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Destiny |OT36| Fifty Shades of TTK

Control is harder to mount comebacks on due to the nature of Zone multipliers. Clash offers completely random spawning, which includes spawning directly into the path of the enemy teams Hammerbro.

So I guess what I'm saying is Elimination/Skirmish or bust.

This has always been a head scratcher for me. Why so few symmetrical maps? Are symmetrical maps too boring or something?

Symmetrical maps are nice for "fair" competitive playlists but when people want to just spawn, run, gun, spawn, run, gun, asymmetry is more interesting. It makes the maps feel more unique as well.



I can relate man. I'm definitely over the wasting countless hours on an encounter, unless i'm going into it expecting to be a sherpa.

Just from my own experience, I think people really like having you in their group. I know I do, and you're one of the first people I look for when wanting to get something together.

I'd love to be able to schedule my raiding and other PvE stuff, but for me every week is different. I was extremely lucky to have you and some other good dudes around Monday night who needed two Oryx kills, and could realistically do it in a couple of hours.

Thanks for the invite last night. I wanted so bad to quit cleaning and just raid, but my wife was worn out and I just wasn't going to leave her on her own. I'll hit you up later in the week when I know what plans are.
2500 is asking you to get a quarter of the score for a win solo between you and another 5 people. The number makes sense in Control but definitely not Clash.

It's doable, but it takes tons of effort. You're right, though, it's much easier in Control because your score stacks as you capture points. I don't need that bounty to reach Rank 5, but it'll make the journey easier.
It's doable, but it takes tons of effort. You're right, though, it's much easier in Control because your score stacks as you capture points. I don't need that bounty to reach Rank 5, but it'll make the journey easier.

It's much easier in Control because the scores in Control go to 20K compared to 10K of clash.

I would (and have) argue that this is what makes comebacks easier than in clash.

Because once a team has a major lead in Control, you need those zone multipliers to overcome it. But the nature of Control is that any half decent team will be protecting their zones. So unless there's a concerted effort on multiple teammates part that results in somehow winning fights for a point that your team previously has lost all game.. winning just isn't likely.

Rarely does a team comeback in Control unless at least 2-3 members of the original team were really bad, they leave and are replaced by good players.

In Clash however, one player can go on a streak of kills at any given point of the game and turn the tide. More importantly, since there are no set points to contest, one or two players can outplay opposing players. Baiting people into traps, engaging in areas of the map that are more advantageous to them rather than their enemy, etc.. That style of play isn't rewarded in Control unless you have the zones.
A lot going on in this post, but I've had similar things on my mind, so I'll try to break it down.

As someone who would like to do other things than play Destiny longer than I originally planned, I'm at a point where I cannot be in groups wiping at silly things repeatedly. Spending 2 hours on HM Oryx, for me, is intolerable. Wiping 10+ times on Daughters HM, however, is an exercise of wondering why I'm thinking it's a good idea to sit and hope by some stretch of the mind that this group of six people can develop the spacial awareness to rationally deduce what to do and where to go for the sake of dying so much at this encounter couldn't have been feasible considering how much time has passed between HM's release and now...or so I thought.

I really think this is damning indictment of the raid, not you or your attitude. The raid is absolutely no fun to fail at. Encounters are 3 minutes when perfect or 1.5 minutes of failure over and over again. And each time you're performing the same actions. The fights are not dynamic or flexible in any way, so things get monotonous whether you're failing or succeeding. Compared to Skolas, which was also challenging. You could fail in 40 minutes, but it was enjoyable during that time. You were doing different things, trying different tactics, etc.

Worse, King's Fall loot is just a kick in the teeth after a rocky run. Spend 2 hours at Oryx and get 2 shards for your 20 shards. Skolas was like this too, but at least you got the Elder Cipher.

In a nutshell, I have no time for shit. I may have been more accommodating back in Year 1 when everyone was doe-eyed and things had the sheen of being new, where we sat in front of a cave and shot enemies. But now? After a year of being on life's equivalent of a Six Flags roller coaster that didn't pass safety requirements? I can't sherpa anymore and I can't carry. Fuck both of them. I know I've hit some sort of masochist quota because I'm already beyond the point where I asked the ancient question "why am I mad at video games?" I do that shit on a monthly basis. My patience skipped town with my tolerance to get away from our abusive relationship. I put them through the ringer and I live with the repercussions.

