It's a viable option, but I think overall you'll do less damage than BH.
Arekkz tried it out
Well, you can upgrade it to higher than 280...
I'm just missing solar and can do some runs if you want to alternate between the two psions.Anyone want to do some Flayer Mantle farming on the Nightfall? Looking for the Arc Flayer Mantle.
I'm just missing solar and can do some runs if you want to alternate between the two psions.
Sure, just need one more person for a full Flayer Mantle Farming team!
Anything of intrest except the cloak?
Flayer Mantle farming time!? You mentioned Treads Upon Stars and reminded me that would be a nice consolation prize as well if I could get one with the perks I want.
I was going to wait to do Nightfall until after HM came out just in case the stuff that could drop got bumped up to 320 Light, but I think everyone will be busy with HM around that time, so no one will want to Nightfall. Might as well get it done now.
Sure, just need one more person for a full Flayer Mantle Farming team!
Are you asking if there's anything else the Flayers can drop other than the Mantles? You could get a Treads Upon Stars Scout Rifle if you're interested in that.
damn it i want this gun... has the quest unlocked for anyone or is it indeed a week wait??
what's new guardians?
any news on hard mode double drops, light level, etc?
tried to play dailies on mobile internet at my parent's house, so laggy
also my mom was watching my play and little while later i heard her humming the orbit theme![]()
Are you asking if there's anything else the Flayers can drop other than the Mantles? You could get a Treads Upon Stars Scout Rifle if you're interested in that.
Do you have to do the whole strike? Or can you do the wipe trick at the end?
Quick question about the Paradox ghost quest ...
I only got the ghost this week... Am I supposed to wait the next Paradox dailly to continue the quest?
Torn about if I should spec Sunsinger + Fireborn into a blind hard mode KF run tomorrow.
I don't normally run Fireborn since I see it more useless than useful.
Can't wipe. I think I tried it once and it just completes the Strike like normal.
Cloaks are dropping more frequently in NF.Why farm the NF instead of the easier director strike?
Nightfall seems to have a significantly higher drop rate of the strike specific gear.Why farm the NF instead of the easier director strike?
SoMs + Doughnuts = Meh
Cloaks are dropping more frequently in NF.
so now the list in my head is:
nerf AA on snipers
slightly buff handcannons
nerf OVERALL shotgun range
slightly nerf sunbreaker armor (give it the same as bladedancer)
slightly nerf the time duration for supers on sunbreaker/stormcaller
ever-so-slightly buff auto rifles (still not viable with the pulse meta)
sorry, I can't think of anything that will make fusion rifles/sidearms viable.
Could be pretty huge without the revives and if you have tlaloc running with a full super will be pretty powerful. I'd probably opt for that if I were running my warlock. I'm going to run my Nighthawk Gunslinger for those quick Yellow Bar kills, the orbs on Heavy kills, and the high DPS on Oryx staggering. May run Nightstalker for Golgoroth though.
You just know during the Totems the wizards and knights will be yellows. During sisters snipers will be yellows, etc. Yellows everywhere.
I hope you mean resent.
I don't know if you noticed but I post all the time now....sort of
There is literally no 'must have' weapons for PvE anymore. Just weapon types: ie. Sniper rifle, machine gun, etc. Sure I have black spindle, but I do more than enough damage on the bosses with my 308 1K stare that I don't notice the difference. NTTE is neat, but I don't really know when/why I would use it as my exotic.
Stormcaller definitely needs this. Can't believe how long that super goes and I feel once cast, the player can cross the entire map before it runs now the list in my head is:
nerf AA on snipers
slightly buff handcannons
nerf OVERALL shotgun range
slightly nerf sunbreaker armor (give it the same as bladedancer)
slightly nerf the time duration for supers on sunbreaker/stormcaller
ever-so-slightly buff auto rifles (still not viable with the pulse meta)
sorry, I can't think of anything that will make fusion rifles/sidearms viable.
Just installed the Ishtar commander beta iPhone app on my 6+. It's as good as the iPad app just slightly smaller. Love it.
There is literally no 'must have' weapons for PvE anymore. Just weapon types: ie. Sniper rifle, machine gun, etc. Sure I have black spindle, but I do more than enough damage on the bosses with my 308 1K stare that I don't notice the difference. NTTE is neat, but I don't really know when/why I would use it as my exotic.
it's safe to say that ToM might be "must have" for HM.
we'll see though![]()
Wait... how'd you find the iPhone Beta app!?
so now the list in my head is:
nerf AA on snipers
slightly buff handcannons
nerf OVERALL shotgun range
slightly nerf sunbreaker armor (give it the same as bladedancer)
slightly nerf the time duration for supers on sunbreaker/stormcaller
ever-so-slightly buff auto rifles (still not viable with the pulse meta)
sorry, I can't think of anything that will make fusion rifles/sidearms viable.
Every boss fight will be replaced with 50 Taken Captains.
Oryx will be a giant Taken Captain.
Did people actually compile statistical evidence of this?
I don't care about the Cloak, but I guess I will farm the Darkblade NF whenever it comes back for the Darkblade Helm if this is really true.
so now the list in my head is:
nerf AA on snipers
slightly buff handcannons
nerf OVERALL shotgun range
slightly nerf sunbreaker armor (give it the same as bladedancer)
slightly nerf the time duration for supers on sunbreaker/stormcaller
ever-so-slightly buff auto rifles (still not viable with the pulse meta)
sorry, I can't think of anything that will make fusion rifles/sidearms viable.
I jumped into a nf with macello and pewpew and the void cloak dropped for each of us
Did people actually compile statistical evidence of this?
I don't care about the Cloak, but I guess I will farm the Darkblade NF whenever it comes back for the Darkblade Helm if this is really true.
Well not statistical evidence, but I ran dust palace from the director & heroic strikes playlist over 15 times and hadn't had a single cloak drop.
Yesterday from the nightfall, I had 3 drop in probably 6 or 7 runs.
Soss got a cloak. It's ugly as sinI did 3x NF and I didn't see the cloak drop for any of my team members.
Yep. It's odd that Shotguns have been OP for as long as they have. They had it right in Halo. Unless if you guys are a foot apart, it's two hit kill.Nerf shotgun impact agains guardians so no shotgun is a OHK to the body.
Aim to the head, shoot twice, double tap. I think this would give fusion rifle/sidearms users a small chance to fight back.
Did people actually compile statistical evidence of this?
I don't care about the Cloak, but I guess I will farm the Darkblade NF whenever it comes back for the Darkblade Helm if this is really true.