What does everyone think the minimum amount of content going forward should be for the major releases of Destiny? I feel like they should be as follows:
3 new raids
1 new subclass
20 new strikes
5 mini games like CoO
4 new weapon archetypes
10 new PvP maps
4 new PvP modes like IB and ToO
5 entirely new locations/planets
1 new enemy species
If the main Bungie team can't get this done then they should farm out content to third party developers. I feel like the original vanilla should have had Vanilla Destiny, TDB, HoW, and TTK in it instead of being sold piecemeal. If anything, it should have had TDB and HoW in it. TTK seemed to already have been intended as the final part of Vanilla until they scrapped everything..
You mean Destiny 2 when you say major release right? If so I'd still say that amount is probably a pipe dream, but here's what I'm anticipating (minimum) from Destiny 2 content wise:
1 new class
1 new sub class
2 new enemy types
2 new weapon types w/ removal of side arms and buff of hand cannons
8 strikes
1 raid
3 new planets/locations
1 mini game like CoO/Prison of Elders
some pvp crap i dont care about
More exotic quests lines with less time gates
All new and hopefully more exciting perks, with exotics feeling more exotic
Anything less than that and I'm sure I'll be bitching and complaining about a lack of content while still playing for a couple hundred hours.