I'm at this point too. TTK added a whole bunch to the game. Waaay more than most of us can do with 3 characters. I ran 3 characters last year. My goal was always to do the raid and get all the weapons and all the Titan gear. Get all the exotics. Then just play for fun. TTK added so many quests that are just full of busy work. "Kill 500 fallen" "Farm 10 super-rare planetary mats", etc, that it's really imposing. They also made it more possible to just play one character, so I spend most of the time on my Titan, which is a further disincentive to doing all 3 toons. So I'm having to make an adjustment to the autopilot of do everything all three times.

Given how bad the raid is and how punishing the loot system is, I'm honestly wondering how much more I want to do. I have a ton of games I haven't played this year. I've completed Hard Mode Raid once on my Titan. None of the weapons are good. I just want the gear for the shader, which I'll never use. Why keep doing stuff I don't enjoy (especially 2 hour wipe fests) for gear that I probably won't get anyway? But I can't get that through my Year 1 skull.

The problem is that it's quite difficult for me to get groups together. I believe this is a symptom of being away from the game for an entire year, which has relegated me in the eyes of DGAF as an ignorable inanimate object like a table or an elderly person in a nursing home. I'm like the Dick Clark of Destiny GAF when he's doing the New Year's Eve stuff on ABC. I'm invited to do stuff with folks because I was an okay person once upon a time but, for the most part, folks have moved on. Folks have Bungie employees they can play with or streamers, and here I am wanting to have fun and do stuff, but again - I am basically nothing now. I provide no insight. I'm not entertaining. I don't carry folks. I can't stand people with bad attitudes, and sometimes I find myself eagerly awaiting to snap off on someone in parties where folks are being mad.

The game is dead compared to TTK launch, so it's difficult for everyone to get groups together. Drizz and Kadey, some of our most popular & skilled DGAFers, have both had posts this weekend for Trials that went un-answered. Plenty of people have been unable to get groups together for raids or even Oryx kills if it's not Tuesday.

And don't let the fact that a few folks play with Bungie or streamers color your opinion. Most of us don't. Most of us aren't Rubenov that can do amazing ToO carries or Drizz who can solo all the way up to Skolas for giggles. I'm not a sherpa or a carrier, but I've played with you. We're both affable, solid players. And that's what's needed for 6 player raids, because Oryx can't be solo'd. That's who I want raiding with me.

At first, I was mad at the situation, and chances are I'll probably get mad at it sometime again in a week or so, but I am eternally frustrated and sad I suppose. My experience with Destiny nowadays has become an exercise in dealing with isolation. I don't think it's healthy, and honestly, I think I resent DGAF as a whole now. It's a confusing thought.

I got really down on the game the week ToO dropped. I didn't raid on Tuesday and went the whole weekend unable to find a raid group. Everyone was super-salty on Trials and super-restrictive about who could play with them. It felt bad. I know how you feel unable to group.

This patch didn't really do anything to get me back into the game, and there's no info on what's coming other than a nebulous December balance update. I'm skeptical it will even contain meaningful Year 1 subclass balances, which means Titans will be in last place again with Sunbreaker nerfed.

I'm definitely a little jaded, but I'm much less so thanks to DGAF. It's fun to play with DGAF, it's fun to talk about Destiny with DGAF. And even when I'm playing solo, it's fun to try and improve with stuff I learned from DGAF.

I guess in summary, I, like you, am trying to figure out what kind of year 2 Destiny player I am. And I think I'm not going to be a try-hard completionist anymore. Which in Luke's terminology, I'm probably going to stop being the 1% of the 1%, and just be a 1%er.


Byf posted a video saying that every piece of Iron Banner gear can drop, not just what's sold. That certainly doesn't look to be the case in my experience.


I can relate man. I'm definitely over the wasting countless hours on an encounter, unless i'm going into it expecting to be a sherpa.

Just from my own experience, I think people really like having you in their group. I know I do, and you're one of the first people I look for when wanting to get something together.

I'd love to be able to schedule my raiding and other PvE stuff, but for me every week is different. I was extremely lucky to have you and some other good dudes around Monday night who needed two Oryx kills, and could realistically do it in a couple of hours.

Thanks for the invite last night. I wanted so bad to quit cleaning and just raid, but my wife was worn out and I just wasn't going to leave her on her own. I'll hit you up later in the week when I know what plans are.

Yeah keep me posted for sure.

