KF NM, preferably from totems for me, as i'm just chasing loot to get to HM
10pm EST, if that works?
Normal or Hard
Can I hop in?
Ah, that makes sense. Y2 stats definitely not as good or extensive as Y1 stats for Trials, nor will they ever be.
Yet somehow, I haven't been able to get 7 wins on a single card. And it's not like I'm playing with different people. I'm playing with the exact same set of people I've always played trials with.
So I'm left scratching my head here.
It definitely shrink the pool. We played the same groups twice. As in two separate teams twice. The second time around both teams seemed particularly salty.
Normal, sorry. I could try hard on my warlock, but its only 301
hey cybr, we might have a spot.
we're doing normal, from totems.
we're starting in about 15 minutes, and I've not heard from any of the team aside from ich00, who said he most likely can't make it. I have 3 alts already, and 2 definitely in the FT. you could be our 6th, but I won't know for sure for a little bit.
I found that a lot of the skills I learned in 6v6 don't translate to 3v3, map control and positioning are a lot more important than before, particularly on this map. I suspect the average calibre of players this weekend is higher as well, there will be a lot of returning champions duking it out for the Y2 rewards. You'll hit your groove eventually!
I don't look at reddit or the Bungie forums, so I am curious if the general sentiment about PvP in 2.0 is as negative as it (deservedly) is here? If so I'd really like Bungie to address it soon. If they actually do quarterly balancing it would be December that it would happen. So they should at least say they are taking a look at it and doing testing right now.
These fuckers.]
I found that a lot of the skills I learned in 6v6 don't translate to 3v3, map control and positioning are a lot more important than before, particularly on this map.
is the raid shotgun worth keeping, or is it simply infusion-fodder?
You're just not worthy of a Necrochasm.I kick Crota's ass once again and still no Crux. Why is the drop rate so low? It's gonna still elude me by the time Destiny 2 comes out.
I kick Crota's ass once again and still no Crux. Why is the drop rate so low? It's gonna still elude me by the time Destiny 2 comes out.
If Luke is around anywhere, I'm curious what you guys will be using as metrics to determine if the changes for Trials will be considered an improvement or not.
Like, obviously there is going to be complaints in any competitive PvP setting, so it's hard for us to see exactly what is happening.
I'm assuming you guys are looking at trials bounties completed and stuff like that.
Basically, I just hope Deej actually talks about it in the next BWU.
Other than that, the more I read about it, the more I think it feels like the "middle class" of PvP players has been dissolved. The best of the middle class has made it into the elite, but most of the middle class has been reduced to lower class players that.
I always thought I was on the better end of the gaming spectrum. Hell, DestinyTracker would have me believe I have great stats:
Yet somehow, I haven't been able to get 7 wins on a single card. And it's not like I'm playing with different people. I'm playing with the exact same set of people I've always played trials with.
So I'm left scratching my head here.
I've done HM Crota 35 times for loot and seen 2 cruxes drop for myself.
Don't worry about the Nechro. It's still trash.
Good lord watching Tfue's stream is annoying as can be. He sounds and talks like a dumbass half the time.
Majority of these streamers and youtubers are so obnoxiously annoying. ;
Mhm. Say what you will about how Thorn/Hawk/TLW were OP, but they all felt and performed drastically different from each other. How you approached a match depended on which HC you were using.lol @ that person saying we've gone from having 2 guns to 8+. Yeah, maybe, but they're all pulse rifles and they all feel the fucking same.
Mhm. Say what you will about how Thorn/Hawk/TLW were OP, but they all felt and performed drastically different from each other. How you approached a match depended on which HC you were using.
With pulse rifles...its all lomg range. Compounded with sniper rifles and every match is a fuckery of standing around looking at doors.
Mhm. Say what you will about how Thorn/Hawk/TLW were OP, but they all felt and performed drastically different from each other. How you approached a match depended on which HC you were using.
With pulse rifles...its all lomg range. Compounded with sniper rifles and every match is a fuckery of standing around looking at doors.
Nice, looks like you have plenty of people. I'm not online now but send me a party invite if you need me, I'll see it on my phone.
lol @ that person saying we've gone from having 2 guns to 8+. Yeah, maybe, but they're all pulse rifles and they all feel the fucking same.
