Does the director show that you have completed the daily?
Good call, but yes it does. Like, I don't even care about the Marks really (I don't need any vendor stuff, I'm just pulling the last couple of Y1 items out that I don't have the Y2 versions of at this point) but just like what the fuck. Then when I got on Friday I got hit with the horseshit Heroic Strike matchmaking where it put me in a Strike with one AFKer dancing, never put in a third and after the AFKer quit/got booted never replaced them either.
Combined with knowing I will never get max grimoire (I can't bring myself to grind out the wins in some of the PvP stuff) it's pretty much completely drained my will to play the game. I'm OCD when it comes to game completion so knowing there is stuff I will never have makes me not want to bother at all (I basically go all or nothing), so I've just been sitting on the 3 exotic sword strikes, the NttE quest, etc. Even though I wouldn't have touched Trials anyway it's a bummer to see all of the reports of that being kind of a mess this weekend. Motivation to play is low

As a slight aside it's extremely interesting to see how incredibly proactive and engaged 343 is with their community, even on the Halo 5 reddit. Say what you will about 343/Halo 5, I feel like they're doing a significantly better job of at least pretending to care or give a shit then Bungie is right now.
Yeah, I actually went and dug it up this morning, last time she sold it was 9/1.