My PvP experiences have been exponentially better because I've found awesome people to play with and I'm getting better because of it. If anything, I wish I could knock out all my PvE stuff at a timely manner and focus solely on PvP with folks.
Glad I've gotten to know you better and play quite bit together lately.


Also, DGAF needs more gifs.


More like Sunbreakers Banner. Jesus fuck.
I played a game yesterday where I ran into two Sunbreakers that popped Super at the same time. Then I crushed their dreams with a Shadowshot and killed them both. Nightstalker = best class.

If you are averse to infusing your 1YS for some reason, it would suffice.
I won't be able to get it to 296, and I have some other Legendaries that I kind of don't want to destroy at the moment.


It's funny how we look at the same situations, but end up on opposite sides of the resolution.

I've cleared the raid with no wipes and I've cleared it in marathon sessions. Adapting to the differences between groups is a large part of what keeps it interesting for me. When I'm prepared (have the time) finishing Golgoroth in two orbs is as fun and memorable as killing him with two Guardians left standing. Speed running week after week just to get the loot would kill the game for me because the loot sucks.

Speed running in ME3 MP was more fun because it only took 10 minutes a session and the classes/weapons were much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much more interesting.

That's one of the reasons I'm not a huge fan of PvP. Playing with randoms is like soloing every raid encounter because if I don't have a huge score we will lose. Playing with teammates only works in short bursts because steamrolling the enemy doesn't hold my attention either. This rule of thumb dominates almost every game and squashes the surprise element. ToO gets around this because every round works as a mini-game where anything can happen.


I played a game yesterday where I ran into two Sunbreakers that popped Super at the same time. Then I crushed their dreams with a Shadowshot and killed them both. Nightstalker = best class.

I had the same thing happen. Golden gun'd them both lol. Felt so badass.


Saw her tweet this morning. I fell asleep early - like "adult parent" early. So exhausted. TG like everything else I just play it for the fun. The runs we had last IB with Moridhin, Frenden etc. were just bonkers. We were laughing, if we lost we backed out and then went back in.

Metas will change but GAF stays the same. :)
Yeah that was good times, if the baby allows I would like to join up sometime again this week :)


I've cleared the raid with no wipes and I've cleared it in marathon sessions. Adapting to the differences between groups is a large part of what keeps it interesting for me. When I'm prepared (have the time) finishing Golgoroth in two orbs is as fun and memorable as killing him with two Guardians left standing. Speed running week after week just to get the loot would kill the game for me because the loot sucks.

It's one thing to overcome a challenge where you're confident in the people your playing with and their ability to adapt, change tactics, be aware of what's happening etc. It's when I'm in a group where someone keeps doing the same thing that's getting them killed over and over and doesn't change it that I'm done with. Oryx has zero room for error, at least in the first couple of rounds of bombs. You can survive a death, or even two toward the end of the fight and still overcome it. But when you have one or two people consistently dying in the first or second round of bombs, and unwilling to bow out or change something, that isn't interesting. It's just banging my head against a brick wall.
Because once a team has a major lead in Control, you need those zone multipliers to overcome it. But the nature of Control is that any half decent team will be protecting their zones. So unless there's a concerted effort on multiple teammates part that results in somehow winning fights for a point that your team previously has lost all game.. winning just isn't likely.

Rarely does a team comeback in Control unless at least 2-3 members of the original team were really bad, they leave and are replaced by good players.

In Clash however, one player can go on a streak of kills at any given point of the game and turn the tide. More importantly, since there are no set points to contest, one or two players can outplay opposing players. Baiting people into traps, engaging in areas of the map that are more advantageous to them rather than their enemy, etc.. That style of play isn't rewarded in Control unless you have the zones.

1 player going on a streak of kills is not going to turn the tide of a clash game. If it does, the game was already close enough that you can't really call it a comeback.


That's exactly what I'm saying. Clash matches tend to snowball more, and offer little in the ways of comebacks.

Both basically boil down to TDM. I'd rather have bad players in Clash because then I don't have to worry about bad players and holding two objectives AND that influencing my spawn. Yeah in Control the multiplier can help you out, but bad players will never allow you to get that multiplier.
All I got to say is to that is consider yourself lucky to even have access to DGAF and it's player base. Just think about other players that don't even consider raiding because they don't have enough friends or the resources to gather a group.

I agree with this. Considering I was that person year 1 not even thinking about using gaf as a way to group up and raid, it was frustrating and not fun trying to coordinate with strangers. Now I'm raiding almost every week and all the dgaf members make it more enjoyable.


