It melts Valus this week.
That's what the Black Hammer is for
Planning on using it at HM oryx? Think 298 is fine for everything else in the game.
Really wanted to try it on the shade. Should theoretically melt it.
It melts Valus this week.
Planning on using it at HM oryx? Think 298 is fine for everything else in the game.
Really wish I had something to sacrifice for my Sleeper Simulant. It is stuck at 298 and I really want to use it more.
None at all, the rewards are abysmal (the same reward as filling up a candy satchel).
Speaking of, I have like 12 fusion rifle and shotgun fodders between 300 and 306.i wish I can do some conversion, like spend 10 legendary marks to turn it into a Heavy fodder. I really have no primary or heavy fodders as well.
I have no special weapon to Infuse really. 1KYS and spindle are all that matters atm.
Are we talking elemental primaries again? Ho hum. I understand the two camps regarding this topic, and I'm firmly with Luke here. It would completely kill my drive to play if they brought back a suite of elemental primaries again. It severely limits the choices you have for viable primary weapons and lessens the importance of your special and heavy weapons. There are so many cool new legendaries out there that I feel I can use now. If we have elemental primaries it becomes no contest. Why even bother with a kinetic? I don't want that.
That's what the Black Hammer is forUnless SS counts as special.
Really wanted to try it on the shade. Should theoretically melt it.
Headseeker + Counterbalance + Hand-Laid Stock would probably be the god roll.
Get the counter balance one. Full auto is waste and the recoil goes almost a full 45 degrees to the left without CB. Buy another one and hope for this roll at some point.
Always wondered if we were doing the encounter wrong the whole time and Sleeper Simulant was the key. I imagine a WoL and one blast from a couple people could melt an Ogre pretty fast. But then there's the ammo problem.
More enemies with Kinetic shields that can only be damaged by Kinetic energy would also level the playing field. Or a greatly reduced damage against elemental weapons.
Depends. If you buy it on PS4, sure.
If you buy it on Xbox then not so much.
Are we talking elemental primaries again? Ho hum. I understand the two camps regarding this topic, and I'm firmly with Luke here. It would completely kill my drive to play if they brought back a suite of elemental primaries again. It severely limits the choices you have for viable primary weapons and lessens the importance of your special and heavy weapons. There are so many cool new legendaries out there that I feel I can use now. If we have elemental primaries it becomes no contest. Why even bother with a kinetic? I don't want that.
I dunno about you folks, but I want to chase after OP as hell weapons.
Screw that tradeoff stuff. I think all endgame gear should be Fatebringer/VoC equivalent in utility. Every single piece.
I wand god rolls AND elements.
Are we talking elemental primaries again? Ho hum. I understand the two camps regarding this topic, and I'm firmly with Luke here. It would completely kill my drive to play if they brought back a suite of elemental primaries again. It severely limits the choices you have for viable primary weapons and lessens the importance of your special and heavy weapons. There are so many cool new legendaries out there that I feel I can use now. If we have elemental primaries it becomes no contest. Why even bother with a kinetic? I don't want that.
I dunno about you folks, but I want to chase after OP as hell weapons.
Screw that tradeoff stuff. I think all endgame gear should be Fatebringer/VoC equivalent in utility. Every single piece.
I wand god rolls AND elements.
You didn't read the posts!
You don't want OP elemental primaries like Fatebringer and VoC where it's the only choice 99% of the time. You want then with a tradeoff so you only use them for certain situations. Like the Abyss Defiant for Omnigul / wizards.
They just need to balance the weapons that have elements versus the kinetic (kinetic having an extra perk) and it'll be all good.
You want to chase great primary weapons because you're using them most of the time and you want to feel like a badass. Not super OP, but a badass. You want to rotate between primaries not just have one. Right now now for the raid, it's basically Hung Jury / zhalo then touch of malice. It's no different than today. It's Hung Jury for all the rest of the PvE content so there's absolutely no difference.
If the King's Fall pistol had an element to it, I'd actually use it sometimes. It wouldn't make it OP because it takes a few years to reload.
After all your hard earned raids over and over, you finally want a weapon that's different and situational above the rest. Not used 99% but great under some situations.
So pretty much, clearled HM 3X every week now and still no HM helmet on any toon. Boooooo.
So glad for Made raids events much better and most seem nicer than LFG users.
Still waiting for hard mode helmets as well, yesterday I finally got all the normal mode helmets for the first time
Weird.... no helmets ever, and then yesterday all 3 lol
4 spots remaining for tomorrow for anyone who wants to hit CE.
