fuck 45 minutes. do it at 5 Eastern so I can join and get exotics
If you want y1 exotics do CE Deathsinger + Crota 3x. VoG drop rate is much much worse.
fuck 45 minutes. do it at 5 Eastern so I can join and get exotics
Is that zoba? Zoba your name is terrible now
Yes and as of now, only 46 are available...Tracking fragments... its a lame job.
45 are needed correct?
Is that zoba? Zoba your name is terrible now
Need oneNeed 2 for Hard Warpriest onwards.
HM Atheon is, to this day, the only one to have given me a double exotic drop, though.If you want y1 exotics do CE Deathsinger + Crota 3x. VoG drop rate is much much worse.
Need two at warpriest HM
I'm not Zoba and using it as my handle for as long as i did was a mistake.
Nothing but trashtwilight gap was a mistake
Thanks ichabod. Baby isn't gaining weight like he should, so we've had to go back to a day 1 feeding regimen, plus we have to literally measure his intake by ounce (he bfeeds).
Basically now one out of every three hours is spent on feeding him or preparing to. It's really hard for my wife, but the plan looks like it's working.
The adds at Oryx still hit me when I'm invisible on my Hunter.
So infuriating.
twilight gap was a mistake
Oh man. I've been there. Not only do you feel bad for him, but your wife is having a hard time with it too. It's worse because you can't do anything. Eyes up, guardian.
Here's something on thread topic:
Yes and as of now, only 46 are available...
I understand switching names.
What I don't understand is why get rid of Ahsoka.
Yeah, it's 47.47 right? 44 + 3 from each of the CoO encounters
Yeah mobile typo47 right? 44 + 3 from each of the CoO encounters
I'm not Zoba and using it as my handle for as long as i did was a mistake.
Thanks ichabod. Baby isn't gaining weight like he should, so we've had to go back to a day 1 feeding regimen, plus we have to literally measure his intake by ounce (he bfeeds).
Basically now one out of every three hours is spent on feeding him or preparing to. It's really hard for my wife, but the plan looks like it's working.
Yeah, why not Black Shield, or Sector 618?twilight gap was a mistake
I thought PoE only dropped old gear that wouldn't be viable for TK content? I don't even think I've ever seen a game drop with a 331 attack rating.
That's way too cool of a name. Don't give him any ideas.Should be Anomaly, obvs.
I think I turned in 30 not 45 fragments, does that mean I will not have the chance to get TOM ever again?
I mean no one told me to keep farming man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It wasnt clear
I think I turned in 30 not 45 fragments, does that mean I will not have the chance to get TOM ever again?
I mean no one told me to keep farming man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It wasnt clear
Like wtf. Keep calling yourself Twilight Gap, Twilight Gap, but bring back Ahsoka.
You know what people think about GAFfers without avatars, don't you
So what exactly did Unstable say about the name to make you want to change...?
Nobody raiding? This is a first.
Raids are for scrubs. Farm Omnigul for a real challenge.
Thanks ichabod. Baby isn't gaining weight like he should, so we've had to go back to a day 1 feeding regimen, plus we have to literally measure his intake by ounce (he bfeeds).
Basically now one out of every three hours is spent on feeding him or preparing to. It's really hard for my wife, but the plan looks like it's working.
Some pulse rifle that's covered in chitan, and can have a chance of getting some good roles for perks for crucible head munching.What's this badass weapon drop from Omnighul everyone is talking about?