Formerly Gizmowned
It's the best PVE gun Bungie has ever sold.
It has ridiculous stats and perks.
It could have been a raid weapon.
Purchased. I'll infuse to 310 right away.
It's the best PVE gun Bungie has ever sold.
It has ridiculous stats and perks.
It could have been a raid weapon.
Could be it, I do blitz through strikes very quickly and easily. I guess timing is important then between runs.
I'll try the Draksis mission idea and do one run every hour or so and see if that works. Thanks for the tip!
I don't really ask for people to do crucible with. That's on me. I've gotten used to being hit up on my phone or being texted asking if I'm gonna get on Uncharted or not.
that moment was TRULY epic.Shoutout to loki 16
We all wiped at warpriest except him.
Dude strait said fuck that shit.
Proceeds to whip out the hammer and wreck shit.
Team revival.
Warpriest dead.
Must be nice to have friends that play stuff other than FIFA
I think I saw the same post. PvP really brings out the best and the worst in a community.
The Lighthouse was never a guarantee for me either in HoW. Sure, some runs were easier than others, but it was rare that I made it to Mercury with all three characters every weekend. Once yes, but all three? Not that often.
This post perfectly sums up what a lot of people are feeling about Trials. It's hard to swallow that there's something in a game you love that you might never be able to do.
I'm going to try again this weekend and try to be positive about the new meta. At least in Pre 2.0 I was having fun. It was exciting to shoot the Last Word. It was thrilling to use the Hawkmoon and have that lucky shot proc at the right moment. Yes, everyone had god rolls, but I did too and that made me feel like I was on even ground.
Well the good news for you is that there is nothing on Mars worth making the trip for.
You can grind out the bounties in 10 matches and get better gear.
I need twice.Anyone still need to do HM Oryx? Have cp
Must be nice to have friends that play stuff other than FIFA
Yeah I still need to do it.Anyone still need to do HM Oryx? Have cp
That would be worth it. I'll confirm it's working now and post the code/total for others who might be in my position.Believe so. 20%-25%
my instinct is that they barely care about any of this and it's probably something of a relief to them that they don't have a new release in direct competition this holiday season. Destiny doesn't have a subscription fee and there's nothing about Silver store that makes it a constant revenue stream yet. they probably count on huge swaths of players taking breaks when big releases have just come out and nothing's-going-on-in-Destiny at the same time, then coming back when the situation is reversed. and they're probably right.This is going to be Bungie's biggest test for retaining a population. If Destiny can survive Halo 5, Black Ops 3 and Fallout 4, then it can survive anything.
Before the year is over, I expect:
That would be worth it. I'll confirm it's working now and post the code/total for others who might be in my position.
my instinct is that they barely care about any of this and it's probably something of a relief to them that they don't have a new release in direct competition this holiday season. Destiny doesn't have a subscription fee and there's nothing about Silver store that makes it a constant revenue stream yet. they probably count on huge swaths of players taking breaks when big releases have just come out and nothing's-going-on-in-Destiny at the same time, then coming back when the situation is reversed. and they're probably right.
If I do decide to get Fallout 4, it'll be on PS4. Fight me irl, Afro.
My big thing about PvP is that I find it kinda boring, which is weird since there's space magic and stuff. I think it's because my friend who I played hundred of hours of PvP in other games doesn't have a PS4 and I haven't really found anyone to mesh with yet like that in this game.
I mean, I have a regular group of folks I do my reset raids with, but outside of that - nothing else. I have no one to laugh with or get mad with or anything :/. And when folks do get mad at Destiny for whatever reason, it's not fun because I feel these people cross the line taking the game far seriously than it should be taken.
Though I will admit, when folks get mad at this game, it's pretty tame compared to how I get at times - but I've been through anger management and stuff so
Before the year is over, I expect:
- "New" Exotic armor we already know about and have seen footage of will be made available
Uk time here , for the past hour i could not get a game in crucible where more then half of players were yellow or red, i usually do some pvp before i go to work. Whats going on right now is beyond ridiculous.
I will get on PS4 too.If I do decide to get Fallout 4, it'll be on PS4. Fight me irl, Afro.
Yeah it's never quite as fun when I can't use my mic and playing w/ DGAF. Last night would have been much more hilarious if we could have made fun of T-44s laggy ass play in the nightfall. I looked up his K/D for that last run, and it was like 3.0 lol.
Yeah it's never quite as fun when I can't use my mic and playing w/ DGAF. Last night would have been much more hilarious if we could have made fun of T-44s laggy ass play in the nightfall. I looked up his K/D for that last run, and it was like 3.0 lol.