(CLICK HERE)PS4 - Thursday, November 5th, 2015 - Crota's End Newbie Raid
- 9:00PM ET - 8:00 PM CT - 6:00PM PT - 2:00 AM Friday BST
- Minimum Level is 26 for Vault of Glass and 29 for Crota's End, Light Level 285 for King's Fall
- These are specifically geared for first-timers, and all encounters are fully explained for all roles, along with overall raid tips (and maybe even a tiny bit of lore). However, those who have run the raid before and even veterans are welcome if you feel like joining and can be patient with the truebies.
- First come first serve. If you filled out the form completely and submitted it, your spot is reserved. The form shuts down automatically when the group is full.
- If you wish to be an alternate, want to help but don't want to take a spot right away, or otherwise want to be kept in mind for the group just send me a PM on GAF or a PSN message.
Ya, I did. The last couple of pages at least. I still don't want elem. primaries though.
Yeah and they adjusted NF to have it not be a burn so frequently... so there is really no place where elemental primaries makes a huge difference in the game. I don't miss them.
At the same time Bungie really needs to put in some sort of slow guaranteed progression into the end game raids. Getting no exciting drops, and no meaningful progression, from a frustrating HM Raid with a PUG is not fun. And listening to the player who was dead most of the time rave about their new 320 whatever is maddening too.
So glad for Made raids events much better and most seem nicer than LFG users.
Most people now just use Hung Jury. There needs to be carrots to chase. We'd actually use the Oryx shit if they had elemental. Right now mostly everything are fodders. That's boring as shit.
Those weapons aren't great tier, they're decent tier. With an element, we would actually use them, sometimes. That's what they need.
I loved using Fatebringer because it was great. Never actually felt like I had to use it. I'd drop Hung Jury in a hot second if I could get it back. Undyind Mind NF pls.
I dunno about you folks, but I want to chase after OP as hell weapons.
Screw that tradeoff stuff. I think all endgame gear should be Fatebringer/VoC equivalent in utility. Every single piece.
I wand god rolls AND elements.
I'm just doing a quick check in here: Do we have a large enough crowd that we could organize Hawkian-style newbie raid runs for Xbox One? I know that this thread leans heavily to PS4, but I'm just curious how many XB1 users we have and how many have not run a raid. Not necessarily saying I'll be able to host them, but I'd like to take the temperature to see if it's a worthwhile endeavor. VOG, Crota, and KF of course.
There needs to be more weapons like Hung Jury, in my opinion. If the current raid primaries had elements, I still wouldn't want to use them.
You can see possible rolls on the Bungie site. You'd have to get that out of a gunsmith rankup, probably.what roll does it have?
If I could get a Eirene with Faucon scope,Luck in the chamber, quickdraw and unflinching I would love it even possible for an Eirene to have Faucon scope?
I loved using Fatebringer because it was great. Never actually felt like I had to use it. I'd drop Hung Jury in a hot second if I could get it back. Undyind Mind NF pls.
4 spots remaining for tomorrow for anyone who wants to hit CE.
I came across someone using the Imago Loop in Trials last weekend. I was so jealous we stomped them nice and good.
You could try the MM thread in gaming. Saw a few X1 guys complaining that GAF is shit for getting groups.
I'm just doing a quick check in here: Do we have a large enough crowd that we could organize Hawkian-style newbie raid runs for Xbox One? I know that this thread leans heavily to PS4, but I'm just curious how many XB1 users we have and how many have not run a raid. Not necessarily saying I'll be able to host them, but I'd like to take the temperature to see if it's a worthwhile endeavor. VOG, Crota, and KF of course.
4 spots remaining for tomorrow for anyone who wants to hit CE.
Right, and in my mind, FB was a great weapon even without the arc damage. THAT's what I want more of.
Yeah, there needs to be some tuning done to the raid drops. I got two low level NM drops from HM Daughters. That is just deflating. If I wanted NM drops I would do the NM encounter. I rarely do Nightfalls anymore because they are not worth it. I jumped in to help a friend with nightfall and got useless stuff from it but I got the cabal scout with crowd control and firefly from SpongeBob. But that was the strike specific drop. The drop rate for high level content should scale with the player. Also, who turned up the Nightfall Ghost drops to 11?
I actually have an Imago Loop, just with shit perks....
40 odd kills of Omnigal and no pulse rifle, not even one with bad rolls. I'm OK with no rerolling, but I'm not grinding for days to chase a 1/100 drop.
Hawksaw will do.