What if the missing three fragments were tied to timed clears of HM warpriest/golgoroth etc?
that's the most common theory.
What if the missing three fragments were tied to timed clears of HM warpriest/golgoroth etc?
I am light level 308.96. Come on Bungie it's called ROUNDING.
Total Light 308.96
People want the Grasp of Malock. It's a low Impact high ROF PR. You tether and kill her before she climbs the hill. Let the adds kill you. Rinse repeat. She dropped 5 legendary engrams for me last night in addition to a bunch or armor and weapons I dismantled for parts. Each run takes about a minute or so.
There are four more raid emblems too, so people think it's those three with fragments for the boss challenges, and one for the hard mode clear.that's the most common theory.
Me too!
Code:Total Light 308.96
I could get to 309 if I took my 308 Titan butt towel and put it into my 305 Hunter cloak. I won't though since I don't have a good back up for my Titan
Also, has this been posted yet? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pkEvHDr9f8
Another accidental top page brought to you by clan WIPE LOLI already collected all the time gated fragments on my alts, just in case there will be some quest reason to collect all 50 fragments on your alts.
I generally don't do repeat quests on my alts. But if you can get a 320 artifact from collecting 50 fragments then I'm in.
Me too!
Code:Total Light 308.96
I could get to 309 if I took my 308 Titan butt towel and put it into my 305 Hunter cloak. I won't though since I don't have a good back up for my Titan
I am light level 308.96. Come on Bungie it's called ROUNDING.
So on the Dreadnaught in patrol where you fight the tank in the Brothers strike are 2 Major Psions. Killing both open doors where you can deploy your ghost and an alarm activates. Has anyone seen this or know what it does?
I could be 309 on all Hunter and Warlock and Titan if I infused 310 exotics with legendaries... And on Hunter if I also infused 310 exotic armors with my legendaries... But I don't have dups of any of those 310 exotics so I'm not feeling doing that unless it's really necessary to clear HM vs being 308.
Wish I had a 300+ butt towel for my Titan lol
Did you get a 300 Blue or something?
Oh yes, and it's still amazing.
It lets you kill an Ultra that drops a hidden secret emblem.
Thanks for the farming. Sorry I had to bail. I promised a clan member that I would help him get his first Oryx kill. It went smooth. That farming method is crazy quick though.
Also, has this been posted yet? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pkEvHDr9f8
I lost it at "Oversoul"
So on the Dreadnaught in patrol where you fight the tank in the Brothers strike are 2 Major Psions. Killing both open doors where you can deploy your ghost and an alarm activates. Has anyone seen this or know what it does?
Hey Snake, want to save a game?
so now the list in my head is:
nerf AA on snipers
slightly buff handcannons
nerf OVERALL shotgun range
slightly nerf sunbreaker armor (give it the same as bladedancer)
slightly nerf the time duration for supers on sunbreaker/stormcaller
ever-so-slightly buff auto rifles (still not viable with the pulse meta)
sorry, I can't think of anything that will make fusion rifles/sidearms viable.
Thanks for the farming. Sorry I had to bail. I promised a clan member that I would help him get his first Oryx kill. It went smooth. That farming method is crazy quick though.
Also, has this been posted yet? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pkEvHDr9f8
I lost it at "Oversoul"
Why can't fusion rifles do precision damage? It wouldn't help them in PVP but it certainly would make them more viable in PVE.
Sidearms are interesting. For missions with a burn you can sort of us them like an elemental primary and in PVP they can still kill you quickly. What they give up is the one hit kill capability of the other special weapons. I'm not sure what, if anything, they might need.
If Destiny 2 is on PC then how many people will switch to the PC version? What if you have to start the grind over from scratch on PC vs keeping all your old stuff your on Console?
Would anyone buy a high quality gaming PC or Alienware box for Destiny 2 PC?
What if your PSN account allowed account sharing with PC?
If Destiny 2 is on PC then how many people will switch to the PC version? What if you have to start the grind over from scratch on PC vs keeping all your old stuff your on Console?
Would anyone buy a high quality gaming PC or Alienware box for Destiny 2 PC?
He does commercials and he's Kripke on Big Bang Theory.Hahaha, that was awesome.
Why do I recognize the group leader guy, where is he from?
It won't be.If Destiny 2 is on PC then how many people will switch to the PC version? What if you have to start the grind over from scratch on PC vs keeping all your old stuff your on Console?