At first, I was mad at the situation, and chances are I'll probably get mad at it sometime again in a week or so, but I am eternally frustrated and sad I suppose. My experience with Destiny nowadays has become an exercise in dealing with isolation. I don't think it's healthy, and honestly, I think I resent DGAF as a whole now. It's a confusing thought.

Afro I am always game to do whatever. But in a moment of bluntness I hope I don't add to the problem.

I'm not that great at the game. Full stop.

I'm insecure so playing with good people straight up makes me nervous. The night I was doing HM Oryx with DD and Unstable my hands were shaking. (Let's not even talk about Trials. Egads) When we wiped I usually blamed myself regardless. Sometimes I don't remember all the variables. I come in as comic relief and hope I don't die too much.

The thread is not as populated as it once was and will be again, but I'll always roll with you. Your laugh rules. :)
I played with a group of people I had never played with from Gaf and it took us an hour and a half to get through the totems last night. Just little things going wrong here and there. Over and over.
No offense to those guys because I'm sure with other groups they do better, but I really miss having a clan that I know really well.
And it's not that I mind playing with strangers, but the fact that one person can be the deciding factor whether you can beat any fight in this raid is absurd. One or 2 people decide whether you're going to spend 10 minutes or over an hour on a fight. That's crazy.
Yeah it's nice for the people who like this raid because it promotes teamwork, but most of us just don't have teams anymore.

It's also disheartening and makes me resent this raid that even the top players here don't want to play outside their group of other top players because of how "hard" this raid is.
Us lesser-thans just have to scramble around for anyone who even wants to raid or do trials. I can't blame them because if I still had a clan I'd do the same thing. Dgaf is very firmly divided in two and that really sucks.

I guess it's all just a symptom of crappy endgame content.
Both basically boil down to TDM. I'd rather have bad players in Clash because then I don't have to worry about bad players and holding two objectives AND that influencing my spawn. Yeah in Control the multiplier can help you out, but bad players will never allow you to get that multiplier.

True. Honestly at this point I've almost forgotten what my original point even was.

Apparently this all stemmed from me saying that I would like 2 IB playlists up at a time, one for teams (control/clash) and another for solo play (rumble).


It's one thing to overcome a challenge where you're confident in the people your playing with and their ability to adapt, change tactics, be aware of what's happening etc. It's when I'm in a group where someone keeps doing the same thing that's getting them killed over and over and doesn't change it that I'm done with. Oryx has zero room for error, at least in the first couple of rounds of bombs. You can survive a death, or even two toward the end of the fight and still overcome it. But when you have one or two people consistently dying in the first or second round of bombs, and unwilling to bow out or change something, that isn't interesting. It's just banging my head against a brick wall.

I think it boils down to HM Oryx just not being fun IMO. I love the rest of the raid but I always have almost a sense of disappointment/dread when getting to daughters or Oryx.

I love the rest of the raid - the jumping puzzle - Totems - Warpriest - Golgy - Penis Wall stretch is all top notch in my view, even on hard.

I've cleared HM Oryx once and I'm not sure I'll ever do it again. But some of this talk is part of the reason why I haven't been hopping in.

I feel the same way, but I feel for the health of DGAF we should couch this in more welcoming terms. This attitude (one which I share) is extremely intimidating to new-comers/late-comers. I should know, it's how I felt. I missed the first few Hard Raid weeks, and now everyone is expected to be experts at the raid. It took me a while to find a group, and in the end had to be actively invited to one before I felt comfortable joining. (This is a fault of the raid encounters I feel, not the community. Severely punishing the group for anything less than perfection is not great for community health.)

So while agree with this post, I want to highlight this part of your post for anyone reading this who isn't a 3x HM player: It's only a problem if you fail over and over "and unwilling to bow out or change something." Know your limits, ask for help, try to change things up, and be willing to say "You know what I did everything but Oryx this week, and got my light up a bit, I'll do better next week."

DGAF may play at a high level, but we should continue to be willing to look out for new players, just like y'all did with me last week for the Hard Raid.


Well said, especially the bolded.
It's one thing to overcome a challenge where you're confident in the people your playing with and their ability to adapt, change tactics, be aware of what's happening etc. It's when I'm in a group where someone keeps doing the same thing that's getting them killed over and over and doesn't change it that I'm done with. Oryx has zero room for error, at least in the first couple of rounds of bombs. You can survive a death, or even two toward the end of the fight and still overcome it. But when you have one or two people consistently dying in the first or second round of bombs, and unwilling to bow out or change something, that isn't interesting. It's just banging my head against a brick wall.

