Yea he can be 6th, I just got a important call now.If you are still looking I can join. D-psipher.
Yea he can be 6th, I just got a important call now.If you are still looking I can join. D-psipher.
At 320, hopefully.
What the light level system does is that the curve fluctuates far too much and doesn't really have an 'end' so to speak. Because of the random nature of light levels and gear drops themselves, you can't consistently go along that curve-you spike around it. You can get an item that skyrockets you to a high level, or that slightly nudges you forward to a higher level. Or you can get a worse item.
It's a mess. nightfall as such is useless, it's dumbfounded that Xur carries exotics at 280(For what reason, exactly..?), exotics decrypt at either 290 or 310 until you reach light level 311 in which case they seem to majorly decrypt at 310(Which again, unless you didn't have it before, is such an odd design choice since doesn't help you get higher), amongst a myriad of other things..
i'll join you.
I will hop on, only need one but will run it a second time on same character if you need!
psn: keakster
Love our crew, we have it all down like clockwork. 3x hard mode runs in a little over three hours. Big shoutout to everyone who ran with us tonigt, thanks guys
Decent drops for me today as well.
Finally got the helmets for each class (normal ones though), small upgrades to armor pieces for each class, and lastly a 314 and 318 scout rifle... YES! Unfortunately not with full auto like i would have liked though
Completely happy tonight, lots of laughs and good times in party chat too. Just what we all needed
Nighty night DGAF, see you in the AM.
Invites Sent
In Year 1, Nightfall was a constant thing that stayed with you no matter how strong you became. The rewards were ALWAYS relevant.
Further evidence that this Light Level system is junk.
I've only had one legendary turn exotic since TTK came out so yes.Wow, just got No Backup Plans off a legendary engram. That seems..ridiculously lucky?
I've only had one legendary turn exotic since TTK came out so yes.
Is class item needed for shader?
Is class item needed for shader?
Can anyone help me on a boss in a quest? I'm sitting here at it and dying. Any help pls. Psn thuway
Nah, this light level stuff is still affecting us the exact same way mechanically. I don't think a lot of people realize this unless they played a bunch of MMOs. The only thing that changed was how it affects us psychologically. Changing gear still weakens us, it just isn't tied to one number and that number being our "level". Our level literally doesn't matter except to force the beginning progression on us. I'm on my phone at the moment or else I would get more in depth, sorry.
Anyway, the nightfall never scaled with us. It just happened to be at or near our end game level. This time it's not. While it gives people progressing another option, it also takes it out as another option at end game.
I can join you. Sitting at totems now.
Send me an invite when ready.
At first I was mad about them nerfing nightfalls but now I'm kindof happy about it. The way they handled end game you really don't need nightfalls anymore. They took away something that was a have to and replaced it with a want to activity. Also it's much more soloable now which is nice.
But it's not a want to for me. I didn't do a single Nightfall last week.
Okay so all I need is the helmet.
I have been holding off even using it because of Iron Banner or Trials but I'm starting to not give a shit. Best gun in the game by far.
Boolean Gemini is pretty close but not quite right.
I felt the same way, but realistically that is what .. 5% of total Crucible playtime? If that?
Not worth it. Use Year 1 exotics until Bungie updates them, who cares.
One spot open in NF
this noob just hit 291.
Anyone want to take me along on a Normal KF?
Gotta get the mechanics down
PSN: RukiaRemix
Need a 6th for Normal KF.. Running some friends through and alts.
Anyone interested?
Need 1 for hm kings fall starting from the totems
I know this is an absolutely crazy idea, but some people actually play Destiny because it's fun to shoot stuff with friends. Getting upgrades is a nice goal, but if all you want is to get better gear with no intrinsic value and are not having fun doing it, maybe you should play a game that's more fun for you. No one is forcing you to compete in a futile race to have the highest light level, it's just going to be continuously made trivial as new updates inflate power levels across the board anyway, so what's the rush?
I'm down if you still got room.
PSN: MiidSoss
Is class item needed for shader?
sorry - which shader?
Why are you deflecting valid criticisms with the drop system with "go play something else" responses?
I know this is an even more absolutely crazy idea. How about I have fun shooting stuff with friends while getting meaningful upgrades in the process. Crazy, I know.
the Vena Cava; bone marrow looking raid exclusive shader.
Me and a friend are looking to run Kings Fall normal from the start.
I've done it multiple times and have malice & spindle (light about 303), whereas it's his first time doing it (hence wanting to start it from the beginning). He's 294 and is quite experienced aside from the raid. Looking for 4 others for a nice group chill group.
1. mandiller
2. mandiller's friend
3. AengerdX
4. earvcunanan
I´ll come along not super experienced, but should be fine.![]()
Psn AengerdX
I´ll come along not super experienced, but should be fine.![]()
Psn AengerdX
I'll join
PSN: earvcunanan