I'm so salty right now.
Someone was using a Rocket Launcher. Was that the problem?

I'm so salty right now.
Someone was using a Rocket Launcher. Was that the problem?
I didn't know it was possible to wipe on the final DPS phase of Oryx. We had 5 people but still... what.
Oh God yes.
That's literally maybe the worst thing you could use.
If this was a gaffer please post so we can appropriately shame them.
I love that.
Make that guy unequip his rocket launcher and then have him dismantle it. If he doesn't threaten to kick him out. Make sure he sends you a screenshot of it being dismantled.
That'll teach him.
Todd used a rocket launcher in the Echo part of the Oryx fight.
Everyone boo Todd to shame him.
Did it with 3 people yesterday on hard mode.
Totally serious'd it though, full damage, everything we had.
I used a heavy machine gun right when he opened up with 320 attack.
Drizzay and the other guy were using high light level gear as well, so it may be clutch if you don't have everyone using 312+ weapons to do final damage.
Reloading is a bad move as well while doing that past DPS.
I did it the first week it was available without having a sword yet. It wasn't hard, just annoying. Shoving that many enemies into a broom closet sized room is the opposite of fun or challenging. Shooting a bullet sponge is probably more entertaining than that fight was.
Should I get a Scuf controller (PS4) if I already use Bumper Jumper and most only play as a Titan?
I heard the paddles could help with skating but it's already quite easy once I switched to Bumper Jumper.
The only reason she uses the Rocket Launcher to begin with is because it pushes her LL to 311.
The one time she decides to actually fire the thing...
The only reason she uses the Rocket Launcher to begin with is because it pushes her LL to 311.
The one time she decides to actually fire the thing...
Should I get a Scuf controller (PS4) if I already use Bumper Jumper and most only play as a Titan?
I heard the paddles could help with skating but it's already quite easy once I switched to Bumper Jumper.
Sorry just getting home fresh hm raid starting at totems start when full
1.) Bigmanny287
2.) xplicitone
3.) Vincentgrey
4.) Jakfu
Fine to have it equipped to push your overall LL up. But to USE it? Man that is soul-crushing stuff wiping at that part. I'm really sorry.
Fixed since I was eating and didnt want to do that on my phone.
3 more!!!!!!
I'll join
Might have one need one more2 more spots for
Fresh hm raid starting at totems start when full
1.) Bigmanny287
2.) xplicitone
3.) Vincentgrey
4.) Jakfu
When Todd used the rocket launcher in the echo part of the Oryx fight, I tried to get the boss to kill him. I failed ultimately, and got my character to 315.
I didn't say anything about being special. If you prefer one way, that's fine. I prefer something else. It doesn't hurt to have both.
When Todd used the rocket launcher in the echo part of the Oryx fight, I tried to get the boss to kill him. I failed ultimately, and got my character to 315.
Need one more2 more spots for
Fresh hm raid starting at totems start when full
1.) Bigmanny287
2.) xplicitone
3.) Vincentgrey
4.) Jakfu
The adds at Oryx still hit me when I'm invisible on my Hunter.
So infuriating.
I carry a 317 RL at Oryx to:
A. Have the maximum light level.
B. Kill Taken Mobs right as they spawn outside the Echo dome. Always make sure I'm clear of teammates, but never pull it out for anything other than that.
Todd used a rocket launcher in the Echo part of the Oryx fight.
Everyone boo Todd to shame him.
When Todd used the rocket launcher in the echo part of the Oryx fight, I tried to get the boss to kill him. I failed ultimately, and got my character to 315.
I never said it was hard. You're misunderstanding my use of challenging. The room is actually incredibly spacious, when I'm feeling like I'm getting hosed a bit I usually run a lap around the room to lose aggro and regen my shield and health. People are just so hard-wired with the way to handle encounters in Year 1 that most people just camp the entrance which is asking for failure at worst or a harder time at best. All the Taken Captains focus on one spot when normally their projectiles are slow and easy to dodge suddenly you have 4 firing at you back-to-back. I don't share the sentiment that sitting back and shooting at Sepiks Prime's giant weakspot is fun as opposed to managing adds where they actually pose more of a problem than the boss itself, having each member contribute, managing Supers and actually have them be vital to success, and knowing the right spots to pick your shots against Driviks.
You said those weapons should be reserved for the hardcore??
Whats your definition of "challenge"?
Because I am pretty sure anything that is hard to get, but doable can be called a challenge, even if you don't like the methods/tools given.
Alright. I'm referring to people who use it as a good example of a "challenging" way to obtain an exotic weapon, not you then.
Need one more
Alright. I'm referring to people who use it as a good example of a "challenging" way to obtain an exotic weapon, not you then.
<3 Taahd
Yes fullI'm down if you still have space.
The adds at Oryx still hit me when I'm invisible on my Hunter.
So infuriating.
Alright. I'm referring to people who use it as a good example of a "challenging" way to obtain an exotic weapon, not you then.
Farming omnigul for hours to get a weapon....nope, never going to happen.
Wait till it's the nightfall, then farm it all you want...
Normal or Hard Mode helm?
I personally don't like how the spindle quest rewards the spindle itself. While that one segment is challenging for most, I don't like how it's basically a 10 minute trial to get the weapon - and that's it.
Perhaps I put exotic weapons on too high a shelf, but I would be fine with this challenge rewarding a really good legendary. However, for this to work, there would have to be major reworks on weapons as a general thing.
I basically look at the Spindle quest to be similar to FFX's Chocobo Race where you had to win the thing in 0 seconds to get a part of a character's ultimate weapon. I liked that in FFX, and how there was more to accomplish even after that task. The Spindle quest feels incomplete to me since it's one and done. It needs an extra part before it and after it for it to feel valid.
Also, not a fan of it being time gated.