I feel the same way, but I feel for the health of DGAF we should couch this in more welcoming terms. This attitude (one which I share) is extremely intimidating to new-comers/late-comers. I should know, it's how I felt. I missed the first few Hard Raid weeks, and now everyone is expected to be experts at the raid. It took me a while to find a group, and in the end had to be actively invited to one before I felt comfortable joining. (This is a fault of the raid encounters I feel, not the community. Severely punishing the group for anything less than perfection is not great for community health.)

So while agree with this post, I want to highlight this part of your post for anyone reading this who isn't a 3x HM player: It's only a problem if you fail over and over "and unwilling to bow out or change something." Know your limits, ask for help, try to change things up, and be willing to say "You know what I did everything but Oryx this week, and got my light up a bit, I'll do better next week."

DGAF may play at a high level, but we should continue to be willing to look out for new players, just like y'all did with me last week for the Hard Raid.



The problem is that it's quite difficult for me to get groups together. I believe this is a symptom of being away from the game for an entire year, which has relegated me in the eyes of DGAF as an ignorable inanimate object like a table or an elderly person in a nursing home. I'm like the Dick Clark of Destiny GAF when he's doing the New Year's Eve stuff on ABC. I'm invited to do stuff with folks because I was an okay person once upon a time but, for the most part, folks have moved on. Folks have Bungie employees they can play with or streamers, and here I am wanting to have fun and do stuff, but again - I am basically nothing now. I provide no insight. I'm not entertaining. I don't carry folks. I can't stand people with bad attitudes, and sometimes I find myself eagerly awaiting to snap off on someone in parties where folks are being mad.

At first, I was mad at the situation, and chances are I'll probably get mad at it sometime again in a week or so, but I am eternally frustrated and sad I suppose. My experience with Destiny nowadays has become an exercise in dealing with isolation. I don't think it's healthy, and honestly, I think I resent DGAF as a whole now. It's a confusing thought.

This is a sentiment I posted often after King's Fall raid dropped. I was stuck with PUG groups struggling to beat Oryx and people on DGAF were bragging about how it was on farm status because they had their solid groups week after week. I never died in my PUG groups and rarely made mistakes. It made me resent DGAF a lot that I couldn't get in that inner circle. I've stepped back from doing things like sherpa-ing since then and have been more selective in my grouping for raids because of it. DGAF is great if you treat it as a good place to find fun people to play with. If you use it as a source to find top tier play you're likely to come up empty handed since those players are already grouped. Sadly I've had better luck with PUG from LFG than I have with DGAF for KF and that is because you need all 6 people clicking and LFG has no qualms about booting a weak link. The nature of KF has basically stopped people helping out and we're lucky to still have Rubenov and Wicked bringing people to the lighthouse (thanks guys!).

FWIW Afro I've invited you to our Oryx fights solely because I know you can get the job done (; You've cleared it with me a couple times and in good time.

BTW, while Fallout 4 has consumed me I've still been reading the whole Destiny thread, this just stuck out to me.


Neo Member
I played with a group of people I had never played with from Gaf and it took us an hour and a half to get through the totems last night. Just little things going wrong here and there. Over and over.
No offense to those guys because I'm sure with other groups they do better, but I really miss having a clan that I know really well.
And it's not that I mind playing with strangers, but the fact that one person can be the deciding factor whether you can beat any fight in this raid is absurd. One or 2 people decide whether you're going to spend 10 minutes or over an hour on a fight. That's crazy.
Yeah it's nice for the people who like this raid because it promotes teamwork, but most of us just don't have teams anymore.

It's also disheartening and makes me resent this raid that even the top players here don't want to play outside their group of other top players because of how "hard" this raid is.
Us lesser-thans just have to scramble around for anyone who even wants to raid or do trials. I can't blame them because if I still had a clan I'd do the same thing. Dgaf is very firmly divided in two and that really sucks.

I guess it's all just a symptom of crappy endgame content.
I agree...the drops suck but it's the only way I can improve my light and I continue to raid with hopes of finally getting that piece of armor that will improve my character or finally get a primary that is higher than 313 at oryx


the fact that one person can be the deciding factor whether you can beat any fight in this raid is absurd

I guess it's all just a symptom of crappy endgame content

It's probably because I come from other MMOs, but what are you hoping for in end-game raiding? It's intended to be mechanically complicated and require communication and coordination. What would make it better? Bullet sponge bosses with no mechanics? Mechanics that a single person could do and carry a team regardless of their awareness or light level?


