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Destiny |OT36| Fifty Shades of TTK

what do you have against Jade Rabbit?

3 shot kill and a fast rate of fire. Been out DPSed by it so many times in Hand Cannon range.

Also, look at this. https://vid.me/aN0m

If those shots didn't disappear, we would have either traded or I would have died first. Water Star has the fastest RoF for a Hand Cannon as far as I know, but the lack of range compared to a Scout that has roughly the same kill time doesn't make sense to me. Where's the Hand Cannon niche then?
In order i'd rank the worst parts of PvP

Join in Progress
Bad Maps
Sniper Rifles (1000 yard staring contest, Eirene, Defiant Yasmin)
Pulse Rifles (Hawksaw, Red Death, Mercy, etc.)
Shotguns (Conspiracy Theory, Chaperone)
Jade Rabbit

That's a pretty good list. I'd say Jade Rabbit is fine but other than that I agree.
the rate of fire on jade rabbit is probably the slowest there is among scout rifles

hits like a truck tho

stormcaller seems alright to me.. at least it doesn't have any bullshit like regenerating health and they move slow as shit
How does TG's list not include HC accuracy? Or is it too sad to even bring up anymore?

My list would have lag in spaces 1-50 but then sniper AA and boring pulses are right up there.
the rate of fire on jade rabbit is probably the slowest there is among scout rifles

hits like a truck tho

My problem is that it out DPS's Ace of Spades, which is why I stopped using it. I was planning on picking up some 3oC this weekend to get me one of them dang wabbits

How does TG's list not include HC accuracy? Or is it too sad to even bring up anymore?

My list would have lag in spaces 1-50 but then sniper AA and boring pulses are right up there.

HC accuracy affects PvE too.

Nerfing their hip fire was probably the second dumbest change Bungie made to the weapons in the game. Without hip fire, there's no reason to use a HC over a Scout if they both have the same average kill times.
Also Sunbreaker should and will be nerfed but it honestly doesn't bug me that much. It's really not that hard to play around in Trials but still super effective to use. Most people think it's an insta-win button so they pop it way too early and chase after people. Not hard to run away then kill the guy when it runs out (3 days later.... but still).

Edit: ^ of course it affects PvE too. But it was a list of bad parts of PvP and it's still a bad part of PvP.
Also Sunbreaker should and will be nerfed but it honestly doesn't bug me that much. It's really not that hard to play around in Trials but still super effective to use. Most people think it's an insta-win button so they pop it way too early and chase after people. Not hard to run away then kill the guy when it runs out (3 days later.... but still).

An uncoordinated Sunbreaker isn't that bad, but it's still annoying when you encounter a team of them, especially on Sector. Lasts too long to run away, and if you try to challenge you'll be killed by them or their teammate.
My problem is that it out DPS's Ace of Spades, which is why I stopped using it. I was planning on picking up some 3oC this weekend to get me one of them dang wabbits

HC accuracy affects PvE too.

Nerfing their hip fire was probably the second dumbest change Bungie made to the weapons in the game. Without hip fire, there's no reason to use a HC over a Scout if they both have the same average kill times.

I don't know if you remember the old ghaleons demise but jade rabbit seems like a successor to that

I think the old trials scout had similar stats as well
Also Sunbreaker should and will be nerfed but it honestly doesn't bug me that much. It's really not that hard to play around in Trials but still super effective to use. Most people think it's an insta-win button so they pop it way too early and chase after people. Not hard to run away then kill the guy when it runs out (3 days later.... but still).

Edit: ^ of course it affects PvE too. But it was a list of bad parts of PvP and it's still a bad part of PvP.

Can't say about Trials, but in the last IB I 2-shotted so many sunbros in their super with my sniper, it was hilarious.

Sunbro coming to A!
2 seconds later..
Sunbro dead.

Sunbro is OP but not an insta-win.
An uncoordinated Sunbreaker isn't that bad, but it's still annoying when you encounter a team of them, especially on Sector. Lasts too long to run away, and if you try to challenge you'll be killed by them or their teammate.

Yeah for sure. Thank baby Jesus for PS exclusivity. All my opinions are heavily weighted towards trials since I don't care or take anything else seriously.

