Nerd alert!
I endlessly bred Chocobos in FFVII to get a Gold for KOTR. I know that feel.
Touch of malice...necessary?
Nerd alert!
I endlessly bred Chocobos in FFVII to get a Gold for KOTR. I know that feel.
Touch of malice...necessary?
Thanks to your misfortune, I was reminded to cancel my pre-order thru PSN.Lol just had a copy of BLOPS 3 sent out from Amazon. I ordered it months ago for a beta code and forgot to cancel.
Touch of malice...necessary?
But for real, folks love being OP so let us be OP. Once folks got KOTR, 99% of the game was watching that summon animation on repeat
Hey dgaf.
Is anyone around at about 10pm est to help me finish the HM raid? I have the cp at the daughters and really would like to get it done tonight. My warlock is sitting at 308 but I could probably get him to 310 for Oryx. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
lol, it was worse when you used mimic off of KOTR
Should I get a Scuf controller (PS4) if I already use Bumper Jumper and most only play as a Titan?
I heard the paddles could help with skating but it's already quite easy once I switched to Bumper Jumper.
Still think Supernova was the coolest spell.
In FFVII? Yeah, easily.
I personally don't like how the spindle quest rewards the spindle itself. While that one segment is challenging for most, I don't like how it's basically a 10 minute trial to get the weapon - and that's it.
Perhaps I put exotic weapons on too high a shelf, but I would be fine with this challenge rewarding a really good legendary. However, for this to work, there would have to be major reworks on weapons as a general thing.
I basically look at the Spindle quest to be similar to FFX's Chocobo Race where you had to win the thing in 0 seconds to get a part of a character's ultimate weapon. I liked that in FFX, and how there was more to accomplish even after that task. The Spindle quest feels incomplete to me since it's one and done. It needs an extra part before it and after it for it to feel valid.
Also, not a fan of it being time gated.
I personally don't like how the spindle quest rewards the spindle itself. While that one segment is challenging for most, I don't like how it's basically a 10 minute trial to get the weapon - and that's it.
Perhaps I put exotic weapons on too high a shelf, but I would be fine with this challenge rewarding a really good legendary. However, for this to work, there would have to be major reworks on weapons as a general thing.
I basically look at the Spindle quest to be similar to FFX's Chocobo Race where you had to win the thing in 0 seconds to get a part of a character's ultimate weapon. I liked that in FFX, and how there was more to accomplish even after that task. The Spindle quest feels incomplete to me since it's one and done. It needs an extra part before it and after it for it to feel valid.
Also, not a fan of it being time gated.
Join the club. I finally got the helmet to drop for both my Titan and Warlock last night.Normal. :'(
You can have my two 310 TLWs I have in the vault. They're pretty much useless to me.Had some fun matches with Hawkmoon. :')
Once I have enough I'll buy a Y2 TLW. Amazingly it hasn't dropped for me.
So I have one question. I've done the raid a couple of times. Right now I'm a Warlock with a 306LL, reading about your characters I feel pretty underleveled. What should I do? Keep doing Normal mode only?
Btw, I don't have the ToM yet, hate grinding hedium flakes, but I guess one day I must do it.
So I have one question. I've done the raid a couple of times. Right now I'm a Warlock with a 306LL, reading about your characters I feel pretty underleveled. What should I do? Keep doing Normal mode only?
Btw, I don't have the ToM yet, hate grinding hedium flakes, but I guess one day I must do it.
I still think they went too much to the "mechanics!" side of things when designing KF, to the point where I feel like I'm not playing a game anymore but a very rigid partition. There's no leeway in encounters, no subtle variations to be had: you have to beat the phases exactly how Bungie designed them, and that's it. This, to me, is insanely boring.I mentioned it before, but I find raid mechanics to be clever and more interesting than anything they've done that's mission or strike related. They're challenging in the way that it's not countless enemies in a tiny room. Put the raid team on everything.
I've got one HM helmet so far and it was 311. Haha. Thank god it wasn't 310 though. Gotta at least feel that progression.
If I'm on and you need someone I would be happy to help. Got a lot of RL stuff right now so planning raids is tough, but i'd love to help.
I need twice.Anyone wanna do nightfalls, Didn't have time to do them earlier .
I need twice.
I still think they went too much to the "mechanics!" side of things when designing KF, to the point where I feel like I'm not playing a game anymore but a very rigid partition. There's no leeway in encounters, no subtle variations to be had: you have to beat the phases exactly how Bungie designed them, and that's it. This, to me, is insanely boring.