I agree...the drops suck but it's the only way I can improve my light and I continue to raid with hopes of finally getting that piece of armor that will improve my character or finally get a primary that is higher than 313 at oryx

Hey I know this guy - did you just get an account or did I miss it?

I'd kill for a primary at 313. I haven't even been able to get the raid scout or pulse. But I'm caring about that less and less each day, which is fine.
I played with a group of people I had never played with from Gaf and it took us an hour and a half to get through the totems last night. Just little things going wrong here and there. Over and over.
No offense to those guys because I'm sure with other groups they do better, but I really miss having a clan that I know really well.

I have NO CLUE why we spent almost 3 hours doing just Warpriest and Totems. It was pretty disheartening because I have only started experiencing continual wipes over the past couple of weeks. The difference though, is that, last week, I only had this problem with Oryx on ONE CHARACTER and this week, on my very first reset raid, I couldn't even get Oryx in the time it usually takes me to finish off 2 raids. It's almost like people have forgotten how to do the raid with people you're not accustomed to raiding with on a regular basis. This is the reason I always make call outs for everything when raiding. It might be annoying but it almost always ends up saving time, in the long run.


It's one thing to overcome a challenge where you're confident in the people your playing with and their ability to adapt, change tactics, be aware of what's happening etc. It's when I'm in a group where someone keeps doing the same thing that's getting them killed over and over and doesn't change it that I'm done with. Oryx has zero room for error, at least in the first couple of rounds of bombs. You can survive a death, or even two toward the end of the fight and still overcome it. But when you have one or two people consistently dying in the first or second round of bombs, and unwilling to bow out or change something, that isn't interesting. It's just banging my head against a brick wall.
Yeah I can understand that.

I do however want to run that encounter with 4 soon enough. Pretty sure I've seen quite a few runs wiped too early.


Neo Member
Hey I know this guy - did you just get an account or did I miss it?

I'd kill for a primary at 313. I haven't even been able to get the raid scout or pulse. But I'm caring about that less and less each day, which is fine.
Come on I've been posting for months now.

I've done 3 HM oryx kills (for the most part) since the 2nd week it was out and the best I've gotten is a 314 scout. I like the gun so I've kept it but for as many clears as I've done I had really hoped to have more 314+ weaponry just for infusing to other weapons I have


I feel the same way, but I feel for the health of DGAF we should couch this in more welcoming terms. This attitude (one which I share) is extremely intimidating to new-comers/late-comers. I should know, it's how I felt. I missed the first few Hard Raid weeks, and now everyone is expected to be experts at the raid. It took me a while to find a group, and in the end had to be actively invited to one before I felt comfortable joining. (This is a fault of the raid encounters I feel, not the community. Severely punishing the group for anything less than perfection is not great for community health.)

So while agree with this post, I want to highlight this part of your post for anyone reading this who isn't a 3x HM player: It's only a problem if you fail over and over "and unwilling to bow out or change something." Know your limits, ask for help, try to change things up, and be willing to say "You know what I did everything but Oryx this week, and got my light up a bit, I'll do better next week."

DGAF may play at a high level, but we should continue to be willing to look out for new players, just like y'all did with me last week for the Hard Raid.


You're right. I should have emphasized that specific point better. It's all about newer people being willing to listen to direction, ask questions if they don't understand something, and be aware of where teammates are so they can adapt to a situation when someone goes down. I didn't care one bit that you hadn't done it, because I already knew you COULD do it.

I invited you to do HM the other night because you're a confident player, you ask questions, are willing to fill the role that's needed, and able to give direction to other people. Basically, you solve problems, and you know how to act when something goes wrong. I'd much rather play with a 308 person like that than someone whose 312 and HAS to have the back right platform.


I agree...the drops suck but it's the only way I can improve my light and I continue to raid with hopes of finally getting that piece of armor that will improve my character or finally get a primary that is higher than 313 at oryx

It's equally as frustrating that every other aspect of the game is limited to 310 drops max it seems, so unlike year one, there is only one way you're going to get the light you need to do to make the raid comfortable...


Even some of the best groups will wipe on Oryx a few times, with perfect execution and coordination there is still the "bullshit" factor where anything and everything can go wrong.
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