Also very true about the hip fire accuracy. Hip fire in general feels so bad in this game, but viable hip fire would open up options to out DPS other guns by saving the ads time, like your scout example. It's a damn shame.


Firebase isn't that bad..... It's not good. But it's not that bad. How else are Dawn+Dan gonna freshen their tan this week?

Tried to help one of the guys from Playstation's podcast tonight. Lost final boss 4-5 to straight red bar lag monsters. If his tether hadn't lagged out when disabling the enemy Stormcaller we would have won. Fuck I hate the new MM so much. Every fucking run is the same laggy bullshit.

Hey Drizzy thanks for helping him. Justin is good peeps. And that vault run was mad fun too. I know he appreciates it even if 8-1 :)
( Lag sucks though :( )
I need more sleep. :p
Edit: ^ of course it affects PvE too. But it was a list of bad parts of PvP and it's still a bad part of PvP.

That's true but it would have been the only thing on that list that applied to both modes so I ignored it. I'm also not sure where to put it because I'm used to Y2 Last Word now.

Since #ToddWasRight, i've felt less of a need to bitch about that beyond the occasional WTF video https://vid.me/IRsE
3 shot kill and a fast rate of fire. Been out DPSed by it so many times in Hand Cannon range.

Twilight pls

Also, look at this. https://vid.me/aN0m

I fired Water Star at a Jade Rabbit and our shots are in sync. Missed shots aside, Water Star is a 3sk with 2 crits and has the same RoF as Jade Rabbit. Where is the Hand Cannon niche if the Scout requires less crits and is more effective?

lmao at none of the shots connecting.

That was some pretty clean shooting by that guy, Jade Rabbit has some really high zoom and you were playing with hard mode activated. I'm not surprised you lost that engagement. There's a whole archetype of scout rifles that could probably do that a lot better that no one uses (Last Extremity is one of them iirc). They need 3 crits though so if you're gonna be shooting 3 times a hand cannon is better in all cases outside long range. Also could have been he had a higher crit cooked so all he needed was 2 crits + 1 body.

If you wanted a scout rifle to pick on you should have chose Tlaloc (leave it alone Bungle)
I don't know if you remember the old ghaleons demise but jade rabbit seems like a successor to that

I think the old trials scout had similar stats as well

II actually have never used an Iron Banner weapon, and I've only really used a handful of Scouts

Jigoku in the Beta
Scholar in Year 1
Not Like The Others throug most of early Year 2
Touch of Malice
Mida Multi Tool on occasion
Hey Drizzy thanks for helping him. Justin is good peeps. And that vault run was mad fun too :)

I need more sleep. :p

We were so close Colonel. So close. Literally a split second tether away from Mercury. I wanted to throw my console out the window.

He's a super nice guy, the Trials bug had bit him. He was like "I feel like I learned a lot, I'd really like to do another run this weekend if you'll have me." haha.

That's true but it would have been the only thing on that list that applied to both modes so I ignored it. I'm also not sure where to put it because I'm used to Y2 Last Word now.

Since #ToddWasRight, i've felt less of a need to bitch about that beyond the occasional WTF video https://vid.me/IRsE

Yeah I getcha. Makes sense. TLW is definitely viable, especially for pairing w snipers. It's basically the only primary to combat shotgun rushers when pulses are so garbage close range.
Twilight pls

lmao at none of the shots connecting.

That was some pretty clean shooting by that guy, Jade Rabbit has some really high zoom and you were playing with hard mode activated. I'm not surprised you lost that engagement. There's a whole archetype of scout rifles that could probably do that a lot better that no one uses (Last Extremity is one of them iirc). They need 3 crits though so if you're gonna be shooting 3 times a hand cannon is better in all cases outside long range. Also could have been he had a higher crit cooked so all he needed was 2 crits + 1 body.

If you wanted a scout rifle to pick on you should have chose Tlaloc (leave it alone Bungle)

Come on Toasty, that's Hand Cannon range right there. Any further than that and the range drop off is real.

If I'm putting myself in that range, I expect to have better DPS than Scouts and Pulses if I land all my shots. The stability alone makes it difficult to land consecutive crits, but then factor in the range and accuracy penalties and it just feels pointless. The only advantage I have with HC right now is being able to strafe behind cover and maintain some degree of accuracy while being mobile. But it's still too easy for a Pulse Rifle to melt me as soon as I pop out.

