all of my hate
No.Do you guys think Deej will address any of our concerns about light level and RNG for tomorrow? Final update before hard mode launches.
No.Do you guys think Deej will address any of our concerns about light level and RNG for tomorrow? Final update before hard mode launches.
Will add when i get out the bath..Count me in. Need it for the quest line. PSN is ArkkAngel007
But.. but.. Farming is fun right? R..right?
These are really good ideas.
Didn't Bungie say something along the lines that artifacts won't just be an extra armor piece that simply add onto your stats. That they will really add to the customization?
lol, it literally does the opposite of that. No changes to physical appearance, slight boost to INT/DISC/STR, and useless perk.
I decided I didn't care and infused the 310 onto one I already had and liked. I have a 308 now and don't give a damn
Why are most streamers obnoxious shits who scream all the time?Totally. All those streamers are doing it!
What advantages does the Hung Jury's third scope with the circle reticule have over the first scope?
I started using the third scope when I had just got my Hung Jury. Folks recommended the third scope, so I went along with it.
Some weeks later, I've come to the conclusion that the first scope is better than the third scope by a country mile because it has a dot.
I decided I didn't care and infused the 310 onto one I already had and liked. I have a 308 now and don't give a damn
Need one more person for a King's Fall Hard Mode Raid tomorrow as soon as it launches. Must be willing to stick with it until we beat itor until the entire group becomes exhausted and calls it quits which hopefully won't happen.
Oh, I'm at the top. Here's this cool thing.
If in 30 minutes i started asking for a fresh raid run.. would anyone reply?
What's the recomended light level? Do we know?Need one more person for a King's Fall Hard Mode Raid tomorrow as soon as it launches. Must be willing to stick with it until we beat itor until the entire group becomes exhausted and calls it quits which hopefully won't happen.
Why are most streamers obnoxious shits who scream all the time?
Why is it so hard to just be bloody normal![]()
Edit: Oh, I'm at the top. Here's this cool thing.
Yeah, but Dredgen's Yor's Rose had the perfect stat roll I wanted it to be max light, so I grinded for it lol.
Hopefully if we get offered a 320 Artifact by Eris there's a Int/Dis one this time, because I don't know if I have it in me to grind again, not with Halo 5 and Fallout 4 around the corner.
In some irrational and inexplicable way, this time gate business with NTTE has really soured me on the entire game. I just feel like it's pointless to keep playing, more so than usual.
Gotta wait a week for the next step of the First Curse and god knows how long til I can get NTTE. I'm pretty sure the new hard raid gear is going to either suck or the drops are going to be abysmal. I have every exotic except the time gated ones and the ones that Bungie haven't flipped the switch on.
I can't even play crucible anymore because it feels broken.
I'm farming for fucking cloaks and guns I'm never even going to use for gods sake.
There's just no reason to keep playing til Bungie decides I can keep playing.
I love the third scope the most actually.
Nah. You can just turn it in through the menu. Some others mentioned it above. No need to visit Shaxx. Not sure what's going on with you, though. So you didn't get any reward?
Will add when i get out the bath..
So we got 4 more for a fresh raid?
I can promise you now, you will not get what you want and when we ask who wants too gaze the room will go silent...
Totally. All those streamers are doing it!
Edit: I'll be farming the Grasp tonight. I'm part of the problem.
I feel like Bungie got Destiny halfway to where it should be, with regard to exotics. Rather than pray to RNGesus, there are dedicated quest lines, which is a good change. But nearly all of them have some bad steps (farming mats, etc.), arbitrary time delays (wait a day) or even more arbitrary time windows with which they can be kicked off. Get rid of these and these quests would be a lot more fun (I actually like having them doled out, but the gates that go up after they are out are really not helpful).
This stuff might boil down to preference, but I find myself way more accurate with the first scope.
Yeah, i turn them off instantly.I dont mind them screaming, what gets me is the bullshit notifications and shit they got,
Same thing happened to me. I turned in the last bounty and nothing popped up.So the other day I mentioned that I finally unlocked Shaxx's bounties and that when I grabbed all five of them it already said I had 2 of them done. So I completed three of the five that I had grabbed and got...nothing. I thought after I turned in the "Do 5 of the bounties" bounty it was supposed to give me a reward.
Sooo where's my reward? Were those two phantom completed bounties just a glitch? I was planning on finishing the final two I have anyway to see if that gets me the reward. i'm still not sure why it said I had two completed ones already though.
Need one more person for a King's Fall Hard Mode Raid tomorrow as soon as it launches. Must be willing to stick with it until we beat itor until the entire group becomes exhausted and calls it quits which hopefully won't happen.
Not entirely sure. The only thing that popped up when I turned in the "complete 5 bounties" bounty was my Crucible rep meter showing I got more rep. Somebody mentioned it might've gone to my postmaster which is totally possible but if it did then the only reward I got was a meh legendary weapon because that's all that's in my postmaster right now.
Feels good man.
Well, that was the last time I use DestinyLFG for anything. GAF only from here on out. If I don't get any responses, I just won't raid.
I'm ok with the requirements.
What's the recomended light level? Do we know?
I got a 307 lock with all the bells and whistles.
I'd be down. I took vacation tomorrow. I think I can be LL307.
I feel like Bungie got Destiny halfway to where it should be, with regard to exotics. Rather than pray to RNGesus, there are dedicated quest lines, which is a good change. But nearly all of them have some bad steps (farming mats, etc.), arbitrary time delays (wait a day) or even more arbitrary time windows with which they can be kicked off. Get rid of these and these quests would be a lot more fun (I actually like having them doled out, but the gates that go up after they are out are really not helpful).
Feels good man.
Kaname's in. I'll keep you in mind in case someone else in our group can't or doesn't make it, ManThatYouFear and blackflag, but I'm sure there will be lots of last minute groups forming tomorrow if that doesn't happen. Plus Deku Tree PM'd me saying the same thing since he couldn't commit to staying until we beat it.
Why are the Y2 specials separated. . ?
I feel like Bungie got Destiny halfway to where it should be, with regard to exotics. Rather than pray to RNGesus, there are dedicated quest lines, which is a good change. But nearly all of them have some bad steps (farming mats, etc.), arbitrary time delays (wait a day) or even more arbitrary time windows with which they can be kicked off. Get rid of these and these quests would be a lot more fun (I actually like having them doled out, but the gates that go up after they are out are really not helpful).
Nice oneKaname's in. I'll keep you in mind in case someone else in our group can't or doesn't make it, ManThatYouFear and blackflag, but I'm sure there will be lots of last minute groups forming tomorrow if that doesn't happen. Plus Deku Tree PM'd me saying the same thing since he couldn't commit to staying until we beat it.
Anyone wanna do some CoO?
I got a bunch of level 1 runes and stuff i wanna get rid off.
Nothing else going on anyway it seems.
Still looking for someone to do PoE32-34-35 with![]()
I´d be up for all of it.
Psn AengerdX
I'm in the same boat, gaf members seem to be more trust worthy lol