Thorn and Hawkmoon are nearly identical in how you play with them. TLW was the only one that really felt different.
If Luke is around anywhere, I'm curious what you guys will be using as metrics to determine if the changes for Trials will be considered an improvement or not.
Like, obviously there is going to be complaints in any competitive PvP setting, so it's hard for us to see exactly what is happening.
I'm assuming you guys are looking at trials bounties completed and stuff like that.
Basically, I just hope Deej actually talks about it in the next BWU.
Other than that, the more I read about it, the more I think it feels like the "middle class" of PvP players has been dissolved. The best of the middle class has made it into the elite, but most of the middle class has been reduced to lower class players that.
I always thought I was on the better end of the gaming spectrum. Hell, DestinyTracker would have me believe I have great stats:
Yet somehow, I haven't been able to get 7 wins on a single card. And it's not like I'm playing with different people. I'm playing with the exact same set of people I've always played trials with.
So I'm left scratching my head here.
is the raid shotgun worth keeping, or is it simply infusion-fodder?
I like it when battling taken so I keep one for PvE.is the raid shotgun worth keeping, or is it simply infusion-fodder?
Raid shotty seems decent. Honestly I've used snipers almost exclusively in PvE and PvP since TTK launched.
I've seen people do well in PvP with it, but most any shotgun would probably have done the same. The life leech perk where you get life back from killing 3 enemies seems nice for PvE. Depending on the last perk you could infuse it or keep it for the collection. I don't think you'd miss it much if it was gone.
If Luke is around anywhere, I'm curious what you guys will be using as metrics to determine if the changes for Trials will be considered an improvement or not.
Like, obviously there is going to be complaints in any competitive PvP setting, so it's hard for us to see exactly what is happening.
I'm assuming you guys are looking at trials bounties completed and stuff like that.
Basically, I just hope Deej actually talks about it in the next BWU.
Other than that, the more I read about it, the more I think it feels like the "middle class" of PvP players has been dissolved. The best of the middle class has made it into the elite, but most of the middle class has been reduced to lower class players that.
I always thought I was on the better end of the gaming spectrum. Hell, DestinyTracker would have me believe I have great stats:
Yet somehow, I haven't been able to get 7 wins on a single card. And it's not like I'm playing with different people. I'm playing with the exact same set of people I've always played trials with.
So I'm left scratching my head here.
Off topic from this post, but I saw your earlier post about getting a gaming monitor. I bought one during HoW Trials and have really liked it. I used to switch back and forth from my big TV for Trials vs other stuff but then I moved and I've left the PS4 hooked up to only my monitor in the office. I like being able to sit close to a small, sharp screen than far away from a big, muddier screen. Definitely feels snappier and crisper for PvP, reduced input lag is very noticeable.
Sorry too tired tonight :/edit: join on rasengan1337, please. I thought I had the totems CP, but I seem to have not saved it correctly.
1. rasengan1337 - already online
2. Ichabod00 - watching lincoln
3. Fahlco - already in KF, so i'm assuming not joining our FT
4. Ubergrmn - iRawr, you coming?
5. Pandora012 - online?
6. stuckd - definitely in group
alt: raadius
alt: Casmith7509
alt: steakjuice
Drizzay can join us too, if we're in need
Its because their matchmaking algorithm doesnt guarantee getting matched up with players of equal skill. All its looking at is wins. So lets say you reach 6 wins, its either a bad team on their last game doing bounties or a good team on their 6th win. And if the team is going for Mercury, chances are theyll dump their card the second they get a red marker..
Basically your best bet for getting to Mercury is friday. After that the pool if players will go down. Combined with their new matching, chances are youll be matched with opposing teams that have +1/+0/-1 wins compared to your own, with the pool growing when it cant find people.
This matchmaking discourages newbier teams from trying out, before average to above average players could get lucky with matching and make it to mercury. Thats what the boons were for. Now? Unless you execute perfectly, the matches above 4 wins will get progressively harder as the pool thins.
And dont get me started on the lack of connection priority. I would say that out of the 10 matches I played last night, 6 of those lag was a factor.
Best time to play is almost always Sunday morning. Just my opinion but it's almost always the easiest for me.