One example of this is how they treat adds, and make them play this exact role of "additional enemies that are just there as a nuisance" and nothing more. The taken are formidably well designed enemies: their different abilities make them a bitch to fight against, and the combination of them can create a real challenge. The best thing about that is that it creates a "dynamic" challenge, where you have to improvise at all times and change strategies on the fly -- they create fights where you have to adapt to your enemies aggressive behaviour, rather than fights where everyone just apply THE strategy. In KF those enemies are only relegated to nothing more but cannon fodder acting as the only (and very small) unknown in the whole encounter. And that's sad. Let's take a small comparison between the Templar and the Warpriest: harpies in the first one are there to throw off your rhythm, just as regular adds do, but they are more especially best left to the relic holder so that he can fill his super faster; the warpriest tries to use this same idea of making adds more "valuable" to only one member in the party, but it forces the mechanic onto players -- you HAVE to use this system, whereas the Templar fight was leaving all this to the players' discretion. VoG is organic, KF is just mechanics.
The oracle room in the paradox mission, when I first did it solo, was the only time when Destiny gave me DMC / Bayonetta vibes. I want more of that.![]()
I still think they went too much to the "mechanics!" side of things when designing KF, to the point where I feel like I'm not playing a game anymore but a very rigid partition. There's no leeway in encounters, no subtle variations to be had: you have to beat the phases exactly how Bungie designed them, and that's it. This, to me, is insanely boring.
One example of this is how they treat adds, and make them play this exact role of "additional enemies that are just there as a nuisance" and nothing more. The taken are formidably well designed enemies: their different abilities make them a bitch to fight against, and the combination of them can create a real challenge. The best thing about that is that it creates a "dynamic" challenge, where you have to improvise at all times and change strategies on the fly -- they create fights where you have to adapt to your enemies aggressive behaviour, rather than fights where everyone just apply THE strategy. In KF those enemies are only relegated to nothing more but cannon fodder acting as the only (and very small) unknown in the whole encounter. And that's sad. Let's take a small comparison between the Templar and the Warpriest: harpies in the first one are there to throw off your rhythm, just as regular adds do, but they are more especially best left to the relic holder so that he can fill his super faster; the warpriest tries to use this same idea of making adds more "valuable" to only one member in the party, but it forces the mechanic onto players -- you HAVE to use this system, whereas the Templar fight was leaving all this to the players' discretion. VoG is organic, KF is just mechanics.
The oracle room in the paradox mission, when I first did it solo, was the only time when Destiny gave me DMC / Bayonetta vibes. I want more of that.![]()
I need twice.
I still think they went too much to the "mechanics!" side of things when designing KF, to the point where I feel like I'm not playing a game anymore but a very rigid partition. There's no leeway in encounters, no subtle variations to be had: you have to beat the phases exactly how Bungie designed them, and that's it. This, to me, is insanely boring.
One example of this is how they treat adds, and make them play this exact role of "additional enemies that are just there as a nuisance" and nothing more. The taken are formidably well designed enemies: their different abilities make them a bitch to fight against, and the combination of them can create a real challenge. The best thing about that is that it creates a "dynamic" challenge, where you have to improvise at all times and change strategies on the fly -- they create fights where you have to adapt to your enemies aggressive behaviour, rather than fights where everyone just apply THE strategy. In KF those enemies are only relegated to nothing more but cannon fodder acting as the only (and very small) unknown in the whole encounter. And that's sad. Let's take a small comparison between the Templar and the Warpriest: harpies in the first one are there to throw off your rhythm, just as regular adds do, but they are more especially best left to the relic holder so that he can fill his super faster; the warpriest tries to use this same idea of making adds more "valuable" to only one member in the party, but it forces the mechanic onto players -- you HAVE to use this system, whereas the Templar fight was leaving all this to the players' discretion. VoG is organic, KF is just mechanics.
The oracle room in the paradox mission, when I first did it solo, was the only time when Destiny gave me DMC / Bayonetta vibes. I want more of that.![]()
Thanks lt, I'll keep an eye out.
Hopefully everything is OK in the real world.
Since no one will do Oryx with me because I don't have TOM, its the new G horn. What do I have to do to get it?
Hunger pangs quest for the touch of malice. If you finished all your story missions, you likely have the quest.Since no one will do Oryx with me because I don't have TOM, its the new G horn. What do I have to do to get it?
Since no one will do Oryx with me because I don't have TOM, its the new G horn. What do I have to do to get it?
fuck it
Vault of Glass Hard Run for Nostalgia in 45 minutes.
Bring your Year One weapons
6. Me
fuck 45 minutes. do it at 5 Eastern so I can join and get exotics
VOG was the perfect balance between mechanics and just shooting.
Thanks ichabod. Baby isn't gaining weight like he should, so we've had to go back to a day 1 feeding regimen, plus we have to literally measure his intake by ounce (he bfeeds).
Basically now one out of every three hours is spent on feeding him or preparing to. It's really hard for my wife, but the plan looks like it's working.
fuck it
Vault of Glass Hard Run for Nostalgia in 45 minutes.
Bring your Year One weapons
6. Me
Wish you all the best LT. Being a dad is no joke.
It's my favorite mission. I've never stood still in that room.If Fear's Embrace didn't have that room you could hide in, it would be the best mission in Destiny simply for the absurdity of the boss fight.