Need 1 more for NF. Join up if you need it.
Actually, I gave up on sniping.
I ran with a tinfoil hat and spouted conspiracy theories about aim assist. Needless to say, snipers died.
Congrates on the flawless clear! I replied to you Friday night in the last OT but I think you were already gone. I was super salty with Trials then, heck I still am a bit, so glad to see you kept with it. It's harder this time for sure. I got two clears this weekend and I am still in awe that happened.
Congrats noomi
What happened to our card? D:
Any MLG pros down to help me get 3 wins before the reset? Lost my mercy unfortunately
Need 1 more for NF. Join up if you need it.
Because if it's not fun then people will stop playing?How?
Surprised I haven't seen much discussion in this thread about it but what does everyone think of Trials of Osiris?
Really? That's all I notice people discussing.
Surprised I haven't seen much discussion in this thread about it but what does everyone think of Trials of Osiris?
I'm asking how was year one crucible more fun than year two.Because if it's not fun then people will stop playing?
I know many people here that feel that way.
Are you still doing it?Need 1 more for NF. Join up if you need it.
Thanks Mr-S for the Oryx kill, smooth as can be. That strategy is 100x better than no knights.
Still need an Oryx clear NM or HM for the artifact, message me rarbusto if you are getting a group together.
0/10 fail troll
I have to force the Netduma to reject anything outside of the area I highlight because this is ridiculous.
And then the fuckers start to lag switch -.-
Ok so I haven't played since about a week after Taken King released.
I'm using the Nightstalker and the quiver perk, but I'm only shooting one arrow. Is something glitched? I know I've shot 3 before.
Damn. Sounds like I missed out on some fun. How did you do the glitch?Its a hotfix to prevent the unlimited super arrow spam glitch. Bungie just removed it for now till they actually fix it.
With a 100 mb/s download speed, what are the top reasons why I am red-barring in Crucible? I don't get it.
I also opened up all the ports specific to PS4 and Destiny.
He got Deku so 10/10.
It was still more fun than the new PvP meta which means if I'd rather be Thorn'd than play PvP now, Bungie has a problem
You could be aggressive with Hand Cannons at close range or use Pulse Rifles at long range. There weren't any Sunbreakers pissing in our cereal (don't even, I main a Titan). People went into Crucible because they liked it or wanted to be there, not because quests and Marks lead them there anyways. So there weren't people dicking around with a sword hilt or quitting as much as they do because they've got quests that demand wins. I also got regular interesting drops - I had a Party Crasher in each element for PvE, Matador for PvP, Low Grade Humility for 6v6, etc. This kept the weapon parts coming in - even with re rolling, weapon parts weren't as scarce.I'm asking how was year one crucible more fun than year two.
Damn. Sounds like I missed out on some fun. How did you do the glitch?
My new job is killing my gaming time.
I know some will disagree with me but what if going to mercury just required 9 wins instead of flawless. Keep the boons and everything else the same, just make it so you dont have to be flawless. I mean who cares, really! Let everyone enjoy it.
Anyone looking to kill hm oryx?
I know some will disagree with me but what if going to mercury just required 9 wins instead of flawless. Keep the boons and everything else the same, just make it so you dont have to be flawless. I mean who cares, really! Let everyone enjoy it.
I know some will disagree with me but what if going to mercury just required 9 wins instead of flawless. Keep the boons and everything else the same, just make it so you dont have to be flawless. I mean who cares, really! Let everyone enjoy it.
Has everyone given up on that gun? It's still my go to weapon.Ughhh The Last Wordit's the only weapon I truly loved using in pvp.
You could be aggressive with Hand Cannons at close range or use Pulse Rifles at long range. There weren't any Sunbreakers pissing in our cereal (don't even, I main a Titan). People went into Crucible because they liked it or wanted to be there, not because quests and Marks lead them there anyways. So there weren't people dicking around with a sword hilt or quitting as much as they do because they've got quests that demand wins. I also got regular interesting drops - I had a Party Crasher in each element for PvE, Matador for PvP, Low Grade Humility for 6v6, etc. This kept the weapon parts coming in - even with re rolling, weapon parts weren't as scarce.
Now Crucible is full of players who don't like Crucible but want their Sword or Gunsmith bounty or whatever, or they're forced into going because they can only make a few marks a day and PvP is where half of them are. It's full of people who quit a match because they have a quest that they're not fulfilling in a given lobby. It's full of samey Pulse Rifles which all play the same - Red Death is Niwen's is Villainy is _________.
For all the "variety" out there, PRs everywhere feels far less diverse than Thorn/TLW/Messenger/Hawkmoon/Red Death.
I agree 100% Thorn's DoT had to be fixed to prevent the double tap. I also agree 100% TLW getting 111s down sights was a game breaking bug. And I'm aware HCs in general had too much range. But they fucked with the accuracy, and ruined PvP, and ruined the game in doing so.
I respect you liking the current state better, but stop acting like people who think it's garbage are being crazy. It's just a matter of preference and while I don't share yours, I won't get all sarcastic asking you how in the world you can find the current balance better.
Yessir.You still looking? Duebrithil and I wanna do it.
Preach it. I miss HoW-era Crucible. Except Thorn.You could be aggressive with Hand Cannons at close range or use Pulse Rifles at long range. There weren't any Sunbreakers pissing in our cereal (don't even, I main a Titan). People went into Crucible because they liked it or wanted to be there, not because quests and Marks lead them there anyways. So there weren't people dicking around with a sword hilt or quitting as much as they do because they've got quests that demand wins. I also got regular interesting drops - I had a Party Crasher in each element for PvE, Matador for PvP, Low Grade Humility for 6v6, etc. This kept the weapon parts coming in - even with re rolling, weapon parts weren't as scarce.
Now Crucible is full of players who don't like Crucible but want their Sword or Gunsmith bounty or whatever, or they're forced into going because they can only make a few marks a day and PvP is where half of them are. It's full of people who quit a match because they have a quest that they're not fulfilling in a given lobby. It's full of samey Pulse Rifles which all play the same - Red Death is Niwen's is Villainy is _________.
For all the "variety" out there, PRs everywhere feels far less diverse than Thorn/TLW/Messenger/Hawkmoon/Red Death.
I agree 100% Thorn's DoT had to be fixed to prevent the double tap. I also agree 100% TLW getting 111s down sights was a game breaking bug. And I'm aware HCs in general had too much range. But they fucked with the accuracy, and ruined PvP, and ruined the game in doing so.
I respect you liking the current state better, but stop acting like people who think it's garbage are being crazy. It's just a matter of preference and while I don't share yours, I won't get all sarcastic asking you how in the world you can find the current balance better.
Anyone getting tons of random disconnects? Get booted out of town all the time now it seems. And get booted out of orbit back into orbit... Or I'll click on patrol and it will boot me back to orbit when I finish the load screen.
I would love a fresh hard raid .Two scrubbos looking for 4 hulking heroes to brave the challenge of Oralyx in a fresh NM KF. Or a HM run through Oralyx's daughters. Perhaps both?!
A) deafmedal
b. phantom8324
C. who
d( could
3) it
6, be???
Two scrubbos looking for 4 hulking heroes to brave the challenge of Oralyx in a fresh NM KF. Or a HM run through Oralyx's daughters. Perhaps both?!
A) deafmedal
b. phantom8324
C. who
d( could
3) it
6, be???