prison of Elders.
Starting up a fresh King's Fall run. Looking to start ASAP and quickly run through it.
1) me (phantom8324)
2) deafmedal
3) Ocelott
4) Spire
2 spots left
One of ours disconnected and it doesnt look like he'll be back on so you could join us. Were doing void and arc.
2 spots left
NM early parts are 280 so I'm guessing HM early parts will be 300, not that it will change much in the end, because unless RNGesus smiles upon you and your team you're fucked at Oryx, if you even make it that far, Golgoroth will probably ruin many a raid run on Friday lol.
With NM many of us were in the 295 range when we fought Oryx, so it was only a 5 light penalty, but with HM that's not going to be the case except for RNG's most favoured.
Once you get to 310, will exotics begin dropping at 320? I mean, will there be a possibility of 320 etotic drops once 310 is reached?
I wish that NTTE wasn't so visually obscuring when you aim and shoot. Can't hardly see what I'm shooting at between the sight and the projectiles.
Akademik209Awesome, what's your PSN?