Would anyone buy a high quality gaming PC or Alienware box for Destiny 2 PC?
What if your PSN account allowed account sharing with PC?
If Destiny 2 is on PC then how many people will switch to the PC version? What if you have to start the grind over from scratch on PC vs keeping all your old stuff your on Console?
Would anyone buy a high quality gaming PC or Alienware box for Destiny 2 PC?
What if your PSN account allowed account sharing with PC?
Big BangHahaha, that was awesome.
Why do I recognize the group leader guy, where is he from?
Hahaha, that was awesome.
Why do I recognize the group leader guy, where is he from?
Hahaha, that was awesome.
Why do I recognize the group leader guy, where is he from?
Who cares about being 308 or 309 though? My hunter is also 1 tick from 309, but I can't be bothered to sweat it, because come tomorrow everyone will be 312 and 313 . . .
If Destiny 2 is on PC then how many people will switch to the PC version? What if you have to start the grind over from scratch on PC vs keeping all your old stuff your on Console?
Would anyone buy a high quality gaming PC or Alienware box for Destiny 2 PC?
What if your PSN account allowed account sharing with PC?
If Destiny 2 is on PC then how many people will switch to the PC version? What if you have to start the grind over from scratch on PC vs keeping all your old stuff your on Console?
Would anyone buy a high quality gaming PC or Alienware box for Destiny 2 PC?
What if your PSN account allowed account sharing with PC?
Fireborn gets a bad rap. It's always useful in the early days of Hard raids when we're under-leveled and can't revive. I'd definitely run it in most encounters- namely Totems, Warpriest, and Oryx. Daughters is debatable but still probably a good idea unless you're smart about popping Radiant Skin on time to tank some damage that might've killed you.
NM KF has a few key mechanics to limit its usefulness. You can't die and self-res while holding a sync plate during Daughters-Oryx or else the platforms will disappear in that split second. However, dying any other time without self-res would be a big problem since it might wipe an otherwise good run. Golgoroth is the biggest one, especially for gaze holders who absolutely positively cannot die under any circumstances. Radiant Skin is crucial here. Then there's the Tablet of Ruin which I expect to get some new complication in HM.
People hate on it but self-res is excellent for serious PvE. Keep in mind that unless we get great drops along the way, the damage scaling penalty will be severe at Oryx. Similar to being one level down during Year 1. And that's just based on Light level, there may be additional penalties for the Heroic modifier and/or more Major enemies ala HM CE.
I want to play on the PS4 as well, but will not restart everything. That's insanity.
If Destiny 2 is on PC then how many people will switch to the PC version? What if you have to start the grind over from scratch on PC vs keeping all your old stuff your on Console?
Would anyone buy a high quality gaming PC or Alienware box for Destiny 2 PC?
What if your PSN account allowed account sharing with PC?
I go where DGAF goes.
Even though I would LOVE Destiny on the PC, wherever my friends are that's where I'll be.
I want to play on the PS4 as well, but will not restart everything. That's insanity.
How the hell do you get 7 headshots with this shitty ass pistol
Thanks for the farming. Sorry I had to bail. I promised a clan member that I would help him get his first Oryx kill. It went smooth. That farming method is crazy quick though.
Also, has this been posted yet? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pkEvHDr9f8
I lost it at "Oversoul"
How the hell do you get 7 headshots with this shitty ass pistol
If Destiny 2 is on PC then how many people will switch to the PC version? What if you have to start the grind over from scratch on PC vs keeping all your old stuff your on Console?
Would anyone buy a high quality gaming PC or Alienware box for Destiny 2 PC?
What if your PSN account allowed account sharing with PC?
despite there being a problem with the player/fireteam anyway if the dude died to begin with.
How the hell do you get 7 headshots with this shitty ass pistol
If Destiny 2 is on PC then how many people will switch to the PC version? What if you have to start the grind over from scratch on PC vs keeping all your old stuff your on Console?
Would anyone buy a high quality gaming PC or Alienware box for Destiny 2 PC?
What if your PSN account allowed account sharing with PC?
It won't be.
Would stay console.
Hard to imagine destiny with more than just lag switchers and laggers to worry about.
Think about how many people will be hacking the fuck out if Destiny on PC, ruining it for everyone.
Wall glitching
One shot's
Infinite heavy ammo
Infinite super energy
The list goes on.
This stuck out to me. Can you elaborate on this?