I've only encountered Tlaloc once or twice and it was also some bullshit, but at least it's only on Warlocks. I see Jade Rabbit everywhere now.
Maybe some day I'll get to try out Jade Rabbit. If the game would ever drop a freakin primary exotic engram instead of having 9 of my last 11 exotics be gauntlets! Whyyyyy.

Part of what is fucking with everything is having accuracy tied to range. What a dumb idea that was.

I wish they would give us way more detail about the quantum mechanics equations used to calculate damage registered in this game. Too much space magic.


We were so close Colonel. So close. Literally a split second tether away from Mercury. I wanted to throw my console out the window.

He's a super nice guy, the Trials bug had bit him. He was like "I feel like I learned a lot, I'd really like to do another run this weekend if you'll have me." haha.

Oh man that sucks. I was tired but ended up watching a bit of tv online and then crashed. (Dang Blacklist has its hooks in meh)

I'm glad he got to run w you guys- he really loves Destiny and #whynotGAF I shuddered at the thought of "Oh I'll lfg..." Dude when we're here? Ewww

Lol thanks again. And thanks Vaal for that bonkers picture of Hank hehehe too funny
I don't know it kind of makes sense in theory

The way it is done is so bad though. Range should affect damage drop off and accuracy beyond effective range. If you are past optimal range you should encounter reduced damage and increased spread. The way it is done though Tues accuracy to range at effective ranges too. This is why hand cannons are inaccurate even at extremely close range and snipers suddenly are ridiculously easy to use.
Come on Toasty, that's Hand Cannon range right there. Any further than that and the range drop off is real.

If I'm putting myself in that range, I expect to have better DPS than Scouts and Pulses if I land all my shots. The stability alone makes it difficult to land consecutive crits, but then factor in the range and accuracy penalties and it just feels pointless. The only advantage I have with HC right now is being able to strafe behind cover and maintain some degree of accuracy while being mobile. But it's still too easy for a Pulse Rifle to melt me as soon as I pop out.

I've only encountered Tlaloc once or twice and it was also some bullshit, but at least it's only on Warlocks. I see Jade Rabbit everywhere now.

Oh no, that's absolutely hand cannon range, I'm with you. The weapon class is busted, not over tuned or a bit less competitive than before, it's broken. What you see and what results when you pull the trigger don't match up. I've used my Defiance at super long range, the crit did like 290 damage or something from 350 or whatever but it was still a crit, with an almost 20% damage drop off. You can still hit people with Monte Carlo from balcony to balcony on Memento (where B is) and that's a damn auto rifle. Why would you do that though? Pretty obvious sign that, "hey, I should probably get closer. At the very worst when you hit max range you should just see substantial damage drop off not the wacky phantom mess we have now.

Stop doing this to yourself lol
I refuse to let the dream die. A wise man once told me, "Don't let your dreams just be dreams." When the time comes and Hand cannons are given their proper due I will be there, ready, with open arms.


I refuse to let the dream die. A wise man once told me, "Don't let your dreams just be dreams." When the time comes and Hand cannons are given their proper due I will be there, ready, with open arms.

Wise man fo sho. But they were pretty beastly before so they would be getting their due.... Again, no? ;)

I'll never let the dream die. HCs for life.

Tried to invite you last night! :) We had fun with Justin and his g/f she had never done VoG before. We blew through so fast I wonder if she'll even remember. :)

I need to go back to bed so badly
And back soon. . .

don't trust Bungie on that. They said "autos were coming back in a big way" but then you whip out a Suros to confirm

Wise man fo sho. But they were pretty beastly before so they would be getting their due.... Again, no? ;)

Tried to invite you last night! :) We had fun with Justin and his g/f she had never done VoG before. We blew through so fast I wonder if she'll even remember. :)

I need to go back to bed so badly

VoG with swords is so much fun. We should do a "sword only" run sometime. Only Templar and Atheon would be tricky but probably not that bad.