The feel of shooting someone, meleeing them twice then getting shotgunned 5s later and teabagged 10s later
Is it feasible for someone to do the ghost daily solo? I've struggled a little to stay alive the last couple of times - during which parts of the mission can't I die?
I had a control match where everyone on my team was killed by an invisible storm caller.
When my death cam came up, it showed the guy on the other side of the map standing still, but his electricity was still killing people on my side of the map.
GG bungie.
Yep, but use extended mag instead of hand laid stock: you need max stability on a slow firing scout rifle, and those ammos will be put to better use with triple tap.So everyone going on about Hung Jury. I've saved up the marks so should I get one? Would use alongside the Black Spindle. It comes with Firefly, Hand Laid Stock and Tripletap.
3 K/D on a Vita? holy shit lmao
His potato internet is only partly responsible for the K/D ratio.
I did solo.Is it feasible for someone to do the ghost daily solo? I've struggled a little to stay alive the last couple of times - during which parts of the mission can't I die?
so it's not just me? sorry, but misery loves company. :/Every special engram I've ever had drop save for one has been invective. The one was a 4th Horseman. I've probably rolled 7 of them.
we're hereafter bros! ;-)My last Hard raid I pulled an invective out of the piston chest. Then my exotic engram I already had from golgy turned into Invective!
But yea, 9/10 turned into invective and I think I had 1 turn into Hereafter.
Pretty much me, except there's literally nothing on the horizon I can see pulling me away. FO4 I'll consider when I know the PS4 version is solid and a GOTY edition exists.I guess I'm the perfect player for Bungie. I don't see anything taking my time away from Destiny until The Division comes out. Fallout is great in atmosphere and design but what I've learned about myself and Bethesda games is that I get sidetracked by all the optional quests and exploring and never finish the storyline and eventually burn out. CoD feels like molasses compared to Destiny, so no BO3 or 4 or whatever for me either. Never got into Halo and I don't have an Xbox so that was never a thing for me.
Yikes. Those two combat arenas have not been kind to me previously.If you're talking about the mission that takes you into VoG, you can't die in any Darkness Zone. Everywhere else, it's fine.
Self-res gets you out of jail? Lucky you! :'(I can't say I didn't die because the last jump part I died but you know I'm the Warlock Master Race Solo Machine... dies doesn't matter for me.
I think I've had one Invective, one 4th Horseman, one Telesto (yay!) and about 10 Hereafter. I typically only have two special weapons on me at any one time - the Telesto and my vendor bought 1000-Yard it's not just me? sorry, but misery loves company. :/
my one was The Hereafter.
at least i got a 310 invective one time.
so it's not just me? sorry, but misery loves company. :/
my one was The Hereafter.
at least i got a 310 invective one time.
This is the absolute most disappointing and annoying thing about Y2 for me. Can't believe they advertised TTK exotics only to time-gate them. So shit.
Anyone here getting Black Ops 3?
C'mon... tell the truth
You can die... you only can't restart getting the dead screen.Self-res gets you out of jail? Lucky you! :'(
Yep, but use extended mag instead of hand laid stock: you need max stability on a slow firing scout rifle, and those ammos will be put to better use with triple tap.![]()
Anyone here getting Black Ops 3?
C'mon... tell the truth
Anyone here getting Black Ops 3?
C'mon... tell the truth
Anyone here getting Black Ops 3?
C'mon... tell the truth
Anyone here getting Black Ops 3?
C'mon... tell the truth
infusion food. Your gun might get cardiovascular issues and no longer fire correctly since the raid AR is badKilled Oryx for the first time last night! Raid was awesome, and I think I had a really good haul.
I got 309 gloves, and a 310 ghost shell. I also got the anguish of drystan auto rifle from oryx at 302. Is that thing any good or is it just infusion fodder?
The best part is I did the nightfall after the raid and got a 307 ghost shell! Up to 299 light.
I did solo.
They only part I died a little was in the first jump to get into the room to the secret path to find the firs ghost lol
After that I finished it without any trouble.
I can't say I didn't die because the last jump part I died but you know I'm the Warlock Master Race Solo Machine... dies doesn't matter for me (only if I'm choose to be the Warpriest buff guy... fuck bug Bungie).
No need to. You'll be fighting the inventory menus and Bethesda itself.
I played Skyrim on PS3. It can't be worse than that.
Anyone here getting Black Ops 3?
C'mon... tell the truth
I'm in the tower with audio loaded, but a black screen. Been here five minutes now. I can go into the menu and everything. It's kind of weird.