Anyone running ToO? I've never been to Mercury 
Turned on a stream on PS4 guaranteeing flawless(he charges as well) and the guys were 8-0 with mercy used, they ran into Gunnerz and Noomi final boss. Streamer got beaver error.
Lots of salt after that loss.
Anyone need a third for trials?
I'm down for some trials, let's do it! Psn biggy70686Anyone need a third for trials? PSN Jafku
Ok. just going to the reefI'm down for some trials, let's do it! Psn biggy70686
Because matchmaking algorithms can do wonders. Trials used to matchmake best connections. Now it also tries to balance that with matching cards. Meaning the game could put you in a better connected lobby but give priority to a worse ping host because his card matches yours if they deem it's "close enough".
It's why outside lagswitchers, Trials used to be noticeably less laggy than any other playlist. Not anymore.
can someone explain my something about the Materials for the final step of the Exotic Sword quest please?
it says 0/10 Materials, i went farming. i am still at 0
oh maybe it is because i have wrong sword equipped, so i equip the orignsl sword that i have chosen.
still 0/10. hmmm,
so i go on Each Planet to see exactly if it is a specifx material. tried alll planets. still 0/10
ehat am i doing wrong?
can someone explain me something about the Materials for the final step of the Exotic Sword quest please?
it says 0/10 Materials, i went farming. i am still at 0
oh maybe it is because i have wrong sword equipped, so i equip the original sword that i have chosen.
still 0/10. hmmm,
so i go on Each Planet to see exactly if it is a specific material. tried alll planets. still 0/10
what am i doing wrong?
keep farming it's a pretty rare drop. It only come from the materials no chest..
310 and above. But don't expect alot of loot.IF I get any drops in hard mode will they be above 310? I've already completed normal mode this week.
wow. thanks.It should tell you what materials you need to farm. A certain sword requires certain materials. The problem is that getting those 10 materials is random. Just keep farming what they ask you to farm and it'll pop up.
If I remember correctly. Every 10 materials gives you 1 out of 10. So that means you farm 100 of whatever it asks for.
And chests don't count. It's a pain in the ass.
I'd like to join in. I haven't done the raid yet either!
I'll come. I've done normal a few times already.
Can i join Psn kadab
The quest is tied to that character that accepts thanks.
i thought that i bugged the quest because i swapped swords from one character to another
It still happened, specially when your Fireteam was super spread out (I'm in France and often played with guys in NA or Asia or both). But I think it's fair to say that overall, Trials was significantly less laggy than the rest of the Crucible.Wait, you're saying Trials wasn't a laggy mess previously? Huh?
Is this a serious question? That's not the only factor.
Thanks Mr-S for the Oryx kill, smooth as can be. That strategy is 100x better than no knights.
Still need an Oryx clear NM or HM for the artifact, message me rarbusto if you are getting a group together.
2 more
Anyone wanna take me through KF Normal?
Never done it before and would really like to experience it proper.
By proper I mean the same way I did with VoC and CE with Ridli & Retro (shout out to the best sherpas ever!), which involves a slow, methodical play and not a blitz run.
I'm a 292 Warlock
I imagine it close to the original strat from normal, just make sure to kill the knights. You have a Titan Floater with Blessings Bubble.Wait... Is there a new Oryx strat?
310 and above. But don't expect alot of loot.
2 more needed.
It's just the 2 titan floaters with bubbles and TOM to kill ogres while the guys on the ground have a fixed jumping order number (i.e. one guy will always go first regardless of where Oryx starts from).Wait... Is there a new Oryx strat?
Trials every week is a no go.
Should be every month, a whole week. Like IB. So every 2 week, you'd have IB and/or Trials.
The MM flop is also a given. Other then that... we need rewards. Better ones.
Hah holy shit, that keeps happening to us. We keep facing streamers.
That was was very good, i actually messaged him at the end and said gg.
Thanks so much for Flawless, Falifax and Afro. Now to complete the gold tier bounty.
Got a 310 Skullfort and a 312 AR that's going straight into Touch of Malice.
First Flawless ever!
Need 1 for a Trials bounty run. Mr-Stephen on PSN
THIS FUCKING GUY!Ignore this guy. He's a scrub.
It's just the 2 titan floaters with bubbles and TOM to kill ogres while the guys on the ground have a fixed jumping order number (i.e. one guy will always go first regardless of which platforms change around).
Need 1 for a Trials bounty run. Mr-Stephen on PSN
Alright, flawless get. Got my emblem and one of those adept pulse rifles.
Good shit.
Trials is definitely much harder this time around.
The LAG of Osiris. Down 4-1 and came back when host switched. SMH
Terrible connections all day in trails.
This is as bad as when we lost a boon because a team disconnected on us.
I'm done.
Yeah its a horrible experience when teams are lagging all over the place! Fix this shit bungie
The *insert fruit/ape* d/c loss is fucked up
You're in.I've never done the raid can I go?
PSN SturnusVulgarus
Icon and I need one for trials.
Icon and I need one for trials.
First Flawless ever!
1 more for King's Fallllllllll.....
Ok. FR and invite sent.If you can't find anyone else, I'm willing to help.
Just gimme 10-15 minutes. Need to turn on my PS4. PSN ID is same as username here.
Actually, I gave up on sniping.WHOOOO grats! You finally did it and mastered aim assist!