I let you kill me 7 times in a Rumble match.
Ahh i see, yes that would make it a lot easier.
I let you kill me 7 times in a Rumble match.
Might as well though, just like TTK I'm sure we are going to have to get all new stuff all over again making what we earned obsolete.
If halo 5 tanks I might say goodbye to xbox, There is nothing else on the console I want and switch to PS4 for Destiny 2 or the next major expansion.
This stuck out to me. Can you elaborate on this?
Who cares about being 308 or 309 though? My hunter is also 1 tick from 309, but I can't be bothered to sweat it, because come tomorrow everyone will be 312 and 313 . . .
Putting a lot of faith in those raid drops![]()
How the hell do you get 7 headshots with this shitty ass pistol
Pray that you end up in a game with bad players.
We'd love to have you if you're down. That'd put as at 6.
You all ready to fly the dragon this Friday?
1. VincentAlexander
2. deafmedal1
3. F0X-AIV3E
4. Thiron213
5. radiohead1
I just finished getting my 7 headshot kills in the Crucible with the Imprecation and I need to wait for another Armsday? WTF?! This gun better be godlike if it takes 3 weeks to get it.
Fireborn is basically a crutch. If you died in the first place and need to use it, you fucked up somewhere. If the whole fireteam wipes and you need to use it, you fucked up somewhere.
It's a last ditch save and benefits you only if you made a mistake.
Sure! Firstly, I'm not saying if someone dies then they suck because everyone dies. That's a fact of playing Destiny. The sooner folks accept that, the better players they become from being able to forgive themselves and move on.
People die from because of things in Destiny, even if it's from a glitch. So if someone dies, they probably weren't being 100% focused or some mechanic went wrong. This is the present problem and it needs to be isolated, understood, and fixed either on the side of the player, or on the side of the fireteam.
Feels good man.
I wouldn't call it a crutch, especially when you're in a situation where you're underleveled for the encounter. I'd call it insurance. And sure, if I die I screwed up. But in a drawn out encounter, underleveled, w/ 6 people, and especially in content that you haven't done repeatedly already, I expect mistakes to be made.
Your luck in Dust Palace knows no bound.
Your luck in Dust Palace knows no bound.After two and a half hours of Flayer Mantle farming I got an extra Void and Solar Mantle. Plus the Arc Mantle I needed to complete my collection and a Treads Upon Stars.
Yeah, i guess. So far 99% blink shotgun soo D:
I wouldn't call it a crutch, especially when you're in a situation where you're underleveled for the encounter. I'd call it insurance. And sure, if I die I screwed up. But in a drawn out encounter, underleveled, w/ 6 people, and especially in content that you haven't done repeatedly already, I expect mistakes to be made.
Your luck in Dust Palace knows no bound.
Started this Warlock on the path to post-40 content last night. Got lucky with rankups and got all matching FWC gear. The restorative mind gauntlets dropped for my hunter ages ago. INT+DIS+Pulse reload = love.
I love everything about the FWC Warlock gear--my favorite gear for the Warlock was the year one, vanilla stuff and this is it.
You mean, playing like a hunter, and not standing in the line of fire until you die?Go into Classic (probably lower your light level a bit too). Full of not so great players.
Of course people will make mistakes, I'm sure as hell not expecting HM to go smoothly. Just saying you can't always rely on it to save your ass, especially when you have other options that could benefit the team as a whole as well as you being alive.
I just need the Telesto. On Tuesday and Wednesday, I got six new exotics, including the New Monarchy mark and Dead Orbit bond. Did indeed feel good.![]()
Feels good man.
I wish the gauntlets didn't have the little tendrils. Other then that I want them.
You mean, playing like a hunter, and not standing in the line of fire until you die?
The only problem I have with fireborn is the effect it has on a players mentality.
If you started off on a Warlock, and almost exclusively used fireborn for everything, you likely have a false sense of safety in the game.
When switching to other subclasses, it's hard to realize the safety net is gone, and you can fall into a rhythm of avoidable deaths.
Warlocks that use subclasses like Voidwalker or Stormcaller almost exclusively tend to be much more likely to survive encounters, because they are just as mindful as hunters or titans that death could spell disaster.
Karma for the Spindle carries
Your luck in Dust Palace knows no bound.
Oh god, if Halo 5 tanks, my friends list may not survive the influx of GAFers.
I was planning on buying an Xbox one for Halo 5, but have been rather underwhelmed by what I have been seeing so far.
It also doesn't help that Iwasn't happywas livid withHalo 4MCC, and this is made by the same people that did that.
I kinda like the spoooooky tendrils, lol.
MCC made me sell my Xbox One.
Feels good man.
Whats the special to the right of the Telesto?
MCC made me sell my Xbox One.
So if I hit Rank 5 gunsmith today how long do I have to wait to get the Shitty First Curse? Assuming I do every step as soon as I can. Two more armsdays?
You just wanted to say spooky.
I actually think the Warlock raid armor looks nice. Maybe I'll finally get the helmet tomorrow.
You up for running a few NF? Might as well try getting the void.It'd be karma if I'd actually gotten the Spindle Ship, but alas I did not T__T
Whats the special to the right of the Telesto?
Do 32s. There are three ultra bosses!Anyone wanna do PoE32,34&35?
For coin purposes.
Hey is this for 7pm-ish EST? Not the release time, correct?
You up for running a few NF? Might as well try getting the void.
i wont have any strange coins for xur this week