I refuse to let the dream die. A wise man once told me, "Don't let your dreams just be dreams." When the time comes and Hand cannons are given their proper due I will be there, ready, with open arms.
This is what I'm hoping. It's the only primary I actually enjoy using in PvP, which in turn makes their current state even more frustrating.
Maybe some day I'll get to try out Jade Rabbit. If the game would ever drop a freakin primary exotic engram instead of having 9 of my last 11 exotics be gauntlets! Whyyyyy.

Yeah, and the problem with this is I'd love to farm exotics to use as infusion fodder. But when I finally get an exotic weapon, it's something important, like Jade Rabbit or Telesto and I don't wanna lose it!

Also... I am sure I'm not imagining this, but presumably there's no exotic Leg drops, and no exotic Heavy drops from 3oC?


Ocean is OK. Where's Ray and Shito?!

He's online playing blops3, so I guess he's fine..

Shito is the only one in Paris city and we haven't heard from him, hope he's okay.
Hey guys, I'm fine. :)
Thanks to everyone worrying about us French DGAF, this community really is the best.
I was at a friend's birthday with my girlfriend in a bar right in the middle of the districts that were attacked. The tenants closed the entry as soon as they heard about the incidents, so we stayed locked in up until 2am. It was not a pleasant experience, but luckily we all got home safe.
Things are a bit surreal in Paris today, people are shocked and they stay home: my street has never been that quiet on a Saturday.
Pretty sure this won't last long and we'll start living our normal life soon again, we've recovered from such events in the past and will continue to do so; now to try out the new Tomb Raider and keep bitching about Destiny's endgame! :D
You're not imagining, heavy and leg engrams don't exist in TTK...for now.

I was fairly certain on the Heavy, because aside from Year 1 upgrades, all of those are behind quests.

But I didn't understand the legs not having it. Even if you're a Warlock, you get a chance at getting some higher(ish) light infusion gear.

Hey guys, I'm fine. :)
Thanks to everyone worrying about us French DGAF, this community really is the best.
I was at a friend's birthday with my girlfriend in a bar right in the middle of the districts that were attacked. The tenants closed the entry as soon as they heard about the incidents, so we stayed locked in up until 2am. It was not a pleasant experience, but luckily we all got home safe.
Things are a bit surreal in Paris today, people are shocked and they stay home: my street has never been that quiet on a Saturday.
Pretty sure this won't last long and we'll start living our normal life soon again, we've recovered from such events in the past and will continue to do so; now to try out the new Tomb Raider and keep bitching about Destiny's endgame! :D

Nice to read this attitude. :)

I am hugely glad you got home safe, but still shocked and saddened by what happened. As you said, there's nothing else to do than get on with normal life. Just feel terrible for the families of those who weren't so lucky.

stay gold

The Heavy engram thing is weird. I had one drop from 3oC and got a Thunderlord from it, but they seem so rare I can only assume it was an error (like the handful of people who have Twilight Garrison).
Hey guys, I'm fine. :)
Thanks to everyone worrying about us French DGAF, this community really is the best.
I was at a friend's birthday with my girlfriend in a bar right in the middle of the districts that were attacked. The tenants closed the entry as soon as they heard about the incidents, so we stayed locked in up until 2am. It was not a pleasant experience, but luckily we all got home safe.
Things are a bit surreal in Paris today, people are shocked and they stay home: my street has never been that quiet on a Saturday.
Pretty sure this won't last long and we'll start living our normal life soon again, we've recovered from such events in the past and will continue to do so; now to try out the new Tomb Raider and keep bitching about Destiny's endgame! :D

Wow, that experience must have been something, to be locked in like that..Good to know you all are well.

Keep it positive, and stay safe.
Hey guys, I'm fine. :)
Thanks to everyone worrying about us French DGAF, this community really is the best.
I was at a friend's birthday with my girlfriend in a bar right in the middle of the districts that were attacked. The tenants closed the entry as soon as they heard about the incidents, so we stayed locked in up until 2am. It was not a pleasant experience, but luckily we all got home safe.
Things are a bit surreal in Paris today, people are shocked and they stay home: my street has never been that quiet on a Saturday.
Pretty sure this won't last long and we'll start living our normal life soon again, we've recovered from such events in the past and will continue to do so; now to try out the new Tomb Raider and keep bitching about Destiny's endgame! :D

Good to know you're safe
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